Is he, dare I say it.... "our guy"?
Is he, dare I say it.... "our guy"?
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Jay Leno is one of the few true car guys that has a vast taste in cars.
I started liking him after he got in trouble for ripping the handbrake in a 500 abarth test drive.
Sauce? I need to see this.
Leno has a great selection of cars.
What's great about Leno is that he doesn't just like the muscle cars of the 60s and early 70s. He's into every class from all generations.
I wish I could be Jay lenos son desu
Yes I love Joe Leno
I believe Jay Leno is the most balanced and accepting of enthusiasts. No elitism. He doesn't care what you, what you drive, where you're from, who you are, what the car is, so long as there's a passion for cars or for the car, that's all that's needed.
Does he own an AE86?
While all of this is true about Jay Leno, I think it disqualifies him from being ",Veeky Forumsur guy". What you just described is the complete opposite of this board.
Veeky Forumss guy is alphonse.
That Hapsburg jaw tho
He's our guy as a reflection of our ideal. Just not of our reality.
I can agree with that brother. I would like to be more like Jay Leno but I can't stop my elitist shitposting like the rest of you. I think he is a good role model for us.
Here's our guy:
>Entrepreneur who enjoys racing
>Placed 9th in class at LeMans in 2005
>Wasn't happy with the TVR he was driving, so he bought a failing car company to build exactly the car he wanted
>Drew up the plans for the company's first production car in 20 years himself
>It became one of the top GT4 cars for privateers and received wide praise (in England) as a street car, and has its own spec racing series
not only cars, but motorcycles, trucks, tractors, steam engines, electric cars, electric bikes, jet cars, jet bikes and any form of transportation with an interesting history of design and engineering. i much prefer him to the other fat aging close minded grumpy british person.
He has a great collection and great taste, but I feel bitter towards him because he's the essential rich boomer.
>he's the essential rich boomer.
Uh, no he's not.
>tfw no unlimited budget American Top Gear with Seinfeld and Leno
If we exclude all of the shitposting bus riders and a majority of tripfags and namefags, does he qualify to be /ourguy/?
what is seinfeld up to these days? last i heard he was selling off his porsche collection. i know he does that comedian show thing, but is he still a porsche purist?
Perfect; many thanks.
He's nothing like you idiots
That's everybody here
His expression is as if he's simply on a normal Sunday drive. Like a fucking BAWSS.
He didn't get in trouble?
he's what we aspire to be i guess
He doesn't get in trouble. The Fiat exec seems to enjoy it actually.
Do you think Jay has been Bogpilled?
Neither is Jay Leno. It's not a matter of who we are, it's the guy that represents who we want to be. Most of Veeky Forums doesn't actually want to be Leno, we all enjoy shitting on everyone else's cars too much.
nope. not a single toyota.
no. that would be good. And by definition american reality tv cannot be good.
or real
Fuck off Alphonse