Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Marvel news soon
So that disqualifies everyone in /fgg/ now?
The Inafune of fighting games.
Nah inafune is not all bad.
Well, I'm sure people think they could do a better job than Woshige, but unless they know and live in Japan, I imagine they aren't going to get the role anyway.
Why do goobers have such a hateboner for Ono, he saved fighting games you know?
Report Alex players
Ignore Alex players
Teabag stunned Alex players
Never rematch Alex players.
*know Japanese
Are you that Akuma I just dumpstered
This game is dumb af and akuma is made of paper
So, ASW admitted they can't into balancing their games?
Daily humble request for Capcom to add Fei Long as soon as possible.
I doubt whoever they hire will jump into Blaz or GG, they'll probably put them on the next third party title; P5A or a 2D Boruto or whatever.
He got lucky with SF4 due to everyone having a massive nostalgia boner and he fucked up so many times after it's a miracle he's even allowed in Capcom buildings.
>fucked up SFxT
>fucked up SFV
>fucked up Capcom Vancouver
And so on
I don't think they've ever claimed Pachi was good at his job
This build of GG is pretty damn balanced in comparison to the past iterations.
Everyone has pretty good representation in tournament play even.
Yeah dude FAB does well!!!
They fucking can't balance Sin for years. And it's especially stupid considering all you need is reduce food gain from eating special.
Oh man, you found the character archetype that every developer struggles balancing!
Well done.
Slayer and Pot are just mildly worse than the rest of the cast. Still playable for anything the majority of fgg would encounter.
They did do that I thought
>>fucked up Capcom Vancouver
this, xrdr is currently the most balanced gg
its why im worried about the random move changes in xrdr2
although im even more worried about being able to cancel moves into blitz. it sounds retarded
I'm scared.
For the number of people playing Sin you'd think he'd win more majors.
Him and Raven are the apemash tier of the tournament scene.
Both still can get bodied by the harder to use stuff though. Really Pot, Slayer, and Ram are the only bottom of the bottom tier.
And I think Slayer would be manageable if someone was ridiculous at reads.
>highwaystar webms have devolved to posting a loading screen
maybe not every single one of your posts needs a webm attached
Which GG character is the most similar to Hakumen from BB? I want to play GG over BB since it looks like the PC scene is more alive (read: existent) but I don't know who to main.
I'm also an absolute beginner to fighting games but absolutely want to play an anime fighter. I don't mind complex systems and autistically grinding training room.
The move into blitz cancel just makes for easier "fadc"ing or how would it break stuff?
I know you're gay and all, but do you not see that demon on plus frames before the game even loads?
Holy shit all that loading and it still looks that bad. I get bodied twice in some games this game takes to load.
Preorder my game
Maybe Axl?
Long range, similar startup, simplistic stuff to get you started.
You might want to Johnny, but I'd highly recommend you stay away from it for now. Dash cancel treasure hunter is a lot to ask of a newer play.
This is important.
What does Hakumen do?
What exactly are you looking for, I'm not that familiar with Hakumen.
Johnny has long range sword normals though and Leo has a counter in backturn stance
I will but later
Already did
Should have put more work into making them look less like shit
I will buy a physical copy of Tekken 7™ on the Sony Playstation 4™ on June 2nd 2017.
I will play Steve Fox, a character made by Bandai Namco™ get bodied, and I will drop the game.
I will then continue playing Street Fighter V™ on the Sony Playstation 4™
There's an additional ten seconds to get into the game after the light flash. For a fucking fighting game that has to load 2 characters and a 3D background.
>1 minute to get into one online game
Thanks Capcom. You incompetent fucking hacks.
Art design for BB is so corny in comparison to the older GG cast.
Nothing fits.
>giving a shit about Tekken 6 Rehash but this time with Unreal Engine Edition
well meme'd my friend
How am I wrong? It's the same old Tekken shit but with Unreal for graphics. If it wasn't for the shiny new textures, nobody would give a shit about Tekken 6.
Hell they fucking modded Tekken 6 PSP version with the Tekken 7 changes. That's how much of a "revolution" Tekken 7 is.
>accidentally click training mode
>wait for it to load stage select, takes about 10s
>back out when it loads
>2 actual minutes later I get back to the main menu
All on a SSD.
I dont remember which article I read this in, but that's actually the point
BB characters are explicitly intended to hit as many shitty animu tropes as possible, but not in an over-the-top way
I'd say bland and lame. BB's cast must of few where I spend time deciding which character to pick in the selection screen because they don't make me feel like playing them.
>Lariat has so little active frames that even when you try to predict a jump it has a 50% chance of not working
Yeah CC AAs are so threatening right
>30 second webm
So this is american education...
How, when?
>Tekken 6 Rehash
Never fails to amuse me
Why is /fgg/ full of people who want to talk shit about things they don't even know anything about?
kys sweaty man drama fag
Fuck off already.
The webm didn't even display the whole loading. From ANOTHER FIGHT IS COMING YOUR WAY to actual gameplay, the wait time is about a minute. And that's not even counting the 3-5 minutes it takes for matchmaking to find the game. So in 10 minutes, you'll have played ONE game of SFV ranked.
When did Zangief become so tough to fight as Ryu? This dude is owning me at mid range. Wtf
How do I know if I'm high IQ enough to play Millia?
Fagfeels is a really sad man.
>dude it's ok they added Rage gimmick it's a whole new thing
lmao it's literally the same shit as always Murray even said it's the same fucking engine for gameplay. If it wasn't for shiny graphics (to be downgraded for consoles) nobody would even look at T7 because it's literally just Tekken 6.
They should rename Tekken to Gookken because that's all Bamco cares about, the gooks. Which is why the series has been stuck in the same place for a decade.
>tfw Sega fucked up big time removing KBD from VF
This looks awful
Is there still a chance for any more characters to be announced before this game comes out?
i've been excited for tekken 7 since it came out in 2015 and have been playing them since the shitshow that was tekken 4, but you are kidding yourself if you think any of these games have been substantially different since t5dr.
Most likely
pre-ordering is retarded but i'll still buy it. you don't have to shill to me
>Laggy Urine aegis mixups
>Block it all
I'm not even happy with myself
If they want the roster to be symmetric,there are 6 places left. It's
- 2 DLCs
So there's one left. If the DLCs are placed somewhere else that's 4 left.
Daily I want Tekken 7 reminder.
I mean if you go out of your way to only see it's similarities with the previous game and not the differences and new features, then pretty much every fighting game is the same as it's predecessor.
But I won't try to reason with you, you can just see everything as you want, just don't spread your toxic to other people.
That black Hwaorang colour is pretty sick.
I bet its Lei
Kuma and Panda are placed in the bottom lines which indicates more characters to come.
>move is negative
>but it pushes you JUST out of range to punish
SFV in a nutshell
No way fag, you're going to pay for that Lei DLC
stop bullying my walletpussy Harada
Seems like the obvious choice.
I mean who else would it be? Zafina?
Alrady confirmed that no old characters will be DLC.
Probably Kunimitsu since people love her but Harada hates her
Why does Triborg have Smoke variation? Smoke didn't get cyberized in this universe
dont like poison ivy fat cheeks
H-hi anyone want to trade wins for the SF5 battle lounge quest?
clone characters probably. they aren't going to make characters who've been in every game since t3 dlc
wow reptile's redesign is siccc
We aren't talking about DLC
imo they nailed Ivy, she's supposed to look bitchy and haughty
>tfw Wang Jinrei has been in literally every Tekken game since Tekken 1 and I have never in my life seen anyone pick him
in that case you're getting more than 1 character. enjoy your chang and capo trailers.
*except tekken 3 and 4
>chang trailer
Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, KoF and MK have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve. if you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.
What character archetype is that? Because it's not grappler.
yamete kudasai
Harada said they wouldnt charge for classic characters
Can you really believe him after he also said he wouldn't do character DLCs at all?
>Street Fighter, KoF and MK
>more technical, more dynamic fighting games
>advanced impressively in their latest installments
user please I'm dying from laughter here.
Well, I can't imagine anyone paying for Lei to begin with.