they really offered 500 bucks for a running camry?

Fuck selling it. autocross that bitch into the ground. fuck the normies.

Shit that sounds like a good deal. I'm in need of a car op

You're selling a 20-odd year car, granted a reliable and working one, for $1350. I think your expectations are a little high. I think $500-$600 is low-balling it but your asking price is high for a car of its condition

Take them for a test drive, then when they're off to the bank to get the money, dump the oil and let them drive off into the sunset.

Turn your phone off for the next few weeks.

What's your problem, pleb?

Yeah, sorry bro, no del, go buy yourself a bicycle, i put my time and money into this babe, runs like a dream, worth every cent.
Sure, bro, it's a fucking toyota camry! Look in the dictionary there probably gonna be photo of toyota camry next to the word reliable. I never had any problems with it.

No way, I think op is right. I would say 1350 is a fair price.
Also I'm about to try to sell a 97 Honda Accord SE. Transmission will need replacing sometime in the next year but it works fine for now. Everything else is in super good shape

Oh man I'm retarded. I meant to ask what a fair price for it would be

this desu. or build something cool out of its parts. everything is better than selling to some normie cunt for 5 bucks.

KBB should be the price you list it for, knock $300 or so off for the actual selling price.

U dumb if they put you lower raise the price.
Say like 1800-1949 dorra.
And they are content with the deal for 1300 dolans

300 would be fair price. no one wants a 20 year old car that needs a rebuild. i tried selling my 1995 buick that needed a new trans, had only 102k miles, mint interior. no one touched it even at 350

Do 900

bring the price up to 2,500 then people will most likely low ball yo into 1,000

>157k miles
>a fucking 1996 toyota camry

that's like $900 maybe 950

>Transmission will need replacing
>but it works fine for now. Everything else is in super good shape

$150 or fuck off

And on this day, op learned why cars are listed $1,000+ dollars more than what they are worth.

You're a fucking dumbass.


That's $850 at best. Eat a dick.

Fuck off. I know what I got.

Have fun trying to sell it bitch. Don't shit up the catalog with /r9k/ tier shit next week when nobody buys it.

Everybody and their mothers knows not to pay asking price. You are supposed to inflate it so somebody talks you down. Ideally you should've priced it at 1700-2000, if you were expecting $1375. I see 1998 corollas with 70k miles go for $1700 obo. And I've seen 1998s with 260k miles go for 2500-3000 which is absurd. 1375 is a great price.

That being said i would never purchase a camry. Corolla is the way to go. I don't care for it being a more "luxury" version. Luxury takes the backseat for mpg, unless it's a classic/newer car. It's not worth losing 5-10mpg just for leather seats/power windows. Which some corollas have that as an option.

And quit being a huge entitled faggot.

>less than 200,000 miles

>people in the thread expecting a running car for less than $1,000

My '09 has 160k.

its only worth 1k max

its a literal definition of a shitbox and the next owner will knowingly be its last

that is if you can even sell it

And then there is people that are fucking highballers when you buy. KBB 1993 mustang excellent condition is around 2k, but these faggots are pricing them at like 7k

Of our 4 cars only two cost more than $1k, they're also the two that have cost the most in repairs and maintenance.

$2500 Mustang, averaging $700 dollars a year maintenance (including oil changes at $25 a piece)
$1200 300ZX, now at $2000 additional invested (not including oil changes at $85 a piece, using 20w-50 and Nismo filter)

$600 Maxima, total including car is now $1600 (after 6 years) not including oil changes ($40 a piece, synthetic + K&N filter)
$500 Cavalier, $200 additional invested (radiator, tune-up, rear antiroll bar+links) not including oil changes ($20 a piece)

Cars cost different amounts based on what it is, where it is, condition, and the market.

OP, if you see similar cars LISTED (askin ain't gettin) in your market for around 20% more than your price, then it's fine and you're just dealing with retards/poorfags/jews.

As suggested above tho, list it for more and come down to what you really want. It's stupid but that's how it works. I hope they don't forget the tip.

>No lowballers, no tire kickers. Ran when parked!

idk about you americans but here in the UK you can get a running decent condition jap car with

as if a normie would want to be seen in a 96 camry

t. poorfag

Stop being a lowballing piece of shit and learn to pay the price, faggot.

>be a good goy, goy! pay usury prices for shitboxes!

Go back to /pol/

>not just selling it for the price on KBB

>unreliable car
>asking KBB price
yeah that's usury
maybe you should go to /pol/ instead so that you learn why your kind is despised

You're the one with high expectations here OP.

>1,350 is too much for him
>b-be a good goy


First of all, I don't give a shit what condition you THINK your shitbox is in, any car that's 21 years old is in fair condition at best. That said, it's a fucking 96 Camry. You know what kind of people buy 96 Camry's? The type that are broke. For you to ask for 1350 for an old pos car is laughable. That car is worth 800 on a good day. And I guarantee the car has a laundry list of issues and things that don't work at all and things that need repairing/replacement.

In fact you should post your ad so we can laugh at you and your shitbox

Go be a poor cunt somewhere else. Just because you can't afford to maintain your shitboxes doesn't mean you should lower the price to 800, faggot.

>tfw want to sell my big ass 1990 f-250 with giant vee ate engine and runs fine

>mfw its not worth anything because 2wd so i just kept it and hoon the shit out of it while using it to tow home shitbox cars occasionally


you've got to be fucking with us, using that sort of language

go be a dumbass elsewere.

used car prices are finally getting back to what they where before muh cash 4 clunkers.

less dickheads selling 1990 honda civics for 4k I NO WAT I GOTS

I'm not the one bitching on 4chinz because I can't sell my overpriced shitbox to some Mexican without him offering 500 for it like you.

Again, post your ad for us to see. I need a good laugh

>He thinks I'm OP
>Being this much of a sperg to not realise that there are people out there that actually sell their good condition car based on the KBB price
>He doesnt know what is "Good" condition means
He's just retarded as the people OP mentioned in this thread
>He thinks EVERY single 20 yr old shitbox will have a laundry list of things needed to fix
>1350 is t-too much y-you bitch

Don't you have a bus to catch, faggot?

no we just have more expensive cars that werk

This. It's impossible to find a decent, running car here for less than 1500.

>More expensive cars
>1350 is t-too much

Yeah we believe you

what vacuous crap..... the price is fair. The Normies need to come to reality because living at home with mother is not what adults meant to do......

$1350 is a fair price for a car that was made to last......fuckers want cheap buy a Jeep.....fuckers want a car to last stop being a cheap arse

Stick to your guns OP do not go lower that $1100

that is because it is a POS car. Toyota is a brand that is built to last, american cars are shit that is why they are CHEAP.

wow some people are retarded

sounds like a Bernie supporter here.....he mostly lives at home with him mother because he FAILED TO LAUNCH.....get a job retard

i just drive slighty more expensive shitboxes like a 5900$ civic and then buy 300$ cars to wrench on for fun

quit posting pics of your moms civic

If anything you're the one who sounds like he has never driven a car in his life. You really think a fucking 96 Camry is going to be in good condition? Again, I'd bet money there are multiple, and by that I mean more than 2-3 things that flat out don't work at all or need to be fixed. That alone makes it worth less than 1k. Then you throw in the fact it's old as fuck. The only people who will buy that car are delivery drivers and Mexicans, THATS IT. To have this ridiculous expectation that someone is going to buy this car for 1350 is unbearably laughable but by all means, it's your time that your wasting at the end of the day.

You can pull all the shit out of your ass you want, the fact remains that this shit is overpriced.

nah son its got naws

>You really think a fucking 96 Camry is going to be in good condition?

t. Someone who buys his cars from NIGGERS

>I mean more than 2-3 things that flat out don't work at all or need to be fixed.

Yeah because the rear left window doesn't roll down and the car doesn't come with a stereo therefore it should be lowered to 800 HURRRRRR

To expect a good "RELIABLE" car under 1500 and LOWERING the price to 800 which is lower than the the KBB fair condition price is pretty fucking retarded especially with an excuse like "It's a 20 yr old shot box hurrrr muh fixes durrr". If you have to bring up that type of shitty excuse then you shouldnt be owning cars if you can't afford to maintain them. Anyone with a brain shouldn't expect a perfect reliable car at that price range in the first place, let alone lowering the the fucking price than its value. If someone wants a good reliable car then fucking buy a 2k-3k car or get a better job, faggot.

If the car runs fine and has minor issues and >200k miles on a NIPPON car, why wouldn't it go for 1300? If it anything lowest I'd say that thing would go for is $1000

have you considered just fixing the fucking window and putting in a 10$ stereo

if you cant even be assed to do that i and most buyers will assume you just let the car fall apart

Pretty much, and if you didn't bother fixing those minor things that means you gave two shits about the car. So why would anyone buy it for 1350? Also
>not putting in a stereo
>claiming OTHER people are too poor to own cars
Yeah, no

>if you didn't bother fixing those minor things that means you gave two shits about the car.
>Yeah let's discard how good the car runs and let's focus on the minor things instead for a lower price drop

You gotta be baiting at this point


>What is driving other cars that you own
>What is barely driving the shitbox as your main vehicle
>Implying I'm going to install a stereo on a car that I barely use

Either way those two minor things don't fucking matter. Is it hard for you to find a 30 dollar stereo and a trip to the jumkyard to find the window motor? Don't fucking lower the price when the value is already fucking cheap enough, you dumpster dwelling cunt. Is 550 more (800+550 = 1350) dollars too expensive for you? Seriously? You're pathetic.

Then why didn't you bother to do it? Do you not understand how that makes you look? If I'm buying a car and I see you couldn't be bothered to fix things that are minor, that tells me you either did Jack shit to maintain it or there are serious issues with the car and you didn't want to spend a penny on it. If you weren't 16 years old you would get it.

>expect the KBB

You're the normie here retard.

>Do you not understand how that makes you look?

We're not arguing about what the buyer thinks you fucking retard. We're arguing about the price. I don't give a shit what the buyer thinks. Quit thinking like a woman.

> If I'm buying a car and I see you couldn't be bothered to fix things that are minor, that tells me you either did Jack shit to maintain it or there are serious issues with the car and you didn't want to spend a penny on it.

Except this is isn't about you. This is about the value of the car. Don't like it? Boo hoo! Kick rocks.

>implying im not going to take out the amount of money i think is fair for having to go through the effort of , buying a new stereo and window motor and installing both

i mean shit i talked down my car to 6900$ when it was listed at 10k by nitpicking minor shit like that

>I don't care what the person who's buying my shitbox thinks

I can't imagine why you're struggling to sell your shitbox then kiddo

KBB prices aren't any kind of guarantee of what you'll be able to get

this right here

Any other way is you being a faggot about it. Go have fun.

>Implying I'm OP

You can thank Obama for destroying the used car market. For what? Temporary boosts in sales of new cars? Muh emissions?

People were offering me $500 for my 99 Accord i was asking $1200 for, with 160k miles.

I told them to fuck off, stripped it and scrapped it out of rage. It was perfectly fine just had a mangled rear bumper and i had no parking space for it.

if if if if if if

okie doke!!!!

Ill give you $750.

>We're arguing about the price. I don't give a shit what the buyer thinks.
lol spotted the bernout
the market sets the prices and your shit is only worth as much as the buyers are willing to pay for it, econ 101