Love cars and wrist watches since I was a kid

>Love cars and wrist watches since I was a kid
>Got my license the second I turned 16 but couldn't get a car because cucked by living in brooklyn
>Go to college in the city so can't get a car to drive to school
>Love cars but basically 0 practical experience outside of driving sims
>Get into grad school upstate
>Ask my parents for cheap manual shitbox to drive up since I was offered a scholarship and they're not gonna pay anything
>Tell them specifically that I just want a 90's or 00's manual Civic or Corrolla
>Dad talks to Uncle
>He gets me this piece of shit
>Literally the cheapest car in america
>Shifts up at like 2k NO MATTER WHAT
>The thing doesn't even know what a powerband is
I don't know how much they paid for it, but I want to return it.
My mom thinks driving a manual is dangerous and my dad keeps talking about how easy and nice it is to drive
What the fuck do I do? I don't want to be stuck with this thing for 4+ years. It drives like absolute garbage

Other urls found in this thread:

The interior is fucking depressing too
This is a stock pic, the one I got is fucking filthy, and the drivers seat has weird black stains on the driver's seat.

It understeers like a bitch and the fuel economy isn't even that amazing, I'm at half the tank in only about 35 miles


Fuck off you ungrateful, spoiled cunt. Of course somebody this entitled is from New York.

why would you want a manual anyway? we only use them here in europe because it's more simple and simple things are cheaper, more reliable and easier to fix

do you really want to play with a stick in a shitbox? do you really wanna shift every 1500k rpm?

If you want a better car then earn money and buy one yourself you little shit.

> Get given free car
> "Not exactly what I wanted"
> Still complains

>because it's more simple and simple things are cheaper, more reliable and easier to fix
Well for this exact reason
Also manuals are more fun imo, I love driving
I guess I left context out, my sister gets to have her full state tuition paid for while I cost them basically nothing during undergrad.
I couldn't work because being pre-health means you're taking 18 credits a semester for 4 years and you're expected to keep your GPA above a 3.5. So yeah.

>What the fuck do I do?
sell it and buy a 5 speed manual late 90s Corolla or Prizm

Also, those automatics are CVTs. Technically, there is no shifting.

i was gonna call him ungrateful too, but my brother is a mechanic at a nissan dealership and i constantly hear him shit talk them, things like emergency break discs literally shattering, cvt slipping when its brand new, shit like that

desu OP STILL is an enitled nigger, but the car is trash. we can give him that.

>weird black stains on the driver's seat.

>Also manuals are more fun imo, I love driving
i used to think the same when i got my first shitbox too, but some time later it gets just so bothersome. anyway you got a free automatic, be happy with that

>So yeah.
So yeah what? You still act like an ungrateful teenager who didn't get her iPhone 7 with the gold trim? You have no reasonable argument here. Be happy you got a car.

>just looked it up
>3 recalls in the past 4 years

While it's disappointing that you didn't get what you wanted, the car was free. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth and all that. But, if you really hate it so much (i drove one for a week, I don't blame you) then sell it and get what you really wanted.

t. Native texan

Well my point is that a civic would have probably been cheaper than this shit heap
I have no idea how much they paid but come on.
It's all because they have these weird car myths they believe in, like how you NEED AWD for snow or how the only way to be safe in a car is to buy a giant fucking Jeep.
Then I have to deal with selling it and shit, I think I can probably get my uncle to return this piece of garbage where he got it, but I don't know how to convince my parents to stop being retards

Not that guy, but I don't think they're bothersome at all, except in heavy traffic. I've been driving manual for 12 years and it's still enjoyable.

I hate to break it to you, but cars can't be returned. Also, selling a car isn't a big deal. You go to the dmv and they do all the work.

Oh I forgot to mention that they refuse to think any car over 100k miles is functional, no matter how much I explain to them that a simple car like an NA miata or civic can keep going for decades with proper maintenance.
Also my mom thinks that convertibles are death traps and that it's impossible to use them in anything but bright sunny weather
Kill me

*you go to the DMV and they hand you the papers you need and you do all the work

damn you got me

also OP i just noticed, what do wrist watches have got to do with this thread?

I had no clue it was even a CVT
I can't get the thing to rev more than 3k, even on a hill.
The result is no power at all, even for the ~100HP it has.
Also story time just to give context about the people I'm dealing with

>Mom wants to go to costco to pick up glasses
>figure it's a good way to try the thing out
>Tells me to slow down if I'm even a hair above 20
>Insists that I take it local
>Turns off radio so I can "focus"
>cringes up anytime there's another car within 100 feet of us
>Half way through there was an ambulance coming at us at like 40 mph
>I do the normal thing and just hug the sidewalk to it can pass
>She fucking screams
>Tells me I should have stopped dead in the middle and make the ambulance go around us somehow despite it being a busyish 2 lane street
>Finally get to costco
>Shes holding on to my arm and telling me to watch out for anyone even remotely close to the car
>Insists she gets out to see if people are coming while I pull into the spot
This is the people I'm dealing with anons. help.

Thanks for reinforcing the stereotype that new yorkers are entitled cunts. Once I move from here I'm not telling anyone where I'm originally from.

For the record I bought a shitvic at 17 with my own money. No excuses. I'd tell you to sell the car and buy what you want but I know daddy's holding the title.

The OP was gonna be longer but I just tl;dred it
Just wanted to establish that they're not supportive of any of my hobbies and constantly ridicule my watch collection despite it being 99% cheap Casios

Do you need a license to buy even a basic shotgun in NY?

I don't even know how many hoops you need to go through to get a firearm over here in this shithole

Not OP but in NYC yes you need a license. We are cucked 6 ways from Sunday.

>I'm at half the tank in only about 35 miles

that is like 3 mpg

Yeah it's really weird
I'll top it off and see what's going on
>but cars can't be returned
Pls be kidding
I don't want this thing in my life. Would literally rather take the Amtrak like a good goy

>Protip: use the odometer to measure miles driven

>but cars can't be returned

They can't, nit wit

Oh, so your parents are the target market for an underpowered CVT cuckmobile.

I'll bite the 2/10 bait because why not.

Sell the Nissan on your own and buy a manual shitbox.

Op will hate it. Since its not the car he wants and rather hates. He will hate his first car forever, and first car is staying with him 5 years minimum.
Just thank your parents, but say it isn't what you asked for. Buy a 1990 corolla/civic, and give the rest of the money to them.

Sadly, yes. I don't even know how or why people buy into all these bullshit car myths.

Anyway I'm going to un-cuck myself, If they won't replace it with a civic I'll just have my piece of shit uncle return it and I'll take the train
fuck it.
Albany doesn't even have a decent bus system I think, so I'll be stuck on campus all day but it's better than dealing with this trash heap.

2009 was the worst year for cars. That stupid fucking trade-your-car-in thing that Obama made to fellate the auto industry had all the companies making these cheap ~$10k garbage cans on wheels.
I don't have the time to have to deal with shit like that user. This is my last semester, and I'm taking 20 credits to graduate a year early so my mom can be "happy with me"
I'm in class 6 days a week with a 2 hour combined commute.
And besides, the people who would be interested in buying this thing are not people I want to deal with.
They refuse to hand me money and let me buy my own car. The feel the need to be involved in the sale.
There's an amazing condition NA miata with ~200k miles on it, leather seats,regularly maintained with a full history, and stock everything for around 3k.
They laughed at it because "convertibles are unsafe on the highway"

The answer is to either sell it or quit complaining. You got a free car, stop being a lil bitch.

This thing is a car in only the vaguest sense of the word.

jesus christ lmao

cuck yorkers everyone, this is the average parent there

>had a job ever since highschool
>parents refused to buy me a car for college because I shouldn't need to leave campus
>grandfather upgraded and gave me his old family car that's just been rotting in the garage because he's proud of me and knows I'll take care of it
>175,000 miles, 20 years old when I got it, and an underpowered boat that's too big for most parking spaces and handles like crap
>I don't complain because I'm not an ungrateful little faggot
>DD and repair that car for 5 years
>other grandfather dies and leaves me his car in his will because he knows I'm the most mechanically competent person in the family
>It's not a car I would have chosen but I'm grateful because I didn't realize my grandfather thought that highly of me (he was a mechanic by trade and knew his shit)
>have two free cars because I'm a good person who has demonstrated his value to my elders and they trust me to be responsible

Jesus its 3k.
Sell this fucking car for 4-5k and buy the miata.
Grow a pair and be aggresive towards your parents.
Same happened with mine.
They wanted to buy me a shitty 2001 polo. I said fuck no, don't you fuck with me I said what I want.
>Its unsafe on the highway
boo fucking hoo, life is unsafe, might as well live under glass bell.
Just tell them you want the civic or corolla real bad. If they tell you you are stuck with this, tell them to go fuck themselves, fuck around in college.
They may not pay you for a college year, but they will probably weigh in what is more important. You passing college early or giving in to your shitty request.
The ball will be in their court.

Anyone complaining about what car they got when it wasn't their money that completed the sale, can get fucked. If OP had his own chunk of change and his parents were trying to control how he spent it, fuck them. But it's their money. What car is purchased is rightfully their decision because it's ultimately a gift. So OP can go fuck himself and deal with it. I hope they keep the car in their name and on their insurance and only ALLOW OP to use it. That way he can't even sell the thing and he's stuck with it until he pulls his head out of his ass and buys his own damn car.

Problem is that OPs parents bought him this car because they thought lowly of him, and think he's a child. read the thread before you post my man, your story would have BTFO op had it actually been relevant.

No, that's my point. If OP were worthy of it, they'd consider him a responsible adult and get him a decent shitbox. If they think he's a child he probably fucking earned it, and being an ungrateful cunt ITT is only proving that.

Fuck you op. Never did my parents paid for my shitboxes.

seems like your parents thought you were a little shit too, but you luckily had a grandparent that wasn't tainted by autism, and gave you a nice car.

You've turned what was a cool story into you also being autistic but just somewhat better off than OP.

Clean up your shitbox, offer to trade it for the guy's miata. He'll probably laugh in your face, but try it anyway.

OP is at least 22 years old and he can't scrape together enough money to buy a 90s Camry so they obviously treat him like a child for a reason.

My parents actually had a van they didn't use sitting around, but didn't want me using it because it's an unsafe piece of shit with rusty brake lines that were on the verge of collapse. They were right, because the next time one of them drove it, the brakes gave out. They didn't believe in buying me a car because I had a job and could theoretically buy my own, and they actually didn't think I'd have any business off-campus during college so there was no need for one. I was about to buy my own when the first grandfather gift happened.

I didn't feel like typing all of that into the greentext because I didn't think anyone could possibly defend the little bastard that is OP. But here you are. So, kindly go fuck yourself.

Don't get me wrong. He should make his own way into world. Wishes are granted when you grant the yourself.
My parents wanted to buy me a 5k polo.
But I literally forced them to buy me 200$ corolla. I literally saved them 4.8k when I was 18. I was mechanically inept, because my parents are just a couple of accountants, I couldn't even point my finger where the engine was.I wanted to learn all before buying classics. From buying my first toolset and my first oil change. To swapping engine in the corolla (same engine swap) in 1 year. And it continues to be my work horse to this very day and I am very grateful for everything this little corolla gave me.
After 1 year I got a summer job. Worked my ass off whole summer for 12k$.
Gave them 2k, because they've been nice to me all my life. Bought myself pristine AW11 for 7k with 40k miles on clock. and still have 3k to my name to grant any of my humble wishes.
Want to go to cinema? Fuck yes 10$ taken from my own account.
Want to just drive around? Fuck yes no problem, you've earned it buddy.

Point is, everything can be acheived by your own power.

>My parents wanted to buy me a 5k polo.

Look, kudos to you man, but your parents didn't expect you to get into professional school since the day you were born.
I spent every single break since I was 18 volunteering (hedoesitforfree.jpg), and shadowing various health care professionals.
It's quite literally impossible for me to come up with more than the $100 a week I make from chem tutoring since I have a more than full schedule this semester (again, graduating undergrad in 3 years) and this summer they want me to go back to cuckland where they're from because Pharmacy school is a year round thing.

Do I feel entitled to a Oh you wanted to just relax after getting perfect grades in HS?
>Fuck you were gonna make you take classes in med school abroad to get you "ready"

>Oh you don't want to do med school and will go Pharm instead to not waste 20+ years of your life?
>Fuck you we're not going to give you any financial support in grad school.

Am I bitching? Yes.
Am I going to tell them to take their shitbucket on wheels and fuck off? Absolutely.

Oh please. At the end of all the 'bullshit expectations' you'll be set up to have a life better than the majority of people can have. When you're done with school and enter the workforce you can afford whatever manual car you want.

Accept and appreciate the position you're in and don't be so ungrateful, many aren't so lucky.

kill yourself, pennsylfaggot

>you'll be set up to have a life better than the majority of people can have
No I won't
If did med school I would have wasted away my 20's and 30's
I went for pharm school because I could at least have my 30's.
The job market for medicine in general is rapidly dying and I'm going to have to live like absolute shit to pay off my nearly 200k loans.

Not to mention that any time you go against them they go into the whole "I gave up my life for you" spiel.
I voted for Trump so that no other 1st gen would have to deal with shitty immigrant parents.

douchebag blog post

>>Love cars and wrist watches since I was a kid

What the fuck does this have to do with wrist watches?

>What the fuck do I do?

Get a job you ungrateful cunt.

As someone who can somewhat relate to your situation I would say that sometimes you have to tell your parents to fuck off and not give them control over you. I went to a CUNY so they couldn't hold paying for school over my head (and they also couldn't do shit when I changed majors from engineering). I paid for my own car so they couldn't say shit about that either. The only thing they did was give me a place to live during school. If they wanted to be petty fucks and throw me out for not majoring in engineering I would have dealt with it somehow, better than being their slave.

Remember that you're the one who has to live your life. Your parents won't have to live with the consequences of the decisions they are making for you, you will.

>I went to a CUNY so they couldn't hold paying for school over my head
Not only did I go to a CUNY, I was in the retarded honors program so school was free for me.
Were they proud? Of course not.
I'm graduating early and getting into a pretty hard to get into pharm program. Were they proud? No.
I'm just gonna be taking the train I guess.
Fuck this shit, fuck Nissan for making such a piece of shit car, and fuck Bill Clinton and democrats in general for letting immigrants into the US.

Are you chinese or viet?

what the fuck does the presidential dude have to do with this shit you frustrated fuck, did you get raped by the mexican that sold you your autotragic nissan?

lol Egyptian
But from the actual country.
He let every 3rd world piece of shit that applied into the country on H1Bs during the 90's.
Immigration doesn't help, or solve anything.

>grad student needs to ask Veeky Forums for advice because his parents got the wrong cheap shitbox
lmao what

if youve loved cars since you were a kid you would just get aj ob and buy a good car? not cry because you wanted a free shitbox and got a free shitbox

>He let every 3rd world piece of shit that applied into the country on H1Bs during the 90's.
including your dumb ass apparently

fuck off sand nigger

If you're old enough to be in grad school and can afford to buy your own shitheap then respectfully decline the car. Don't expect any free money in return though. Free shit is just that, free. Now if they ask you to start paying for the car, return it to them and tell them no (in a respectful manner you ungrateful garbage)

I can't talk too much shit, my parents basically handed me $5000 USD and told me to find something. BUT I still got denied on my first choice, a mint condition series 5 FC rx7. Ended up with a stock mint s13 240sx. All maintenance and insurance was for me to pay. I learned how to wrench on a car fast, you're not going to have time or money to keep up a old cheap sportscar.

TL;DR keep it and finish school, buy something you want after graduation. Life isn't that short buddy, always time later for a sweet car.

Yea 3rd world parents are pretty switched on with the whole, "youre not going to live the shitty life i did" thing tho. I mean if midnight driving is your dream with an 80s shitbox you can do that while you have a bit of money
Nigga just change degrees

>Nigga just change degrees
Way, wayyyyyy too late for that.
>Ended up with a stock mint s13 240sx. All maintenance and insurance was for me to pay.
I would totally take this arrangement.
I just got this heap of shit shoved on me.
I've already told them I don't want it.
I would rather take the amtrak and be stuck on campus that even bother with the thing.
>get aj ob and buy a good car?
I think I've sufficiently explained why I can't get a job. Also this is below a shitbox, as the other anons in the thread who've driven a Versa can testify.

Lmao I bet we went to CCNY at the same time

Nah Baruch here
Yeah, I did bio at baruch (cause it was free)