Did anyone in here make any friends at car meetups?

Also, are wild GFs to be found there?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Veeky Forums

>wild GFs
when is it ever a good idea to approach a girl when 99% of the people are guys

Yes, very likely.

Not in your wildest dreams. The only girls at those are the woman of someone who is attending.

100% sausage fest and the few gfs who stroll around are with their chads

Met a girl at a Miata meetup a few years ago out of state (was on a long road trip), hit it off well and hung out a few days, went on 2 "dates" after the meetup.

Turns out she wasn't into NEETboys - she was 23 and an Electrical Engineer fresh out of college making 60k, I was (at the time) NEET 22 and living off my savings of $20k couchsurfing across the USA for fun. Oh well.

Did she drive a white Miata by chance?

Nah, she had a gray NC1.

I am likely to find good friends at car meets? I just want someone I can sperg out with.

Girls at car meets aren't the girls you want user.


>jam with me now

You have a point and in the worst case they have a dick


>worst case

Lot of them have had more guys inside them than their 20YO cars have.

>worst case they have a dick

Fucking trashed that m8 good one

Sorry that was meant for this guy

>Car meetups
No, car meetups suck. Only douche bags go to car meets, not even kidding

>Autox, and track days
Yes, these people actually use their cars, and use them responsibly and have knowledge about their cars. You can talk about their car without them getting defensive or trying to show off.

>Wild GF's

Sorry m8, most girls at car meets/autox already are dating someone, hence, why they're at the car meet/autox.

Why not just dating a real dude then? Traps are trying to be the worst of both worlds

My dick doesn't get hard looking at masculine dudes, twinks, bears, or any other classification of male.

It gets hard when I look at feminine faces, figures, and legs.

>tfw my dick gets hard for all of them

anymore pics like that?
Pretty please?

Nope car bros around me are either racist dumbfucks or vapelords.

back to /pol/

You might want to go back to knitting club if car "culture" is too raycis for you

I went to the IASCA/MECA/USACi combined Work Finals in Nashville in 2014. I met a bunch of great guys that I still communicate with often.

No thanks- never been there, never going there.

Nah, I just find it an intrinsically self-rewarding hobby, I don't need validation from anywhere else.

Not in it for like mongering or upvotes or whatever that faggotry is now-a-days, just like my car to look the way i want it too

No you fucking virgin.
not unless the meet is in front a book store.
book store for quality hoes.

Meets at general full of faggots and your main hobby usually shouldn't be one you share with your wife or gf because you can both use it to get some space from one another.