Why do people buy this crap?
Why do people buy this crap?
Superior quality and parts
faster voice hearing wires
Because the Jews did 9/11.
because 800 dollars isn't a lot of money to most people
Simplicity, marketing, the apple ecosystem that's hard to get out of, their friends have it, memes
And come on if this phone was unknown you wouldn't hate on it as much as you do
This. Also, the consumer base is retarded and love getting their pussies fondled by Apple
>muh superior quality
Its all bullshit
They're reliable, I know what I'm getting, it just works, and high resale value. I also prefer iOS to Android.
I prefer iOS in the build quality of a superior phone. Apple is good at making software but their hardware is complete trash. Even the build quality of their MacBook is god awful. Yet mac OS is so nice to use.
Why not?
Certain features that are available in IOS by default are handy and enabled by default (lots of features in iMessage)
It's not that I can't get it on an android, its that i have to convince all my android friends to install the same app as me in order to see each other typing live, send each other pinpoints on a map and so on.
>Why do people buy this crap?
The average person isn't smart. The average person is simply average. Their brains have a very small capacity when it comes to the seemingly simple task of navigating through an OS.
If you were to time travel and teach a neanderthal how to operate a smart phone, then you would no doubt find that iOS would severely be the easiest choice.
>Eazy ta use iz a gud ting doe!
Sure, if you're a brainlet.
The average person just has something better to do than figuring out why their android phone is not working properly.
i had galaxy s2 for about 4-5 years.
the only reason i replaced it is because the battery was burned out.
now i have oukitel and its the same thing as LG or any other phone
Build quality of iPhone is nothing special
Google Pixel/Galaxy S7 to name 2 have amazing builds
Third post, best post.
-the user interface
-looks cool (yes, it looks better than other phones, you autist)
-steve jobs' turtleneck
-side effect of the CIA program of pumping estrogen into the wayer supply
*water supply
>And come on if this phone was unknown you wouldn't hate on it as much as you do
Sixth post Best Post
Also they're far less susceptible to malware than Android phones.
Did you know, it has costed Apple™ Inc. $ (USD) 29.00, to produce just one Apple iPhone™, since the iPhone 4™ (Model A1332 & A1349). The successor to each iPhone™ in 5 year intervals cost (on average) $ (USD) 4.67 less than the predecessor.
I am an Apple employee. I am now working on Apple's "Project Titan". Apple have a 10 year plan of products that they wish to release, implemented every 10 years. The last implementation was that of Steve Jobs'. There is a company secret that was leaked to 3 employees, myself being one of them, that secret being that Apple wants to develop military technology, software and UCV (un-manned combat vehicles), that will begin manufacture in 2025. They are already in development.
you oughta call 'em 'faggotphones™'
I oughta delete my post.
oh no i should've screencaped that so i could warn the world about the killer iphone armies of the future. hopefully they're just going to be deleting moslems.
Its what I'm used to, its price is similar to the others so that isn't a point, and I just really don't give a shit about the specs or anything as long as it works I can get a pretty long lifetime out of it. Its not like I use my phone to render complex 3-D models or play [cock gobbling game] at max settings.
It's spelled "Muslims", and no, the military technology will not be used against the Middle East. 30% of Apple's workforce are Muslim. You sound very ignorant and stupid.
Am I the only one who thinks Mac OS is complete trash? Amateurish design, not intuitive at all, gets slower and slower every time you update it.
There is a reason why Android phones are garbage.
If you want to use the iOS ecoystem, you pay Apple's margins, period.
If you want to use the Android ecosystem, you can use a $1200 Samsung or a $200 Xiaomi. They both do the same thing.
There is a very good reason why Android makers are mostly cheap, low quality Chinese copycat companies.
Even Samsung has cut so many corners on their Android phones including poor battery design, cheap components, and poor quality control.
The entire Android ecosystem is a CONSTANT race to the bottom in pricing, margins, & quality.
If you understand business even a little, you'll understand why Android will always favor cheap, commodity bargain bin phones.
There is simply no margins in making high quality Android handsets.
This is why Apple captures 95% of all smartphone profits and companies like HTC can move a million units but still lose money.
Brainwashed, tech illiterate iPhone user detected
igorant HS dropout Nigger detected.
How does a companies margins reflect the quality of their product? Just because Apple makes more money compared to its competitors when it sells you a phone does not mean it is any good. iOS is limited ASF
> How does a companies margins reflect the quality of their product?
Margins leads to profits. With profits, you can afford higher degrees of quality control, better components, better suppliers, etc, etc...
With no margins and when you're losing money on phones, you cut every corner possible... that always means quality control.
>How does a companies margins reflect the quality of their product?
And I'm guessing you have zero experience in the computing or hardware industry to ask such a silly question.
"Apple captures more than 103% of smartphone profits in Q3 despite shrinking shipments"
>In a note to investors, BMO Capital Markets analyst Tim Long estimates Apple's share of handset industry operating profits hit an all-time high of 103.6 percent for the most recent quarter, reports Investor's Business Daily. Apple's super-100 percent performance resulted from losses posted by other major vendors over the same period.
Yes, but they ain't doing that either.
>With no margins and when you're losing money on phones, you cut every corner possible... that always means quality control.
You're wrong you dumb cunt. the iPhone 4 is 6 years old, yet I still see people using them.
The parts, design and construction are able to make a phone last for 6 years+ means that they are uf a superior quality.
You could've ordered a new battery online...
Stupid people (read: >75% of the population) have so many reasons to buy them. No viruses (read: Yay, everything is done for me!). iMessage is a free texting service between all Apple devices, so people are inclined to have it to "message X person because they have iMessage." And the general target for iPhones is teenage girls, they don't care about specs as long as they have "damm daniel cryface cryface 100 100 100 dabs snapchat selfie o shit waddup."
>And the general target for iPhones
More enterprise/corporate buyers buy iPhones more than any other model. Partly because of the 'fewer viruses' thing you mentioned, as well as durability.
Apple has a 25 billion run rate enterprise business it can spin off if it wants to. Most people don't know apple sells that much to enterprise.
also, bootstrapped start ups like mine use facetime+messenger as our 'corporate chat' lol
>30% of Apple's workforce are Muslim
really? do you have a source for this? 30% sounds kind of high, and seems to contradict apple's own website: apple.com
>It's spelled "Muslims"
nah, i don't think i'm gonna be spelling it that way dictionary.com
This is a pretty succinct yet accurate explanation.
To each their own: I find Apple's interfaces cumbersome, slow. I need to know that I don't need to reverse engineer a product to customize it any-which way I want, even if I use pretty standard things.
>Doesn't directly address criticism
>Margins leads to profits. With profits, you can afford higher degrees of quality control, better components, better suppliers, etc, etc...
So why are Apple sitting on unheard of such reserves of cash instead of reinvesting that into better quality control, components, new product lines?
Imagine two people:
Person 1 is your typical Veeky Forums user. Aged between 18 and 24, probably in college or working an entry level blue/white collar job, and has tonnes of time on his hands. This person spends hours online perusing products, comparing specs, arguing with others online, calculating to the penny what he can get for his money. These people generally do not have that much money and if they do they probably don't understand how easy it is to make.
Person 1 is who dominates this board and will almost certainly without fail not purchase an iPhone. These are the guys walking around with their 6P and Thinkpads, beliieving in their financial prowess and shrewd manoeuverability in the market, outsmarting the common plebs who spent double what they did on an "inferior' product. They probably have a few quid in RH and Bitcoin, and could be making a profit too.
Person 1 probably has his phone rooted, uses Linux on his thinkpad, may even code a bit and spends a lot of time (whether he realises it or not) trying to stay "ahead of the curve" by committing his spare time to these online pursuits.
The fundamental point to note here is that Person 1 has TIME. He has time to fuck around on the internet comparing phone and laptop specs, time to shop around and wait for value, and not enough disposable income to circumvent this primeval urge of not getting screwed by "the man" (which has a whole host of patriarchal issues attached to it but i digress).
Person 2 has money and wants something that works. He has to take work e-mails on his phone and needs a smooth, flowing ecosystem to manage his time and connections. He has a family, kids, people who demand his time. He doesn't have time to wait for the new Snapdragon processor in the latest Chinkphone for half the price. What does he do? Buy Apple's iPhone and Macbook because they provide A CONSISTENTLY RELIABLE PRODUCT.
thats all
my sony z3 compact still shits on iMemes for the money
you are just paying the extra to wear an apple on your fucking phone
same for nike shoes etc
>Sony Z3
Person 3: Buys iPhone because I'm a lazy fucker and windows and android piss me off with their user customizations. I don't care about customizing my shit I just want my thing to work out the box you fuckers so I can start shitposting right away.
>sony z3 compact
The best phone of the last 10 years, bigly.
The chart you are reading from displays the nationality of the workforce, not the religion. Islam is a religion.
Also, no, its spelled Muslims.
You were quite on the money lost me at iPhones save time... they are frustratingly cumbersome. I'd rather spend 10 minutes and pick a big brand android that I instantly click with than have to relearn to Apple's interface for idiots.
Had my Sony phone for like 3 years. No intention of upgrading.
Also fuck apple for bringing in touch screens and all the companies memeing and following like sheep, literally the worst thing to happen in smartphones ever. I use to write thousands of words on my blackberry style Nokia, fuck touchscreens! "intuitive" my ass!!
>moslems make up 30% of Apple employess, yet are only ~1% of the US population
please provide a source to back up this ridiculous claim
Please tell me you're joking.
Again, its Muslims. I know it can be hard for people like you to learn but please, atleast try.
say it with me, "MOS-LEM"
follow this dictionary.com link and click the sound button so you can learn how to pronounce it properly: