Is there an academic idea as to how Rome was really founded?
The Romulus and Remus story is a myth that is likely untrue. Is there a consensus on a real historical narrative?
What made the village of Rome become so great versus the other villages?
Is there an academic idea as to how Rome was really founded?
The Romulus and Remus story is a myth that is likely untrue. Is there a consensus on a real historical narrative?
What made the village of Rome become so great versus the other villages?
Probably some rando village that got lucky
walls if aoe1 is anything to go by
Studying Ancient Mediterranean Civilisations.
is correct.
It's Not that it got lucky it was along one if the biggest rivers in Italy and between Etruscans and Greeks
Trojan refugees
Tell us what you know.
Kek gotta love this stupid asd meme
Troy had like 2000 people before it git destroyed in the 12th century bc
Hills and the river Tiber probably made it naturally more defensible
It's location was good for land based trade on the narrow Italian peninsula as well as port trade on the Mediterranean
Probably, I'm just guessing anyway
They were the chosen people.
* Lots of hills so very defensible
* Access to water of the Tiber
* Far enough inland to be relatively safe from coastal raids, but close enough to easily ship goods down the Tiber to Ostia
Probably you had some smaller settlements on the various hills that merged over time.
There were other great places for settlements too, though. Why Rome in particular became what it did was probably a whole lot of this
Meant to point that to the rando village that got lucky post.
read the beginning of Mommsen's "History of Rome". an excellent demythicized take.
>Implying memes aren't as good as reality
>[4] Meanwhile the City was expanding and reaching out its walls to include one place after another, for they built their defences with an eye rather to the population which they hoped one day to have than to the numbers they had then. [5] Next, lest his big City should be empty, Romulus resorted to a plan for increasing the inhabitants which had long been employed by the founders of cities, who gather about them an obscure and lowly multitude and pretend that the earth has raised up sons to them. In the place which is now enclosed, between the two groves as you go up the hill,3 he opened a sanctuary. [6] Thither fled, from the surrounding peoples, a miscellaneous rabble, without distinction of bond or free, eager for new conditions; and these constituted the first advance in power towards that greatness at which Romulus aimed. [7] He had now no reason to be dissatisfied with his strength, and proceeded to add policy to strength. He appointed a hundred senators, whether because this number seemed to him sufficient, or because there were no more than a hundred who could be designated Fathers.4 At all events, they received the designation of Fathers from their rank, and their descendants were called patricians.
-Livy's Ab Urbe Condita
There may be some truth to this; it may be the settlement was founded as (something like) a sanctuary for disenfranchised men of the surrounding region, or else became one a short while after being established (probably not by a Romulus).
Or it's just part of the mythology.
I want to know If Alba Longa was a real city.
The Trojan refugee myth kinda makes sense.
Why were the latins one of the few Indo-European tribes surrounded by the "Old" Europeans like the Etsuscans
Rome was founded by the dregs of ancient Med civilization. Every pirate, sell sword, scoundrel, charlatan, refugee, escaped slave, and shifty merchant that had been kicked out of their home city state; ended up in what became Rome.
Desert/Petra/salt start
America really is the modern rome. Crazy how scumbags of humble birth can make the best countries (for a while)
Rome is at a crossroads where the ancient italian trade from north to south crossed the trade from east to west.
It had people from many ethnicities at first, including greeks, etruscans, phoenicians and latins. They adopted gods from many nations, including Hercules, and was a very religious city, with many temples to many gods, wich gathered many pilgrims.
It eventually created its own culture from all this, and broke free from etruscan sovereingty. The rest is history.
Source: Carthage must be destroyed by Richard Miles.
That sounds a lot like....oh, crikey...
>Romulus and Remus is fake
>Romans are J2
Pick one
I don't get it
>The Trojan refugee myth kinda makes sense.
>hy were the latins one of the few Indo-European tribes surrounded by the "Old" Europeans like the Etsuscans
I still don't get how it makes sense, also there were many other Indo Europeans neighbouring with pre Indo Europeans such as Celtiberians neighbouring Iberians and Basques, Veneti neighbouring Raeti.
Citation needed
Is Syndey the Fourth Rome?
>Real historical narrative
Oh boy, i haven't been this spooked in days.