you clearly have a mor advanced understanding of haplotypes than I do.
what I got from the idea that before sinicization in east asia, them being austronesian was more in the morphological sense than haplotypic.
the sinicized types HAPPENED to be of a certain strain of haplotypes that probably had larger brow rides, smaller brains, and were morphologically similar because of this to austronesians.
when neoteny set n for selection purposes, they essentially became sinitic without ever changing haplotype. because you can change the phenotype without changing the haplotype, which is why we still share these haplotypes with aficans.
my interpretation of the record we have so far is that this morphological shit occurred first somewhere around, as is typically proposed, shandong, and then these morphological changes proliterated by some part genetic dispersion, but he larger part seems to have been shifting selection pressure, which began to impose demands for high intelligence upon ALL regional populations.
you'll notice that southern chinese are closer genotypically to austronesians, but morphologically they look more similar to northern chinese. part of this is genetic introgression of northern DNA, but you'll also notice that the border of southern china also more or less marks the permanent borders of civilization, beyond which, societal eugenics could not function.
immediately south of china people begin looking like cavemen (small remnants of this remain in southern chinese, but not much.)
I'm no expert, this is just what I've read
but I enjoyed your post. thank you.
physical proximity has only entailed genetic similarity post-bronze age. previously, we see that settled regions tend to be populated by raiding groups by genocide with very little genetic mixing. for example, the philistines were genetically greek, they were r1b, rather than the J groups that currently live there.