Eurocucks will never get to own a big truck

>eurocucks will never get to own a big truck

Joke's on you, coworker owns a Ram SRT10 >in Germany. I'm merely to intelligent too own a truck.

imagine being an americuck with not only a small penis but also a circumcised one


I just walked by a GMC sierra today.


>wanting a pavement princess
why not just drive a normal pickup truck with no lift kit for once?

you are wrong OP, we have them here too, not every euro country is being cucked we have guns and big trucks, mostly rams and tundras

It will be outlawed within 5 years

Enjoy paying $3k a year in special fuel taxes

> Americunts will never know what it's like to nt have to compensate for lack of penis size or lack of stature

>americans pay jewish doctors to mutilate their son's penises

>talking about children's penises

You mean like a European? Maybe he wants to celebrate American culture?

Felt bad that my mom didn't want the doctor cutting my penis because its pretty much the norm in america and I've read a few studies that Women (at least here in america) prefer circumcised penises to uncircumcised ones and that if i weren't circumcised my chances of getting a female companion were drastically cut down... (no pun intended)

>Tip master.

>wanting a big truck
>Not wanting an aestheticsmobile
One day famalam. I have the money for one but it doesn't make sense for me to buy one yet

>LE Tip master

They are everywhere in Germany

americut detected

Sure they are Ahmed.

but that isn't a truck, its a utility.

Yeah and how much extra do they cost you guys to own?

I prefer circumcised vaginas, but apparently that makes me some kind of monster?


sharia law wouldn't allow them to have one anyway.allah forbids it.

Sorry Germany

Keep saving user. Parts are stupid-cheap, and driving an old half-ton with a long bed in stock configuration is God-tier comfy. I still look forward to driving my 91 Ram to work every day years after I bought it, and it was only $2000!

all you need to do is put on a good foreign accent, stupid bitches will think sucking on your foreskin is an adventure

you can get a newer truck that doesn't look like a faggot on steroids

That looks nice.

sharia law also wouldn't allow them to have fedoraskins

>eurocucks and amerikikes will never get to own a ute

He's paying $397 in registration, and it's LPG converted. LPG currently costs $2.46 a gallon after taxes.

Uhh we gave you fuckers those. Your welcome.

>there is an entire massive population of people who have never driven a V8
I find this so odd. It must be so emasculating to be a poor European.

>propane-ing a srt10

You people shouldn't be allowed to own trucks.


It's also tuned and still does 580 hp on pump gas.

lol, and your draconian laws forbid you from ever having them again

what's it like to get KEKED, burger?

That thing looks like something you'd find at a lgbtbbq meeting. You can keep them thanks.

[muffled sound of $1,932 in payments leaving the account every month in the background]

[repoing intensifies]

whatever you say, brokeback

Says the faggot paying $2k a month rent for a 250 sq.ft "flat"

[euroing intensifies]

they do, except they are made bigger to fit your average american in them and they call them trucks, when they are clearly oversized utility vehicles

I used to think American trucks were impractically huge until I actually saw a Dodge Ram in real life.
It was smaller than a Transit.

>unaware that the word Ute comes from from the French word "Coupe Utility"

of course it's smaller than a transit, transits are fucking huge but it's not like half of europe is using them as daily drivers

amerifat picuck """"""trucks""""""" are mostly used to take hank to his job at an accounting firm during the week and to haul his $6,000 riding lawn mower back from the shop on the weekend

So just like Land Rover Defenders in Europe? Because every 110 4 door defender I see has a white collar driver

>paying $2k a month rent for a 250 sq.ft "apartment"
it's the same in any american city worth living in

not everybody wants to live in a plywood mcmansion or a dilapidated 50s ranch house in the suburbs of houston, cletus

$370 including heat and water bills for 600 sqft actually, plus some electricity and internet, so let's call it $420 all included.

There are no Australian cities worth living in.

nice touch on the leaf springs, there

[slav squatting intensifies]

Or Amaroks. Seeing banged up, loaded up, towing, dirty van stakebeds everyday. Never seen a dirty, loaded or towing Amarok in my life. They're lifestyle meme vehicles just like privately owned American pickups.

>gotta have a trrrkkk to reinforce my masculinity and haul a washing machine once

Germany actually. Also I can walk into the center of a 500,000 city and it's generally crime free around here. You've fallen for the white flight meme and now you live in a plywood warehouse 20 miles away from anything relevant.

>ukraine provides its citizens with free healthcare
>USA doesn't (instead they provide it to illegal immigrants)


I can't even imagine wanting to live within 30 miles of another human. How terrible.

Holy duck USA btfo'd by Mongolia
>How can they even recover?

You'll fit right into the United States of Self Obsessed Isolationist Dickwads then.

Being concerned with "fitting in" to some culture.

No thanks.

hey, if you want to be a nutbar prepper living "off the grid" in some shack out in the woods instead of having neighbors and being part of a community, feel free

That's ok dear friend. I just like living apart from people who seemed so desperate to tell me how to live. Sorry it makes you feel rejected.

>being part of a community

This looks like fucking hell.

A big portion of business owners here in the Netherlands can use a tax loophole (Grey registration) that allows them to buy trucks without VAT, and with minimal insurance and road tax. They're cheap as fuck, especially when equipped with propane. It's literally cheaper to buy a Ram 1500 than a BMW 320 diesel.

>hating on propane?
Why? Massively high latent heat of evaporisation combined with massive expansion from liquid to gas means it's basically our equivalent of E85, but better. Not that many gains on n/a motors, but anything with boost+propane is a godlike combo. When a fuel does all of that, and then also decreases your running costs, why complain?

the people who live in those buildings are probably happier than the average amerishart living in a hellscape of strip malls and gaudy 4000 sq ft mcmansion with 30 feet of space between each house

that mint green polo is sexy

We realized propane was fucking useless back in the 80's. Some big fleet trucks and school buses run on propane but they mostly do it to seem more "green" and get tax breaks. Propane forklifts are pain in the ass and stink. Gas and diesel are too cheap here to make propane viable.

Most people don't even run their BBQ's on propane, Most houses have a natural gas outlet on the patio.

Distance from neighbours is heaven

t. Somebody who has to put up with neighbours.

Proximity to neighbors isn't an issue at all if everyone isn't trying their hardest to be a selfish bastard like American are.

>Most people don't even run their BBQ's on propane


it also helps if your government isn't moving section ape tenants into your neighborhood against your will

Not that much, especially when your factor in things like income and average car prices. A Ram 1500 starts at 38K EUR in Germany, and a loaded crew cab is something like 52K. 52K is about what you pay for a base level E300, 530 and A6 3.0.

Coworker says his SRT10 is cheaper to run than his previous Mercedes. Dat parking though.

Americans tied for 5th place in most charitable nations, only European country more generous is Ireland. Hmm. Which European country are you from?

It really is a shame. Like I pointed out in , utes would get a massive tax break, which would mean a Holden SS Ute would cost about 36K EUR. I could be driving a massive 6.2 V8 with 400+hp for less than the price of a new 318, and with lower running costs as well.

That's because we're already financing our social benefits through taxes and don't have to give additional money away to stop people from starving or freezing to death.

america is also home to some of the wealthiest people in the world, and virtue signaling has become one of the great american pastimes

>30 feet of space between each house
>he says this as if it's supposed to be a huge distance




it is when you're living in a giant housing tract full of cookie cutter houses

if you need to build housing to accomodate a ton of people it's better to build townhouses or apartment buildings, not a bunch of neo-victorian houses made of chicken wire and spackle

Proximity to neighbours is always an issue because the only kind of people who live long-term in apartments and terraces are poor, dumb untermensch who scream at sports, scream at their partner (or with them when thy're fucking at all hours), scream when they're drunk (they always are) and let their 6 dogs wail all night long.

The only reason to ever have neighbours is because you can't afford to move away from yet.

It's actually not even for European detached house standards. Maybe he just flopped the conversion and meant 30 metres or 30 yards.

>Women (at least here in america) prefer circumcised penises to uncircumcised ones

Shit like this can literally only come from burgerland.
However with yuropoor soon turning into a mudslim place, this will also become the norm here

The reason to have neighbors is because a community offers support and raises productivity through shared resources. If everyone moved as far away as possible from each not not only would everything become much more expensive, but society would slowly break apart, which is what's actually happening in the US.

>Propane forklifts are pain in the ass and stink.
That's called a lack of maintenance and giving a shit. Properly adjusted, they're fine and won't smell.

>Gas and diesel are too cheap here to make propane viable.
It's not about the price. Propane has a better latent heat of vaporisation, and because it rapidly eexpands in the intake tract, it uses that to cool down the intake air. This is basically chemical intercooling, far more effective than for example methanol could be, nevermind regular gasoline. Your country is experimenting with alternative fuels that do this, like E85, but even that is inferior to propane. Even on a naturally aspirated car, you can have a decent (10-15%) power gains by tuning it for a propane mixture. Just the raw octane alone (105 AKI) exceeds anything you can get at the pump, unless you get anything like VP's C16 stuff at the pump. And hey, even that high octane race stuff is still not going to be as good as propane, because it's a liquid. Propane instantly vaporises the intake air, and cools it down, something which even that fancy 117 AKI race gas can't do. The only stuff with higher octane numbers than propane is ill-suited for use in combustion engines, or has a much lower specific energy. The only exception to this is nitromethanol, which is awesome due to it's high specific energy, extreme stoic burning ratio, and similar heat of vaporisation to propane - but nitromethanol isn't exactly practical or cheap. Meanwhile, propane will always be cheaper than any expensive race gas, and in some countries, it'll be cheaper than regular gasoline. Simply put, it's not always about cost, and when it is, that's awesome.

>tl;dr propane is best fuel

Go drive a propane vehicle, They're gutless pigs. They only work in your shithole because all the other cars are 70hp and slow as fuck.

Now spraying propane into a diesel truck running 50psi is a different story.

ITT: Sad Europeans who were left behind when there smarter ancestors left for increased opportunity, prosperity, and land in the Better (New) World.

kek, implying we weren't glad to cast off our village idiots so they could go and get killed by injuns


You're living in a communo-fantasy. There's no such thing anymore, and proximity to others only causes aggravation.

>Muh butt dyno!

Did you even read anything I posted? I've driven dozens of LPG vehicles, from 70hp shitboxes to an NA6 Miata to brand new 200hp Mercs to 5.7 Rams, and everything in between. On any installation made in this century, there is no difference between running on LPG or gasoline. Hell, after tuning, you can get more horsepower out of the LPG system than off regular gasoline, exactly because of what I posted in .

You're just used to older installations, in older vehicles, which did suck to be honest. Newer installations with multi-point injection (and even direct injection in the coming future) are vastly superior to the older ones, and improve performance over regular gasoline.

>Now spraying propane into a diesel truck running 50psi is a different story.
This shows even more of propane's advantages. Not only will it cool the intake air in a turbodiesel, it will also create more exhaust flow than just regular diesel (because propane expands more in combustion), which will spool that big turbo a whole lot bigger. Nitrous has similar effects, but it's more expensive.

Spend 60k on a truck which is the driving prove for a small penis
We have superior cars like pic related

>implying I want a shitty truck instead of this

The most common pick-up trucks I see in bongland are Mitsubishi L200s. They seem popular with hipster higher-ups on building sites who are too good for vans.

>that awkward bend between the cab and the bed

How does it feel going back to school?

That's the best time man, hang onto the money and keep an eye out for a great deal. There was recently an 85 shortbox in my area for sale, lowered 4/6, built 400-something horse 327 and pristine original paint for like $6500, I was bummed.

>200hp mercs

>He thinks 200hp is a lot

When I was last in Hamburg there was C63 amgs all over the place, not to mentioned a myriad of other actually quick cars.

So why is it that eurofags on this board think that 3.0l engines are massive?

We had utes long before the el camino, cobber.

But we do have trucks.

I'm not saying it's a lot, I'm saying that I've driven a diverse set of cars with LPG installations.

>So why is it that eurofags on this board think that 3.0l engines are massive?
They're not massive, but they're certainly above-average in terms of displacement. For every C63 you spot, there's two dozens of C200's. My personal definition of massive starts at 500cid.

Why would i want a car that is good for exactly nothing?
Lifted truck? So it's pain in the ass to load and unload? So when i load it with cargo it gonna drop it's ass like pooping dog? Do i want to waste most engine's power to overcome massive wind resistance on highway? It must be nice to park this thing in the city, very convenient! Getting in and out of it must be so comfy! Can't wait to go outdoors in it! And sleep in the tent because my huge ass truck is not suitable for sleeping in it...
I am like really missing out, am i?

I think it ultimately comes down to roadquality. Having recently driven in the states i finally understand why people want as big a car as possible, and as sloppy suspension as possible, and a big engine. Simply to overcome the horrible quality of infrastructure. Potholes everywhere, people drive like assholes (despite abundant police presence) and a spaghetti of roads where you need to accelerate and brake quickly.
Whilst here in the netherlands there is silkysmooth road surface, people actually learn how to drive before getting a licence, and long enough ramps to accelerate a 60tonnes 1.0 3 cilinder to at least 70 mph/120kmph.
European system with smal cars but better infrastructure is leagues more comfortable than even the most luxurious boats driving over the potholes of america.

We have 200 hp cars and we can still drive them faster than you cunts can drive your 500 hp Challengers.