[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/

[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/

SC45 edition.

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/dbt/ map: Meet, Fight, Fuck

Motorcycle Ergonomics Simulator

Noob? Git gud

Webbums with sound
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what would you say is the best motorcycle

please buy it

No subject in the OP.
So close, yet so far.

Muh fuel consumption.

Your Grom?


Greatest 4 stroke racing motorcycle of all time.


The one you're currently riding.

Wee Strom.

>forgot gift for a birthday
>supposed to have lunch with family
>it's 20 minutes to 10
>toy shop is 20 minutes from house
>get there by 10
>buy gift in 30 min
>be home by 11

Can I do it?
do I have the strenght?
Do I give enough of a fuck to spend 30€ for a little shit?

All the paint on the road in Japan scares the fug out of me, especially when it rains like a bitch there.

>Greatest 4 stroke racing motorcycle of all time.
Whoa there

Bring a second helmet and take the kid out for a ride for his birthday

Can't, he's 3


3 isn't too young, just attach a car seat to the rear and give him the ride of his life.

It is according to the law.

Just don't molest him this birthday, you will be his favorite uncle then.

Just do it. At his age everything is fun, maybe you can make him want to ride.

Oh he's also scared of my bike.

>At his age everything is fun
so this isn't needed?

what are you asking for it?

Normal for small kids, it's probably way too loud.

He's afraid of it when it's off

Put a helmet on the kid and put him on your bike then. When my nephew was that age every time i visited he loved sitting on it with my helmet on and the bike running

That kid is weird.

Or his parents molest him.

Then tell your son to stop being such a pussy. It's your responsibility as a father to make sure he doesn't turn out a sissy faggot.

>someone on /dbt/

>tfw gonna be a dad in a couple months

I have 3 crotch droppings, 15, 14 and 9

No you can't have pictures of them.


Are they hot?

Do they drive?

>Just bought a house
>About to have a kid
Am I an adult yet?

Probably not. You're not an adult until you realize how bad you fucked up raising your kids.

cc what are you doing

He's letting the normies win that's hwat.

Do you Incest them?

Having kids !=being a father

I'll give it a couple years.

Stumbling through life like everyone else

You know if its a boy or girl yet?

Better looking than your average Veeky Forums user, I might have been cucked.

Oldest is learning now.

t. meth spawn


sauce on tent?

Can he do a wheelie yet?

>still no bike

Nice, congrats dude.

Not sure on tent, check the Sibirsky Extreme ride reports that's where I stole the pic

Thanks bruh

5-7 year old Korean built Honda clone under licence (Daelim) vs 11-14 year old Japanese built Honda?

Fuck off rasputin

Out of JD do I drink some warm Jameson I have in the pantry, drink some Glenlivet, or venture to another alcoholic beverage

Warm Jameson


How would go about wheelieing a 150cc auto?

don't know

only rode for a few months, never went far or fast.

now im going to get a """real""" bike and learn gears. Either a small bike like this or a honda/daelim bike like the CBR125

just buy a cheap GS500, faggot

I am limited to 125cc right now, im in Korea

I had one of these, that rear brake is super grabby.

was a hoot tho, I got that thing barely up to 70 mph. It was a blast.

How would you say it compares to a Honda CBR or other similar bike?

oh ok, havent been on here in ages. Did you leave that job where the boss wouldnt let you have leave?


now i teach English in Korea. and I've filed paperwork to get my Korean licence, i'll be limited to 125cc bikes but I'm going to ride again now.

My rear tyre got a puncture the other day.
Is it safe to ride on a plugged tyre indefinitely or should I just bite the bullet and buy a whole new tyre?

smash any of that korean pussy?


would you buy one if i could get a few of these here in the U.S?

>tfw my captcha just made a Mitch Hedberg reference


depends, how fast do you ride usually?

i had a plugged tyre for over a year, but it was on a commuter bike 120km/h was about the the fastest.

nnnnnnnnyeeeeesssssss >:)

Its on a ninja 300 so I don't usually exceed 120kph, though I have in the past.


>how does it compare to CBR or similar bike
like the modern CBR250R o are we talking about the old CB125 it's based off of?

if the modern CBR, nothing like it, the suspension is super soft, the wheels are crazy thin so don't expect to lean much on this bad boy. since the back brake is super grabby they don't have a lot of play with it so it locks up pretty easily and doesn't have a lot of the conveniences of modern bikes.

It is a good knock off of the CB125 from yester year. I suppose the modern 125s in asia are a little bit better because they might be more modern but idk i've never ridden any of those. But, the sym wolf 125/150 is essentially a reproduction of a old bike. It's pretty cold blooded too so expect to use the choke all the time.

First gear is unusable and it get's really unstable at high speed (like 60mph+) it feels most comfortable at around 45-55mph. Max speed about 65mph at redline, can get to about 70 with a good wind and going down hill or drafting a truck.

that all said....... I fuckin' loved this bike. I rode it around for about a good while, It's a really fun, light shit bike. It wasn't fast, it was okay comfort but I went on a few 40-80 mile trips with it and I found it to be slow but pleasant.

I ended up selling it to a friend to learn how to ride for dirt cheap. I wouldn't expect to do any real motorcycling on it, and you'll develop more skills on something even a lil bit larger (ninja 250/300, cbr250/300) but in the 125 class, I had good fun with it, it was a good summer for motorcycling.

Plug will be fine, preferably mushroom is best but I have had no issues with the sticky rope type plug before.

No you didn't

didn't read the part where you said limited to 125.

Yeah, then totally, the sym quality isn't bad. It's really just a good honda repro. It's probably nots good as a ride as other modern 125s but if you like the cafe racer styling, it's fun.

I can get em in australia right now and I don't want one because the cunts are TINY

Cheers user

the HP4 is the current best street legal bike

Is the angle for which tyres are rated measured from the ground or from the vertical?

>perfect for the first bike market people

thats why i want to sell them. What's the current going rate for one in aus?

i think he meant tiny as in no one besides 5 foot tall manlets fit on them

lean angles and tire lean angles are always done from vertical

17*f out. About 2 inches of fresh powder. Lovely morning for a ride, sunrise in about an hour and a half

Poccия пoжaлyйcтa ocтaвьтe

>"Apexing" in the fastest way like doing a hot lap is not for the road, on the road EVERY corner is a late apex and you should be nowhere near the center line until the exit is clearly visible, Start wide, finish tight, that way if the corner tightens or you run into some trouble you have runoff space and you are naturally on a wide entry now for the next corner if it's in the opposite direction (like yours is).

Murtanio said the same thing in his videos and I know this is correct but I keep finding myself almost hitting the motherfucking pole on right handers with my elbow, I'm always too close to the edge of the road.

its an S1000R with some electronic bullshit

идти cидeть нa фaллoимитaтop

Abort now and keep aborting until you get a superior cute loli.

вaш pyccкий бeдных

I'd kill for a 250 RR to do stupid tooge shit, small bikes are so much fun

Even my buddy's 2008 fireblade feels smaller than my old six hunnit, shit's a fucking boat yo.

>Pic related

No thank you. Don't need a girl to be PMSing all over the house in 13 years or so

I have really skinny ankles so most motorcycle boots are really loose around my ankles.

What am I supposed to do about this?I want to wear some proper motorcycle boots rather than these laced up ankle boots.

Get some Darn Tough Paul Bunyan socks.
>t anklet

Этo лyчшe, чeм вaш pyccкий

>No thank you. Don't need a girl to be PMSing all over the house in 13 years or so
Shit taste, tbqh senpai.
Females are better than males. You can have a female do both male and female things, if a male does female things he's just a faggot.
Females are cuter and you can spoil and cuddle them.

society is gonna ruin your kid anyways, might as well enjoy the 9 or 10 years you get with a cute little girl before everything goes to shit.

dont want to wear thick socks in summer though.


they're pretty neato and they sound good but even like, my feet catch on the fairings of them and my knee don't quite go in the tank ridges (i'm not even that big).

I'll take the 08 CBR thanks.

maybe something with an inner boot that can be tightened ala supertech R.

They're called calf raises

Stop this silly slavposting, do you even get your bike dirty?