Is Mercedes overrated?

Is Mercedes overrated?



In what regard?
American Mercedes or elsewhere?

Beyond overrated. Stupidity invoking.

pointless thread, you need to look at individual cars.
Mercedes as a brand is not overrated, they deserve the respect they get for pioneering many technologies over the years.

Yeah but not as bad as BMW.

>not as bad as Audi

>you'll never be white male blowing away ferraris in your brand new 6 liter v12 w215 on streets of monaco
why even live?

Those wheels are trash.

only idiots are in denial of MB's greatness, every other manufacturer copies them, they always continue to be the greatest.

It is cheaper to repair airplanes than older mb's.


Merc > BMW

mercedes a shit

That's a shameless leading question, but yes.

This, not even shilling.

The only problem is if you buy one that's been trashed/not taken care of/serviced and out of warranty.
Compare mercs to bmw's current line up, bmw have lost it completely and audi is a meme. merc is the leading german manufacturer bar porsche desu

short anser: no
long answer: no, but there have been years in which mercedes mostly produced shit

all euroshit is overrated

Only Merc I've ever driven was my mummy's C class, and it was fucking awful. It drove like a super numb Toyota.

Also all their designs are either ugly as fuck or boring as fuck.

only the AMG's are worth getting. everything else is shite

It's hard to overrate one of the best manufacturers, possibly the best.

of course Steve and Dale from the barn down the road know that General Motors is better in every way.

>a-at least it's better than GM!!

Literally the worst defense in the entire world.


Mercedes or nothing.

yeah everyone knows only plebs drive around in non-AMG S classes.
go install a bigger fartcan on your civic.

The S-class is a landbarge for people that hate driving.