Sorry about that. I was too busy replacing all the men with superior women. Too bad all security experts are men...

Sorry about that. I was too busy replacing all the men with superior women. Too bad all security experts are men. It was only 1 billion accounts. Whoops

Other urls found in this thread: of Oz porn parodies&rlz=1C1ASUC_enUS709US709&oq=Wizard of Oz porn parodies&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Kek. Yahoo is finished

Ignorant bigots

CNN was screaming RUSSIA!!!!!! before they even had any information. Made me laugh while sitting in the break room.


we wuz kangz

I can't think of one good thing she ever did for the company. She's hot I guess.


When will the board wise up? The shareholders can not be happy with those results. Verizon must be having second thoughts

Verizon is getting cucked

We must make it illegal to sell shares in companies that hire womyn as CEOs to prevent the rampant, sexist, profit motive in markets. Every strait white male at the head of a company got there using the patriarchy and are actively oppressing strong womyn and other lgbtqqiaap.

What I find fucking insane is how people who are good at computer programming and technical shit like Marissa end up as Chief Executives when running a business is an entirely different game to simply product design.

They have no understanding. It's like asking a fucking heart surgeon to run a clothes store.

Why do they do it? They should only ever occupy a purely advisory capacity, they shouldn't actually be making decisions. For as long as this keeps on happening tech companies will continue to be mere victims of success and failure instead of architects of it.

Amazing quote from her wiki page:

"She oversaw the layout of Google's well-known, unadorned search homepage."


Knowing that she likely got paid more than I will earn in a fucking lifetime while she painstakingly deliberated over doing the sum of absolutely fuck all in "designing" the Google homepage makes me want to forcefully shit myself with rage

Women are nothing but petulant children.

Man do corporations love big name colleges. Only reason shes at where shes at was that Degree from Stanford.


i just read how she dropped 7 million on a holiday party last year, and she spent 70k on a photoshoot for top executives to dress up as characters from wizard of Oz...seriously wtf

That's what happens when you let children run corporations.

>photoshoot for top executives to dress up as characters from wizard of Oz...

bit hot... anyone else turned on af rn

Where do I find Wizard of Oz porn parodies?

My female program manager at Cisco was completely tech illiterate, has no idea what products we produce, yet has survived the last 3 rounds of major cuts.

She makes over 170k total comp and yet she spends half her day literally arranging our office "snack shack".

Any project or program manager under her who was tech literate was seen as a threat.

It really opened my eyes as to the shamelessness & entitlement of some women.

Turn her in and fuck up her life already, cucks like you that are happy that someone with no qualification earns 2x as much as you are pathetic.

The problem with Yahoo is that it is focusing on things it shouldnt be and lacks the proper person.

I could see greatness for yahoo if it was in the right hands. of Oz porn parodies&rlz=1C1ASUC_enUS709US709&oq=Wizard of Oz porn parodies&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

>Turn her in and fuck up her life already

She acts that way because she gets away with it.

She's basically the BU director's "right hand" and butt shiner.

She's gotten rid of at least 4 - 5 qualified, talented, tech literate & young managers in the stint that I was there...

And I was a contractor, basically somebody with zero leverage. Setting her ship on fire would involve massively burning my own bridges.

She reads children storybook on a top exec meeting and threw a tantrum when they didn't know what the fuck she's reading it for.

Just anonymously write a letter to her boss that she has a STD and that he should be careful. It's obvious that she sucks his dick for the salary.

I got someone fired this way once.

I think yahoo should scrap everything that isn't fantasy sports, news, and finance related. They could rival Bloomberg as business news organization. Get all those pajeets to develop something similar to a Bloomberg terminal but less expensive

Verizon will make the purchase regardless and then siphon the real remaining talent. Yahoo will become Verizon-Yahoo and then just Verizon. All things fade

>aka alibaba holding company
Lmaoing at her life

>yahoo messenger, the best of classic messenger still used by millions
>welp, we can't have something so old school and not trendy. scrap that shit and replace it with an abortion.

Agreed - Verizon will make the purchase regardless. The question is how much per share they will pay. All of this drama is driving the price down down down.

No (You)s for my YAHOO trip? I even had dubs

Brute force a !! and I'll give you a (You)


I don't have enough GUI dedicated RAM interface

Now she will pretend she did it on purpose just to save the Feminist Superiority Myth.

Women Leaders: Not even once!

that thing has a dick tho or had

huh you mean this was actually designed

I thought it was because back when they started they didn't know any html and just tossed everything inside a

https:// www.nytimes. com/2014/12/21/magazine/what-happened-when-marissa-mayer-tried-to-be-steve-jobs.html?_r=0

HAHAHAHA I just read this entire article, Jesus this woman is an idiot.
>Larry Page becomes CEO of google again in 2011 and demotes this woman to taking care of google maps
>she doesn't even report to him directly anymore.
>She gets hired by Yohoo! Chocolate Milk TM and decides to hire some ranjeet from google ads
>Ranjeet takes her out to dinner and calls her pretty
>Flirt back and forth via email for next week
>Ranjeet hired to head the yahoo sales team.
>Katie Couric does the same thing and gets a $5mil/year deal, while the ranjeet made over $100 mil in 15 months before leaving.
>Credentialist who trashes people for not having good degrees (Impossible to be college dropout and get rich in silicone valley)
>Pissed everybody off by showing up late to meetings she scheduled.
>Turned the place into a gameshow by implementing an extremely competive and mostly abritrary rating system for employees.
>Smart people wouldn't work together or switch over to useful projects because they didn't want to lose their first place rating on their current team.
>Employees call for a meeting to ask anonymous questions about this rating system
>Clearly tearing any cohesion apart
>Reads a childrens story book to them instead
>Turns out a billion email accounts got hacked (largest part of their business)
>Did not make a single profitable decision
>All of the talented management left because of her
>Even more spectacular was that she basically had a 2 year grace period
>Alibaba rumors to go public
>People invest in yahoo as a proxy to bet on IPO
>Share prices inflated until IPO
>For the meantime she doesnt have to report to shareholders about bad performance of the core company
>Spends as much time talking about parking policy as she does Alibaba IPO

>Verizon waiting to buy company for price of half eaten bowl of campbells soup broth


Seriously anyone with half a brain could have been able to do better. With a billion users she only needed to hit >$5 in ad revenue per user yearly to grow revenues. Instead she blew a billion dollars on tumblr. She could have bought imgur combined it with photobucket or whatever the fuck they have, chegg and combined it with yahoo answers, hired some financial analysts, and writers for premium content and charged monthly. Truly amazing. A little league coach or an inner city drug dealer could have done better. To be a terrible manager and have no business sense is truly amazing.

Back in olden times it'd take a while for shit to load on 56k modems the google page was great compared to yahoos shit everywhere

>Seriously anyone with half a brain could have been able to do better.
You'd think that, but just look at what every Yahoo CEO has done. She's just another in a string of failures

>>Reads a childrens story book to them instead
fucking kek

it always surprises me how people that are such huge cunts and have absolutely no respect for their subordinates are allowed to go this far. shit like this does nothing but breed spite and makes talent leave.

This women was clearly an unfit person to manage Yahoo. Had they actually put in the work and grabbed someone who was smart and actually wanted the business to work on and revamp themselves to the younger generation. It woulsnt have costed

> a billion dollars in Tumblr buyout
> loss of people's jobs due to cutbacks
> even worse breaches than before.
> etc

I mean take Steve Jobs after being fired from Apple. Company was going Yahoo's route. He comes back revamps EVERYTHING, a major Rev-1 overhaul on the companies focuses and drive.

Making it clear that Apple had forgotten who Apple was and put the whole thing back on track by making use of the talent there and elsewhere for Apple.

We need that kind of driven person here at Yahoo. It is a shame theyre so down in the dumps now. When in the early 2000s they were hot as hell.

Sauce 10/10 wood bone

Yahoo has no identity. They were a search engine, got fucked hard by Google, they should have died then. All this is just slow death.

The only yahoo thing I use, is their yahoo finance for stock info, maybe they should concentrate on that and cut everything else.

>i only use microsofts word
>maybe they should concentrate on that and cut everything else

you do realize how retarded you sound right?

>you do realize how retarded you sound right?
no faggot explain it to me.

microsoft has a pole position business in variety of other ventures, not just word you fuckhead.

yahoo doesn't have a good position in anything, maybe in yahoo mail, although I doubt it. Yahoo finance is the only venture where their userbase exceeds the competition.

Go back to r9k you fucking rapebaby.

>microsoft has a pole position business in variety of other ventures
and they did that by cutting everything and focusing on a single thing right?
i can't believe how dumb you are.

no you fucking idiot, microsoft is your crap you're spilling. yahoo has nothing to do with microsoft, you are a seldom retarded fuck to compare the two companies.

now stfu, post pics of your mom and make yourself useful you underage shit.

you recommend a strategy for a company that is an utter failure and no successful business does this. and your only valid argument is "bruh i only use ...".

btw microsoft is only a mere shadow of it's former glory, they lost all the big games. outsourcing to india i guess.

"We're a media company first"

"We're a tech company first"

I wonder which one of the two is Yahoo and which one is Google.

My manager (woman) is responsible for an ecommerce site that rakes in $2mill and still thinks font tags and tables are perfectly fine, and that's all she brings to the table.

The war on white males is taking such a toll on the quality of normal business people that Veeky Forums is becoming a place to get decent business advice (if you know how to sift through bullshit.)

That is a sign of a need for new startup companies. Before that can happen, the anti white male legal system has to be destroyed. The anti white male legal system gets its funding from people who's life blood is Fiat Currency.

Kill the exclusive power to issue currency and you kill the anti white male legal system.

seek medical help user right now!

It's not just productive White males that are constantly being attacked by the media nowadays.

Asian men and Indian men are starting to take shit for being... get this... TOO productive and too good that it makes Niggers and Women look back.

FUCK YOU LIBERALS. That's all I can say.

>Asian men and Indian men are starting to take shit for being... get this... TOO productive and too good that it makes Niggers and Women look bad.

typo fix

no indian men get shit for not being able to poo in the loo and asian men for being small dicked betas.

You talk alot for someone who seems pretty ignorant of what's going on in the Valley.

Fuck off before you reveal any more of your ignorance.

you guys are living in an alternate reality where jews are actual lizard folk and the illuminati runs commerce and facebook.

also _you_ talk about ignorance... kek.

you again, ffs kid get a fucking life or go write a suicide letter on r9k.

you neet faggots that got kicked out of mommas and pappas are on tendie withdrawal. you sperg just too much shit for /biz to handle, go through /pol, /his, /sci first, then come to /biz.

jesus, your spaghetti is spilling user and it just doesn't stop.

You sound like a faker but if you are not, ignore this warning at your peril.

White men with talent are being pushed aside for the sake of a diversity agenda. They are regrouping and waking up to the designs against them.

A great awakening is coming. You will see it soon.

>White men with talent are being pushed aside for the sake of a diversity agenda.

Again, its not even just white males anymore. It's almost the unproductive (niggers & women) vs anybody who is productive Asian, Indian, Latino, White males.

Read techcrunch on any fucking given day.

Nonstop articles of Silicon Valley "CEOs" implementing new forced "diversity" quotas for hiring.

>White men with talent are being pushed aside for the sake of a diversity agenda.
this is bullshit, i know there are people that try that shit but it's not like they are achieving anything except making a joke out of themselves.

>Again, its not even just white males anymore. It's almost the unproductive (niggers & women) vs anybody who is productive Asian, Indian, Latino, White males.
>Read techcrunch on any fucking given day.
>Nonstop articles of Silicon Valley "CEOs" implementing new forced "diversity" quotas for hiring.

>this is bullshit,

Try reading more and talking less you illiterate and ignorant fuck.

>> Techcrunch this fucking morning

>Try reading more and talking less you illiterate and ignorant fuck.

Not to mention the HUGE fucking splash page across Y Cominator bragging about how they were able to force a few Niggers into roles they are completely unqualified for.

in the evolutionary sense companies that make bad choices will die out and leave place to companies that made the right choices.

i see nothing wrong with this. it's either gonna work out for them or not. problem starts when the government distorts market mechanisms and fuck everything up. you can no longer tell what works and what only works because of policy meddling.

And I'm guessing your next post is "Who cares about Y Combinator or Techcrunch?"

Keep letting that ignorance out my friend...

>And I'm guessing your next post is "Who cares about Y Combinator or Techcrunch?"
i have to confess i never even heard of them. ever. in what way they are relevant to my life exactly?

>in the evolutionary sense companies that make bad choices will die out and leave place to companies that made the right choices.

Like Yahoo with Marrissa?

> i see nothing wrong with this

Lots of very, very good engineers and people who get things done wasted their time, efforts, energy, and careers following the direction of this blue dress.

YOU may not see anything wrong. But that's on you.

>i have to confess i never even heard of them. ever.

Y combinator has been THE startup incubator in the valley for the past 15 years...

Y combinator incubated the likes of AirBnB, DropBox, Loopt, Heroku, etc... etc...

Arguably THE most successful incubator in the world.

Techcrunch Distrupt is the starting point for an endless list of muti Billion dollar start ups.

Both of these incubators have direct influence on all of their start ups and companies.

Both of these inbuators harp non stop every day about the need for more Niggers & Women in startups through quotas.

Do I need to connect any more dots for you here?

>Like Yahoo with Marrissa?
most likely, i wouldn't bet on them staying alive at this point.

in the end it all works out. if you are good at what you do you will find employment. especially true for engineers. if i'm fired for any bullshit reason next week gonna have interviews lined up. they are so desperate to fill it/engineering/software jobs the hr bitches gonna blow you on the way in.

I don't see anything wrong with this

if you got suckered into working for yahoo or buying into it and didnt get anything out of it that's on you.

most people stopped using yahoo a long time ago and switched to dedicated services.

for all intents and purposes it's been dead for a long time.

I assume of course that your argument is that "yahoo is still around."

i don't really care that much for startups user. very low success rate too many memes.
but seems to me they have a right to do what they are doing, they are funding these startups in the early stage are they not?

think again..

at least Jerry the cofounder built it up from nothing

>if you got suckered into working for yahoo or buying into it and didnt get anything out of it that's on you.

Fair enough.

But then again, you're basically advocating all "good" engineers jump ship as soon as a female CEO takes over...

I'm OK with that also.

>technical shit
you mean handle the public speaking for introverted sperglords. Ya that's gonna happen with or without women. If you let marketing MBA fucks take the credit, they will

>When she was attending Wausau West High School, Mayer was on the curling team and the precision dance team.[20] She excelled in chemistry, calculus, biology, and physics.[22] She took part in extracurricular activities, becoming president of her high school's Spanish club, treasurer of the Key Club, captain of the debate team, and captain of the pom-pom squad.
>Intending to become a pediatric neurosurgeon,[26] Mayer took pre-med classes at Stanford University.[20] She later switched her major from pediatric neuroscience to symbolic systems,[27] a major which combined philosophy, cognitive psychology, linguistics, and computer science.
>She started out writing code and overseeing small teams of engineers, developing and designing Google's search offerings.[11] She became known for her attention to detail[36] which helped land her a promotion to product manager,[37] and later became Director of Consumer Web products.

that doesn't sound at all like she knows or has aptitude for any technical shit. do you know who gets to be a product manager? the one that can't be trusted to write a single line of code right, but at least has people skills.

I'm liberal techie and don't agree with any of this. I think you guys follow the news too much though. If you go looking for shit you'll find it.

Companies can do shit like this if they want, they'll suffer for it and all will be well. If you have these skills and can't find a job it's on you.

It was an example you fucking idiot.

Of course that was a retarded comment. It was mocking your stupidity.

And here you are treating it as legit.

Go to bed you fucking dumbass. Adults pretending to be retarded are talking here. Not actual 14 year retards.

what i was saying the only real danger is a distorted market where the incentives are so perverted the benchmarks will actually support something that should be by free market mechanisms a total disaster.