Pre-Modern cities

Post contemporary depictions or descriptions of pre-modern cities and city life, either outside of the West or in the pre-1500 West, preferably based on eyewitness accounts.

I'll dump what I've got.

Florence depicted in the Bigallo Madonna, painted about 1342 AD.

The same city a century and a half later.

A French depiction of a city, possibly based on Paris, from the 1450s.

Mont Saint-Michel in the 1410s. Not really a city though.

Streets in the background of the Merode Altarpiece, 1420s AD.

City in the background of Rogier van der Weyden's "St. Ivo", about 1450 AD.

A 1st century Roman harbour scene from Stabiae.

A riot at the amphitheater of Pompeii.

A Pompeian villa.


Marrakech in 1640.

Tblisi in 1671

Kashan, late 17th century

Isfahan in 1656

Man that is tiny.



Yeah, because art in that era was natorious for respecting proportions


Some paintings of Delhi in the 1840s, before its destruction in 1857.

Inside the Red Fort.

The city, with the Friday Mosque.

Central Isfahan in 1684.

trapgevel is bestegevel