Winter Beater

I'm moving to Wisconsin for work and want to pick up a winter beater that's

>less than 10 years old
>relatively cheap

I can get a 2011 Ford Ranger for $10-15k with less than 50k miles. Should I? My main concern is


>winter beater

The fuck?

stop being poor

my sister almost got brain damage when she rolled her old 4runner after some faggot in a Charger T-boned her at an intersection and drove away. Since then I kind of refuse to daily drive in a car older than 10 years, you know, safety regulations n sheit. Plus I got money


What are you trying to convey with this picture?

toyocuck triggered every time he sees a ranger

how long is your folder taco at the shop this time?


Light surface rust? I don't get it.

I don't even like rangers but there's a certain brand with a certain truck that's a bit more notorious for rotted out frames.

>light surface rust

>he doesn't rust proof his undercarriage

I've been driving a 1992 S10 in Ontario salt for years without problem.

will you rustfags just fuck off already, anything in the midwest will rust out especially if you dont wash it regularly

That's honestly all that is. A little time with a needle scaler and some paint and it'll be good as gold.

But since your clearly shitposting anyways,

>literally rotted through
>its just light surface rust
Delusional ford fags

>Veeky Forums railing on Rangers
>It's the only light truck you see constantly

Really makes you think....

Your mazda is trash and you're clearly brain damaged so kindly fuck off
It's not Veeky Forums it's a single retard

What mazda?
Fords are trash

"Folder taco", image use this.

This thread is a better example of Veeky Forumss real opinion.
Go ahead and get one OP, unlike ford cars they're actually reliable

theyre alright

More like a thread of delusions.
Rangers are fucking horrible piles of shit.

Toyota's damage control team detected

>It's the only light truck you see constantly
Plenty f other light trucks around. In fact I see many more Tacomas than Rangers.

Also, Rangers a shit

Why do people assume this.
Ill admit toyotas rust and break ball joints.
But at least thats their only issue.
Fords have FAR more issues.
I also dont own a toyota.

>hurr my 4 cylinder ranger is slow
Fuck off tripfag

Don't pay the Toyota meme tax unless you really need a midsize or crew cab. Rangers are great reliable trucks, their drivetrain was around long enough to have all the kinks worked out.

That money can get you a WRX in amazing shape up in Wisconsin. If you absolutely NEED a truck, they are everywhere.
t: Wisconsinite.