This guy did his best literally every time he encountered trouble and yet life always shat on him. Why isn't there a picture of him with JUST hair?
Any other historical figures who just got fucked over by bad luck no matter what?
This guy did his best literally every time he encountered trouble and yet life always shat on him. Why isn't there a picture of him with JUST hair?
Any other historical figures who just got fucked over by bad luck no matter what?
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Constantine IX
I would say his situation meant there was little luck could do to change it.
I have a soft spot for Elagabalus, I guess. Stuff went bad for him, though he deserved a decent amount of it.
Yi Sun-Sin
though it wasn't really by bad luck it was just being stymied by corrupt and jealous officials back at home and some motherfucking retard named Won Gyun squandering everything he ever built up
then in the last major battle of the entire war he gets killed by a stray projectile
Any non-Communist Chinese leader of any import before, during and after the Second Sino-Japanese War.
Brian Boru died a properly JUST death
>about to unite ireland
>one last battle against the norse shits
>win the battle
>one norse mercenary, I repeat ONE norse mercenary sneaks into Brians tent while hes praying
>Brian being 88 and all that gets beheaded by the mercenary
>All his hard work uniting Ireland is now over
>Brians brother Ulf the quarrelsome hunts the mercenary down and opens his stomach and entwines his entrails along a tree while hes still alive
Unlucky Brian aha
Sounds somewhat similar to Michael the Brave.
>Conquer the three romanian historical provinces
>Get BTFO by revolting Transylvanian nobles
>Get another chance from Emperor Rudolf and crush the rebels in one final battle
>Get assassinated by the order of the Emperor a few days later
>posting a filthy turk
I've heard a theory that he just died of old age and the Norse mercenary story was just to give him a hardcore ending
Hannibal is like the posterchild of bad luck
>incompetent home government
>incompetent allied generals
>crushed the Romans multiple times but never had the ability to besiege the city itself
>get recalled despite years of successful campaign
>the romans take away the numidian cavalry that was so crucial to carthaginian cavalry superiority
>his final battle for carthage was a pitched battle where his veterans were doing okay but once the now-superior roman cavalry got the flank it was over
>spends his last days counciling the (incompetent) enemies of rome, being hounded by assassins at every turn before killing himself
By whom though? His death was recorded by both Irish monks and Norse sagas in the same manner. Its also recorded that brodir of man (the mercenary) was indeed killed by Ulf
Marc was the model of a philosopher king, practicing perfect discipline and directing himself responsibly in all matters, but his son STILL managed to fuck EVERYTHING up
I might have become a stoic by now if the chapter of Roman history right after his wasn't eternal proof that even total control over yourself won't necessarily yield satisfactory results.
nah Henry v tbqh.
>win agincourt
>siege tons of cities
>while resting in England he hears that a Franco-Scottish army defeat an English one
>rushes over to France and sieges more cities, Scottish army in France gets wiped out
>Paris is taken
>becomes king of France
>dies of the shits straightaway and his retarded baby son loses everything
Liu Bei
literally heraclius
>be a wise emperor and a strategical genius
>btfo the eternal persian after a hundread years long war
>recovered egypt and the levant
>recovered the true cross
>suddenly arabs out of fucking nowhere reverted all his life's worth of effort.
>died of sickness after hearing the disaster that was yarmouk
>FINALLY unite Germany and ward off the eternal austrian
>the emperor's son sacks you and you die later
>emperor's son starts a naval arms with anglos
>emperor's son allies with the fucking austrians in a world war
>emperor's son sends Lenin to Russia
>Germany is divided in parts, extremely poor, and full of internal strife
>emperor's son abdicates
What a shit storm
but wait there's more
>an autistic austrian takes over Germany
>he goes full retard trying to invade Russia
>Germany gets invaded from all sides
>Germans get slav'd
>Germany is divided again
>now any talk of any Germany history before the Cold War is purposely forgotten
Didn't he alienate both Russia and the UK before getting resigned though?
Germany was exterminated in WW2, same thing with assyrians and such where your identity is Haram, GG.
>any talk of any Germany history before the Cold War is purposely forgotten
What? Where? I'm not even a fucking mute and had to learn the detail of the Habsburg/Luxembourg rivalry in high school.
not like Germany was the one that lost the war, the white race lost the war, time for whites to go the war of numerous forgotten people GG, at least for most integrated states.
>Norse enemy
The Norse spoke Irish and were indistinguishable from the Irish at that stage. Both sides employed Norse warriors as mercenaries. It was a war over money primarily, "Boru" literally means "tax collector." Brian was lethally efficient when it came to getting money out of people.