Alright, Veeky Forums - how do we take back car culture from the fuckboys/normalfags?

Alright, Veeky Forums - how do we take back car culture from the fuckboys/normalfags?

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its too late.

with social media it made it worse.

the fact that carspotting is an actual thing saddens me.

Do not lose hope, user. Daddy's money is no match for meme magic.

Stop having millenials design cars.

Stop giving a shit about expensive cars, admire shitboxes instead

And oh mah gawd those hordes of teenagers chasing supercars around london is so cringeworthy

To fight a culture you must first develop a counterculture.

There is no cohesive enthusiast culture. We have no image, no representation. No unity. We are the reason we're dying.

I live in LA and seeing expensive cars everyday driven by Chinese fuckbois has made me numb, clean shitboxes are much nicer to look at.

Let your post be the start of something.

>hordes of teenagers chasing supercars around london
wait what?

Miami here. It's not as bad as LA, but yeah I'm pretty numb to sports cars now. Seeing a clean shitbox or "maybe a classic someday" type car is more excited to me also. Saw a CLK 63 Black Series today and that's a great example. Was more interesting than the P1 at breakfast.

It's always been a normalfag thing, you autist. Nothing says 'Chad' like classic cars.

Not sure I agree with that. Lots of weird fucks are into classic cars. There are for sure the rich guys that just buy them for the prestige or just sort of know about them but always wanted one, and then there are the die hard robot types that live for those old shitboxes.

Actually racing, repairing and modifying cars for the explicit purpose of going fast is still normie free. Go to a local time attack or drag event and it's hardcore car autitst. Even basic track days are better than our average car meet. Pretty much anything that endangers the car or driver Normans shy away from.

Supercars, classic cars have always been a normie thing. Stance, drifting, and modding for looks are the newer trends for them as well.

I really hope nobody would drive a car like that with fucking air Jordan's

cars have always been a normalfag hobby

not the person you replied to but youve never seen that

skip to :50 secs

oops forgot link

That's normal there?

That really turned me off from moving to England.

if i lived in london i'd drive a normal car even if i was rich. does that happen all the time there?

That is obnoxious.

fuking cringe

Allow me to explain the reason you are losing the culture war, as I have been on the same end as a /k/ommando. People nowadays see cars as nothing but a means of transportation. This in turn has caused the death of cars being built because they are fun. It was the same way with guns. People saw them just as a murder tool and nothing else. You WILL have to introduce people to driving/tuning if you want them to do it on their own much like sport shooting. However for every man who goes out to have fun on a drive there will be two more who drive to just get to work. Don't give up or you will have an uphill battle much like /k/ has
Tl;dr force people into the car then go drift like dagumi to make them like cars

Chads typically drive Mustangs and Subarus.

Great post.
Also I'm jelly, would like to do some nice sport shooting. But Germany being modern Germany...

How is that any different from, say, trainspotting? Is this carspotting thing supposed to be special enough to get you all riled up like this?

Spotting trains is like bird watching - it's for anoraks who've checked out or been cast out from the regular world and have nothing left but to descend deep into their own autism.

Spotting cars like this is inherently interacting with society, albeit in a creepy and desperate kind of way.

I don't get it, do people actually go out and try to spot cars randomly?

Or are we talking about people who just take pictures of nice, parked cars?

Ignore them and focus on your own car

>People nowadays see cars as nothing but a means of transportation.
wrong. people see them as an aspirational status symbol

Jesus fuck they all look and dress like faggots and fuccbois.

London should have been bombed harder.

I am willing to marry your sister and give you American citizenship, however she must have a very feminine penis

All of the birdwatchers I know are oldfag teacher/preacher/housewife types with a rare environmental/wildlife major thrown in. I haven't seen a single autist yet.

Only in London. That place is a total lost cause. We don't have that shit in the rest of the country

>Force people into a car and drift like dagumi

Normies get terrified even when you just take a turn fast. Anything else will probably make them never want to get in a car ever again.

This, so much this. In the third world shithole I live in, buying a GT-R makes you almost a celebrity. You get preferential treatment at the track and crowds of normies run to suck your dick. Instead of supporting those who actually make this a culture, people just spill their spaghetti for rich dickheads that buy an expensive car, take it to an expensive tuner and drag race with a 4WD/DSG equipped car that can basically drive itself.

I've been to Yurop twice and saw things at museums that completely numbed me to "supercars". I saw an F40, an F50 and an Enzo in the same room at the Galleria Ferrari, the Lamborghini Reventon #13 and #14 being built in front of my eyes, a 911 GT1 Straßenversion. After that, what the fuck do I care about a normiecore with a fat wallet thinking he's Paul Walker? Instead, what catches my full attention is shitboxes tuned to hell and back. A boosted Renault 9 doing high 12 second 1/4 mile passes? Yes please. A track-prepped Suzuki Swift running rings around a new 5.0 Mustang? Ohhh yes!

This too. Except drag racing atracts a bunch of normie faggots, at least here. They "race" in their Golfs/A4s/Q5s and think they're the shit because they got a Stage-whatever thingymabob and a car that launches itself and shifts itself.

Because you can't afford cars.

but why wouldn't it be fun to sperg out and camp in a parking lot at night for a sec if you've heard that there's some monster cars in the area

lolwut? Do bongs really do this?

all of those cars are owned by arabs who congregate around Mayfair in summer when it's too hot in their respective desert shitholes.

Supercars are so common in London that they're a boring nuisance if you've lived there for a long while. You know that South Park episode about annoying Harley Davidson faggots? It's the same with supercar drivers over there.

Is the UK worth living in if you care about cars and driving?

see here and here

Absolutely fucking not, unless you're rich and/or over 30. There aren't very many good roads, insurance is RIDICULOUS, petrol is also RIDICULOUS and people do not know how to fucking drive.

This for young'ins it's hell. Once you're an adult it's great.

That makes sense. It could be worse, at least we get super cheap imports.

0/10 bait

>implying normies and casuals aren't what's keeping the car culture afloat.

Faggots that are willing to pay assloads of cash for exotic sportscars, classic boomer mobiles, and having their cars modded and then posting the results on social media keep shit like supercars, SEMA, Top Gear, etc going by bringing in huge cash flow into it.


Fuccbois have been the forefront of car culture since F&F and JDM tyte yo gaudy bodykit culture became a thing.

Just like phones and clothing.

Why would we want to do that?

I mean, is it hindering your attempts at being a car-guy?

>normies like shit like safety and touchscreens everywhere
>everything is meant to cater to normies

See what I`m getting at?

Also who fucking cares about postercars and sema nowadays?

Do you want to be in the same boat as them, user?

i took this pic of a veyron in london. s-sorry

quite often i'll whip out my phone if i see an interesting car. but i don't go chasing it like those fags

Used cars are cheap and we have good tracks here

By driving shitboxes.

you mean get laid and be a somewhat normal functioning adult?

As in someone accidentally seeing me as a fukboi/normalfag because of my hobby? Who cares? Be reasonable.

Also with normalfags going for the really obvious picks with their rides, it's driving the prices of "out of ordinary" cars down, which can only be good.

This reminded when I went to a weeb convention two weeks ago. Just weebs and normies losing their shit over a God damn dime a dozen Gallardo. Ignoring a relatively stock Supra right in front of it. Pic related.


I give up fucking hate iPhones

Let's all buy lada nivas

Thanks, Putin.

I love how to guy who made the video just comments on the annoying people too lol

Those are the 2 ways theyre seen.

Like, people just buy a kia or some shit to use like an appliance

but Mercedes & ferrari and shit are status symbols

Normies and pricks were the FIRST to start this shit. Look at all those hideous mags from the 90s where people spent £20k on bodykits and ICE on a fucking Clio... they could've bought a decent Merc SL second-hand.

Damn that's an awesome pic. Rotated it for you.

This thread is full of delusional poorfags
People seriously prefer a modified shitbox over a supercar? And then they have the audacity to claim people who like actual good cars aren't enthusiasts? God damn try hard posers. Make me fucking sick

No one thinks you are special for liking a stripped out shit box that drives like you are ripping hair out
Bevause you aren't
Youre just a Cringe loser

>"dime a dozen"
>vs a fucking stock Toyota
Apply all the manual gymnastics you want But you can't justify this autism

Literally nothing special about a supra unless Jun or top secret has had their hands on it
A Gallardo on the other hand is a magnificent piece of automotive engineering, regardless of what type of people you choose to associate it with (that is entirely irrelevant to the car you contrarian hipster faggot)

So go ahead and let me into the thought process of a try hard le supreme enthusiast who scoffs at a supercar but would jerk his dick at a shitty 20 year old Toyota


These 2 know whats up.

Fuck you, there is literally nothing wrong with being a normal, socially healthy person.

>bitches about normies
>owns an iPhone

Normies have always loved super cars. Not necessarily because of the car but because they are a symbol of wealth. I don't see any normies in actual car culture

protip: build sleepers and kill egos

This. There are a handful of supercars in my town and they are attention magnets. Some guy brought his F355 to the track here and got stomped by my Foxbody, nobody cared that my shitty Mustang beat a Ferarri. But they all wanted a turn drooling over a car they probably don't know is barely worth 40k these days just because it says Ferrari on it

This. The cars normies fawn over aren't car culture. They are just expensive. The people that like them are the people who plasti dipped their rims and think that makes them a tuner.

Even shit you hate like stancefags are people who either have to
1. Know about cars enough to do their own work and be willing to spend big bux on parts
2. Know nothing about cars but are willing to spend big bux to buy parts and have someone put them on for them.

Most normies don't even want to pay to change their oil

Is that a VH commodore?

I'd lose my shit if a bunch of unwashed proles started touching my car.

this makes me so sad

Its not mine my work requires me to have one. My personal phone isn't even a smart phone. But yes I am a normie that loves driving a 200K+ mile sedan.

I hate to say it but fast and furious killed car culture. Moms got all butthurt over them making street racing cool. It at least didnt help. Got teched in stockish jetta.... because to low..... it was on stock suspension

>Massive front mount
> sleeper
Pick one

>lives in a commie shithole with inspections
>blames FnF movies from 15 years ago for what's happening now

One year after (if that) government was petitioned to produce strict laws cracking down on meets, hooning, and modifications as a result.. drawing conclusions based on facts presented to me as i lived through it.

>Jay Leno

We need to use him as the face of counter-culture. Here's what we do:

Similar to the Nissan Patrol on the last episode of The Grand Tour, we modify shitboxes so that they become capable of taking on supercars. Eventually when our shitboxes rule supreme we will declare shitboxes the "mainstream". Now that teenagers are chasing shitboxes, Veeky Forums can reign supreme with vintage classics and supercars.

It's a sleeper to normies and rich cunts who buy nice cars without knowing anything about them

>saying fuckboy ever, ironically or not
go back to facebook fucking normalfag

Looks sick tho more pics?

Practice what you preach and actually know how to turn a wrench- Viciously shame the Fatt Marahs of the world who purport to be "car guys" and don't build their own cars. Don't tolerate the Jeremy Clarkson types who substitute meaningless buzzwords like "peppy/spunky/refined/sorted" for actual knowledge and understanding.

Basically socially enforce a barrier to entry on the basis of knowledge. More succinctly- Know what the fuck you're talking about and give no time of day to people who don't.

We can't





OOOO BOO HOO people are buying what i want and i hate them because i'm jealous so i'll just try to ostracize them based on their social identity ohh let me cry a little more.


You guys are obviously 18-19 years old and weren't browsing the internet (or browsing beyond newgrounds and nickelodeon) and were there to watch the huge surge in car culture following fast and the furious. It was fucking awesome.

>Hondas were being strung out and tested to their limits
>People finally saw how awesome the LS engine was and started turbocharging F-bodies and Corvettes regularly
>businessmen saw a huge niche and started pumping money into pre-built parts

You fucking faggots wouldn't know anything about cars if it wasn't for all the blown motors and dyno pulls from the past couple decades. Not a fucking, damn thing.

Not only that but
>the E46 M3
>watercooled 911s
>the huge surge in the offroad scene (browse if you want to see what wheeling and modification was like BEFORE there was a kit for every hydraulic steering set-up and solid front axle swap)
>THE DAMN SUPRA No one knew that it could hold so much power until people started cranking up the boost in the early 2000s

You guys are so fucking short sighted. This is why history is easily the most important thing you can learn, because without it you have zero appreciation and recognition for the people who came before you.

You seem upset. Im more worried about meets and people who buy amazing cars and ruin them. And not being able to have fun..

Challenge any and EVERYONE you see in a Touge race. I'm talking about people like these.

Your vehicle of choice should either be a shitbox sleeper, or just a basic sleeper. Basically like this.

The more 'humiliating' the vehicle, the better. Nothing stings as much as a 100K Porsche being passed by a drifting rust bucket of a Camry blasting Eurobeat. And speaking of, blast Eurobeat as loud as you can while you race these fuckboys. Do this and we take back our culture.



moot talked about this: tye larger a community gets the more shit it becomes

Literally all of this was already in motion since the 60s, just look at the biggest manufacturers and aftermarket- Edelbrock, Mickey Thompson, Garret, Comp Cams, Eagle was an offshoot of KB guys and Chevy engineers.

People knew the potential the LS had around the time it was running deep into the 12s stock. People also knew the potential of the Supra out of the gate, it doesn't take a genius to know a thick iron block and forged rotating assembly can take a lot of power and gooks were giving it the beans almost from day one- You just didn't hear about it because it was before F&F dropped and nobody stateside gave a shit about the Supra.

You're the one who doesn't know history.


I couldn't give a damn about what they drive. They have no passion - to them cars are only a status symbol. These people aren't going to put money into their car unless someone does all the work for them. They only care about looking cool, not appreciating the experience of tuning and driving. Quit being so butthurt.