Shill edition
One week until open beta, 9th-12th of February!
>fhg Discord
>Competitive For Honor Discord
>Pastebin (UPDATED JAN 31ST)
Previous thread:
Shill edition
One week until open beta, 9th-12th of February!
>fhg Discord
>Competitive For Honor Discord
>Pastebin (UPDATED JAN 31ST)
Previous thread:
raider a best
Wardens are the true knights.
Second for based God Warden.
>Calls what is clearly a two handed sword a longsword
conquerors are the true large on-rails vehicles.
So basically
DELUXE Edition
Gets you all the cosmetics shown and some of the ingame boosters/crates
Is the same thing but your basically just buying the season pass
It's clearly a dagger.
>sword's blade is half an inch thick
The best triumvirate is Warden, Conqueror, and Lawbringer. One to tank the hits, one to keep them off guard, one to rip them apart.
that's fine though?
how many united states dollars would you say this game is worth?
historically a longsword was not an exclusively one-handed sword
and by keep them off guard you're referring to conqueror right? conqs role is to knock people down, not tank
and one to warm the bed of all of them, ay lad?
That's Lawbringer's role. He's specifically identified as a disabler.
identified as such doesn't change the hard fact that conq is the best at it in the entire game right now
can't say until we know how much gameplay the storymode has
but for the multiplayer alone, I'd say atleat $30
If the singleplayer is good, the value could rise up to $15
so if you preordered any edition you get those colors right?
>grabs orochi
>drops grab and stun locks orochi
"He didn't fly so good! Who wants to try next?!"
>grabs Raider
>drops grab and stun locks Raider
"A lot of loyalty for a hired gun!"
>turns to third larger prisoner
"Or maybe he's wondering why you would drop your grab before throwing them off the bridge?"
"Wiseguy huh? At least you can talk. Who are you?"
"We are nothing. We are the steel in your sword. No one cared who I was until I picked up a poleaxe."
"Who we are does not matter. What matters is your sin."
"If I push you off a ledge, will you die?"
"It would be extremely painful..."
"You're a big guy"
"For Honor."
"Was getting grabbed part of your plan?"
"Of course. The objective was captured by you. We had to know if you could combo grabs."
"Well congratulations, you got yourself grabbed. Now what's the next step of your master plan?"
"Capturing this objective."
>Warden, Peacecutie, Berserker, and Warlord climb up ladders onto objective
"With no survivors!"
>proceed to smash shit in throwing nobushitters off bridge
>capture objective, starting to leave
Lawbringer to warden:
"No! They expect one of us to defend the objective!"
"Have we won the game?"
"Yes. The game is ours."
I want to be sissy spear maiden who penetrates other buttholes with my long shaft. Which faction has the best spear maiden?
oh no don't do that user, it's embarassing
>like the vikings playstyle
>but love the knights armor
alright /fhg/ which knight do I puck up and main for maximum fun
All the vikes have really different playstyles doe.
Which vikes?
Updated guide since it feels like we need one to clarify. Does anybody know if the Sunbeam effects on executes for Digital Deluxe is the correct one? Or if it should be general Mood effects? Both the Ubisoft and Microsoft store has Sunbeam Effects on execute but Steam has Mood effects listed.
The sunbeam effect is the mood effect, I'm assuming.
Fucking sweet ill grab the season pass later though since I got the deluxe edition those preorder colors are slick
valkyrie is not for AGP
I am glad we FINALLY have flails. I don't care if they're not historically accurate, they are baller as fuck
Should you save scavenger crates until your hero is high reputation?
(until you have better gear and "luck")
The ninja looks like Solid Snake.
that looks stupid.
No, but it was commonly used to refer to a sword with specific lengths of grip and blade, which the Warden's weapon is clearly far larger than.
Is this going to be one of those games that you're better off playing if you have a few friends to play with?
I'm a retard and keep forgetting to save shit.
Comparison for reference, want to avoid people getting misinformed about what they actually end up buying.
Yeah it would seem reasonable that the "Mood effects" was just a placeholder term until they decided on which one to include in the pack.
No, longswords had blades of up to 130cm. Longswords in videogames do not match what actual longswords were (exclusively two handed swords)
Definitely helps
>someone saved my webm.
t-thank you
you look stupid
the 'longsword' as we know it from video games and D&D is probably closer to the european arming sword
>not an exclusively one-handed sword
probably because longsword is a general term for a two handed sword and wielding one in one hand, while possible, is not practical
I checked steam, there's no such thing as a "sunbeam execution"
Everyone should check out the song used in that video, Wow wow. Cicierega is a genius
Wow Wow is so fucking good, agreed. like. Goddamn. listened to it tens of times already.
Yeah my bad, I had the wrong store listed for the images.
can you guys please get your autistic friend off of /mbg/, thanks
What do you expect us to do? Haul him out by force?
So is the Dark Souls PVP community saving this game?
Who? Mordhaubro? Fuck off, you can keep him.
idk what you're referring to but just tell him that comparing for honor to MB is like comparing Just Cause to Counterstrike
This is now the official Bro Squad of For Honor.
you cannot cage then user, it is a wild animal and will do as it pleases
It's not like people from other games don't shitpost here too
The only true Bro Squad is Raider, Warlord and Berserker.
Nah, he's your problem now.
>wanting soulsshitters to play FH
For Honor Bro tier team
Wait, let me get this straight
Deluxe gives you smoky execution,
but Gold version gives you a deluxe with sunbeam?
so.. if you get the Gold, you don't get both executions?
the classifications are fucked because little of them is set in stone today, but for autism's sake you could make the argument Warden's is a two-handed sword rather than a normal longsword because Warden is like twice the size of a normal human and his weapon reflects it
You get an exclusive mood effect, likely the same one for both. The smoky shit is placeholder, most likely.
i have developed a pavlovian response to this image
I'm saying that the classical definition of "longsword" is a twohanded sword.
no such thing as classifying onehanded swords as "short swords" and "long swords". totally modern video game invention.
No. This is all about the Deluxe Pack which is included in both the Deluxe Edition and Gold Edition.
Steam says that the Deluxe Pack has "Mood Effects" on executions which is the smokey thing.
Ubisoft store/Microsoft store says that it has "Sunbeam effects" on executions.
Ubisoft/Microsoft is most likely the correct one as "Sunbeams" are a "Mood" effect, and the one image on Steam is most likely just a placeholder until they decided on which of several Mood effects will be included in the pack.
So there never was a smoky execution?
aww, I'd rather have had a smoky effect than a praise the sun meme
You can unlock different executions. There's a video about it somewhere.
This is what we have seen regarding them so far. Sunbeam looks kinda shitty to be honest.
Yes I believe so
You should have to complete challenges to unlock executions.
how do you make those?
some program to record in-game? free right?
"Intended use" is the generally the best way to categorize weapons, even modern ones. The warden uses a two handed sword small enough for him to wear at his belt, so it fits under use as a longsword. If someone smaller picked up his sword it would be too big for them to use as a sidearm so they would have to use it as greatsword
real warhammers did not look like that
that would be a maul
all of those look bad what the fuck
Ubisoft has said they're being completely reworked after people said in droves that the effects are too overpowering.
Do people really think that 2v2 is supposed to be 1v1s?
More blood effects would be better. Like the blood staying on a blade for a bit.
>when the game suddenly turns into Final Fantasy
Does anyone know how fast Ubisoft responds to support tickets? I sent a ticket two hours ago.
It's a lot more fun if you let the opponent finish their fight first.
I'm never going to complain if I get 2v1'd, but I'll always wait first and then respond in kind if I get buttfucked.
people play 2v2s all sorts of different ways, it's pretty interesting
once there is any kind of ladder play though it'll get a lot more aggressive
oh wow, this might be going a bit too far
sunbeam definitely is the worst of all those effects, but that lightgreen wind effect makes it look like something from a korean MMO
It's still probably the best
Also, looks like:
Knights get a fire effect
Vikings get a lightning effect
Samurai get a sakura leaves effect
only shitters do
But like, I've met people that get outright mad that "you didn't play honorably"
Also get angry about terrain kills
>game shows you a single opponent at start of round
>it's a strait show to your chosen enemy while going to go fight with your buddy means going out of your way
why wouldn't they? and who cares whether or not one guy kills his and then just watches the other duel. it's not like it matter that much
I take it as a challenge, personally. If people didn't gang up on me, I'd never learn how to fight more than one person at once. It's to help me get better at the game.
Yeah but that's because starting off in duels is advantages to avoid revenge, not because you're supposed to back off if you beat your opponent early.
I thought the sunbeam was a emote, not a execution effect.
people who get mad about anything in a video game should be ridiculed and then ignored
Used shadowplay to record video, and Aerthas webm maker to convert to webm.
Alright finalized it.
Didn't have a chance to play the closed Beta, but how's Nobushi?
I was thinking of pre-ordering the game, but I always like playing long-range, mixup based characters in games like these, especially the elusive ones, and from all the alpha footage there didn't seem to be any. Like, in SF I played Sim and FANG, and most FH footage didn't reflect that sort of playstyle at all.
But I was watching some Nobushi play, and it seemed similar enough. How does it play?
Nobushi is without a doubt going to get nerfed, so take anything people say here with a grain fo salt. She will paly different
Exactly like that. Long range, mixup, elusive.
she's good unlike F.A.N.G.