Get told I'm being removed from my parents insurance policy on Monday

>get told I'm being removed from my parents insurance policy on Monday
>start looking for my own
>get a discount from my work through Metlife
>$181 a month for the same full coverage
>tfw 24 year old male driving a 13 year old 4cyl shitbox with one whole ticket in my six years of driving
So what companies are the least ass?

Have you perhaps considered using a comparison website?

>full coverage

Nigger what are you even fucking doing?

Dont get coverage on your shitbox, just trash it if you crash.

Why not pay just liability? I don't find my $800 shitbox to be worth full coverage, but that's just me.


>Not being in or knowing someone in the military

22y/o, '01 miata. $59 full coverage.

I use progressive. I have a 86 car and a 96 truck liability only and a 2004 truck full coverage for $502 bucks a year. That is with 10 years as a customer and all the discounts......also male early 30's

My guy. You getting fucked over for your insurance. I pay 124 dollars a month for mine. And my car is over 30.

i pay 185$ a month for mine

covers an 07 civic and 2013 chevy sonic with full coverage, and a 1990 f-250 liability only for two drivers

>mfw insurance goes up to 245$ if i remove the truck from insurance

>mfw I'm 22 and pay $72 a month for full coverage

>Tfw i'm 22 and pay $149 a month for liability
>Thats with a family and NTHS discount
>Everywhere else wanted nearly $200


>$318/mo for liability
>positive points on license
>never had an accident


Pay 68 a month for full coverage with GEICO.
Car's also a Lexus V8

>live in the city
>insurance as much as my parents' four (4) cars, including 2 Mustangs
>I drive a fucking econobox

City insurance rates are terrible. Buddies of mine have a similar cost, so that's reassuring (I guess).

I pay 69$ liability on three cars with state farm. Don't get full coverage on that. 23 years old.

>4cyl shitbox
>54€ per month for minimum needed to stay on the road
Still too much

>mfw insurance goes up to 245$ if i remove the truck from insurance
probably because of the civic but I would have thought that insurance would be based on your most expensive vehicles in cases of multiple vehicles

im guessing you have the truck listed as the one more frequently used or something?

Fuck me man I know that feel. My insurance just dropped a little cause I turned 22 with no accidents.

~250/mo on my FRS. I mean come on it's not even a fast car.

>with one whole ticket in my six years of driving

lol get fucked you need 0 for $100/month

I pay $285 for full coverage on a 90's turbo Volvo and an 83 Mercedes. I don't mind though, when my POS $1000 civic got flooded the literally gave me $2700 for it.

>92HP 4cyl shitbox
>82€ a month for liability
>no accidents or tickets, registered with my dad

Still fucking 82€ a month? the fuck

>75hp shitbox
>roughly $400 a year
feels good to be a europoor sometimes