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How fares your empire, /gsg/?
This day in history, February 3rd: 1451 – Based Sultan Mehmed II inherits the throne of the Ottoman Empire. 1897 – The Greco-Turkish War breaks out. 1933 – Adolf Hitler announces that the expansion of Lebensraum into Eastern Europe, and its ruthless Germanisation, are the ultimate geopolitical objectives of Third Reich foreign policy. [citation needed]
Whats your guy's opinion on this game? Do you consider it grand strategy? Is there anyone else on the planet who actually plays it besides me?
Cameron Foster
Come on, lad, make my meme an-clap flag and I'll leave you alone. You owe me for all the times I've told you how shit your flags were
Jackson Wright
mamamia gabbagool *slurps pasta* do thisa idiota bea sayina we werenta roma?
Owen Watson
someone was posting it a few days ago and there was no shitstorm so you should be safe posting it
Joseph Sanders
Vatican city is the legitimate successor state to Rome. >hehe dis kids just meming he dusnt really tink dat Prove me wrong. >Latin >In Rome >only authority under rome still around (Bishops of Rome were legitimised upon the Roman Empire's conversion to Christianity, by right of line of succession the Pope is the Roman emperor.)
Joseph Torres
What's AFPG like IRL? Does he know his username is an anagram of fag pro?
Connor Fisher
That really made me think
James Martin
Its Finland
Zachary James
>all those jumps "No" also, how does a republic be an empire?
Jacob Bailey
>West Africa
Joseph Martinez
It was to be a kingdom. IIRC
Caleb Foster
Alright, thanks AFPG, the icon looks really good, I had to make it a little smaller though.
Eventually the death cultists will spread to other nations, even if there isn't a zombie country, and rebels will pop up to try to change your country religion to their cult. The cult religion will probably open up some options, no idea what though, I was thinking maybe having the ability to start zombie infections in enemy countries during great wars or something.
Grayson Reed
>Going for Burgundian Conquest cheevo >This happens
Daniel Gomez
>Constantine the Great relocates the capital to Constantinople. Anyone else think Constantine was an idiot for this one?
Dylan Hall
>moving the capital to a much wealthier city straddling two continents was a mistake Nah, should have renamed the empire though.
Colton Morris
Make an "undead" culture and have all the pops switch to it once it completely falls (not just occupied). At what age could humanity reasonably fend off a zombie horde? I think the advent of the machine gun would have been it.
Hunter Cruz
>I had to make it a little smaller though Damn, looking good though.
If you want my opinion, remembering a very old post apocalyptic Civ4 mod I used to play back in the day, I remember there was a death cult as well, and you really wanted to avoid your cities converting to it because it gave you a population malus and some other stuff.
I think it's an interesting idea if you can implement the religion to give you nation maluses, so that you'd actually want to _prevent_ the religion from spreading to your land and such.
I assume death cultists would seek to bring about the zombie plague, but perhaps also otherwise poison or fuck up your population giving a malus to population growth and such things.
>EU3, just do Norse Britian What size are EU3 flags even?
Julian Rivera
Why the fuck is MEIOU so slow
Luis Morales
Luis King
128 by 128, don't forget Muslim Byzz as well
Aiden Brown
I actually remember because I did a flag from EU3 a long time ago and they are 64x64. So which one it is? EU3 or EU4?
Carter Kelly
>At what age could humanity reasonably fend off a zombie horde? I think the advent of the machine gun would have been it. Depends what rules the zombie operate under. If they starve, then whenever. If organized properly, then probably medieval or even classical. A castle or walled cities would be pretty unbreachable and despite lacking gunpowder weapons you'd still be able to fuck up a zombie horde with firebombs.
Kevin Bailey
>I assume death cultists would seek to bring about the zombie plague, but perhaps also otherwise poison or fuck up your population giving a malus to population growth and such things. Why would anyone want to overthrow civilisation by promoting an influx of barbaric uncivilised subhumans?
Logan Barnes
No starvation, headshots only. >you will never be walled in a comfy english castle, longbowing zombies all day
Julian Carter
EU3, It is 64x64, checked
Carter Sanders
I see what you did there and I love you for it, user.
Lucas Ortiz
>headshots only Then you'd be fucked up until the early modern era. I think you underestimate the marksman to zombie ratio, not to mention the insane amounts of ammunition that would be required.
Thomas Hernandez
Nah, I originally said the machine guns. I don't think that's be possible with muskets, considering it takes half a minute for the average person to reload.
Jose Gonzalez
Well, when dealing with flags so god damn small, the key is to keep things as simple as possible.
For instance, here you have your Byzantine Caliphate, so to speak. Since I assume the capital is in Constantinople, I just did the same thing the Ottomans did when THEY became a "Byzantine Caliphate", so to speak, and took Constantinople's Star and Crescent and turned it into their own symbol.
I chose this design since it comes directly from old Constantinople banners, and I chose green since in Shia Islam (and Islam in general I believe) it's a sacred colour, symbol of purity and piety.
What do you think?
Robert Scott
k lads i
Xavier Robinson
From last March
Xavier Russell
Stupid question, why did real-life nations blob so hard?
What was their end goal?
And why is taking over the world such a reoccurring theme for the villain in fiction? What do they plan on doing once they've accomplished this?
Sebastian Rodriguez
That is a stupid question.
Owen Wilson
Preddy good, It fits quite well.
Nicholas Martinez
I already have a zombie culture for the horde, I plan on making provinces assimilate to it and lose a good number of pops once the majority are zombie cultists, representing them sacrificing themselves or some other edgy thing. I'll make it possible to get zombie primary culture as any nation if their capital becomes majority cultist.
I'm going to make every religion able to be converted even if there are no pops of the religion you want to convert them to, similar to African pagans, just so this become possible.
Good idea, I'll have having the cultists in power give bonuses to military and reduced militancy/consciousness, at the cost of a decent hit to pop growth, period losses of pops in provinces whenever they flip to zombie culture, and other small annoyance events.
I want there to be stages of the apocalypse in the mod, like stage one (1836-1852) being the actual zombies, 1852-1890ish being cultists and 1890-1900 being the african outbreak, past that just using zombism in warfare. I also want to have local events too, like movements to give proper burials to the fallen, eliminating small scale, 1-3 man outbreaks, and families keeping a zombified family member around if they can't get over the loss.
Inventing machine guns basically stops the zombies from ever being a threat again, before then it's just about strategy. I'm not going to go by the "headshot" rule, but I won't have the environment kill too many of them otherwise the apocalypse would only last a week tops.
Sebastian Ward
>the wedding dress I'm angry now. Fuck that show
Austin Torres
They adopt a materialist mindset where more equals better, so they conquer to take control of trade and wealth to expand their power.
Bentley Collins
>Getting triggered by an article of clothing
Leo Scott
What is this even about?
Jason Wright
you are LITERALLY the guy that gomic is parodying
Last march as in 2016 or 2015?
Joseph Kelly
For what purpose though? What are the real life benefits of playing wide vs playing tall? Wouldn't the former make efficient administration of the realm borderline impossible unless outer territories have significant enough autonomy to basically count as semi-independent from the central government? That doesn't sound sustainable.
Nathaniel Wood
Using to get you attention
This flag isn't to bad either
Dominic Bell
Not the dress specifically, just the ending of she show, when she wears the dress, is hot garbage
Liam Nelson
Why would it be 2015?
Dylan Taylor
Best girl won, bitches. Get over it.
Anthony Kelly
I think humanity would have survived at any stage, mostly because of islands, such as isle of man. Every now and then when the population of the island rises groups would probably leave to try and make their way to the dangerous yet completely unclaimed land that would be abundant in resources compared to the island, especially since no one has been there to harvest it for years. The chance of zombies getting on the islands are tiny, and can only happen if they come on a boat, back then boats took a while to travel so the other passengers would either die or kill the infected before they land. Any that do get to shore would be of little threat because of low population + Density meaning its pretty much impossible for them to overwhelm people.
Justin Davis
>I'm not going to go by the "headshot" rule, but I won't have the environment kill too many of them otherwise the apocalypse would only last a week tops. The headshot rule is only one that makes sense. Chop of a zombie's arm, what happens? Nothing. The brain is the only part that causes this, they were able to make Zombie mice in real life and it's basically just a neurological disorder.
Also, you should have it start by Communist Anarchist jews declaring it the only way to truly "liberate the proletariat".
Julian Phillips
CK2 cuck here trying to figure out EU4. I figured I'd start with the modern casualized games before I get into the more complex and retro ones.
Other than centers of trade and other provincial bonuses, and other than Missions, how do I decide what land to grab in a peace deal? In CK2 you just go for de jure duchies, but that doesn't seem to be much of a thing in EU4. Or should I try to grab land that falls within the same State, to minimize the amount of States I have to create?
Mason Kelly
But no girl won. The ending is cop-out shit
Nathaniel Ross
The different shades of blue are barely a thing, I don't think it's a good idea to depend on that for symbolism.
I know you said you wanted Norse symbolism but what about this? I took the lion from the medieval Earldom of Iceland and gave it the colours of the lion of England. I can try something else, more pagan norse if you want though.
Jaxon Foster
Jonathan Ward
nice. instant votes by giving him a barony. good to know!
Brandon Morales
And now that he's landed he's going to start plotting against you and banging diseased wenches.
Alexander Carter
I don't know, I always got confused about that shit in school. They'd say "next friday" and mean the friday after next, rather than the friday of that week, which would be the "next" friday.
Just autism, lad.
William Evans
It really really depends. Start with cores and claims first as you lose less paper and bird mana. Then culture if its your culture or culture group its worth more. Then in states you already own. Some provinces may be special and transcend those rules like you always want centers of trade and gold mines. Above all good borders are king.
Jose Clark
>mix of different blues I have never seen anything worse in my whole entire life.
Hudson Smith
Yeah, I'd love to see different norse symbolism more prominent, also you are doing great work for the limitations you are working with
Carson Bennett
>The headshot rule is only one that makes sense. Chop of a zombie's arm, what happens? Nothing. The brain is the only part that causes this Yeah, you're right, I'll go off of that rule, my only gripe with it is that it would be near impossible for any non island nation to survive, but I dunno.
Kevin Wilson
heh epic
Ryder Nelson
Compare the influence and power of the British Empire to Switzerland and you'll see the difference between playing 'wide' vs 'tall'.
Owen Sanchez
Pretty simple with machine guns. They'd basically be slower, unarmed zulus.
You could have two distinct sections of the mod, "the plague" and then the rebuilding, post invention of the machine gun, so that the last 40 years of the game are spent trying to get back from the catastrophe.
You could even have a sort of world conference, where the player can becoms the sole world government and try to make humanity prosper again, complete with events for nstionalist strife in said world government. Or you could have it go the other way and have people rapidly lose literacy (from no schools) and descend back into feudalist nation states.
Isaac Harris
Honest question why is there no bin next to deleted posts anymore? Now I can't tell what autism the janny is up to unless I f5 or someone quotes a deleted post. pls no ban for off topic t.
Christian Mitchell
Well, another possibility is using this symbol (triple knot or something is called, I forgot) which is a Norse symbol for Odin, but apparently was used around the British Islands as well by Germanic pagans.
Isaiah Ortiz
You should install a plugin that saves deleted posts, /gsg/ routinely has 1000+ posts each thread when you accoutn for the deleted ones.
Brandon Powell
Well, my ruler was the holy head of Norse Paganism in CK2 before I converted, so it'd work since I have to represent Norse pagans as a whole
Ryder Morgan
That whole last paragraph seems to go a bit off the rails desu.
Jackson Sanchez
Jason Powell
How so? Zombie uprising is right ul there with alien invasion on the "what would form a single world government" scale. People would soon realise that the only way humanity could hope to recuperate is by going full UN.
Elijah Edwards
I just don't see global scale governments happening in the 100 years the game takes place in, nor within the mechanics of the game for that matter. That's for the modder to consider, but I think it'd be losing focus of the mod and there's still a lot of interesting things to do with a post-zombie scenario that don't involve a huge global blob.
Benjamin Morgan
Neither are zombie invasions credible. Honestly, I don't think a live Frenchmen asking to unify with a live Spaniard to fight a horde of undead motherfuckers is too far fetched.
Xavier Jackson
>one world government >in the age of nationalism If the hordes of jacobins and communists didn't make the West unite in a single government, neither will the hordes of comparatively less dangerous zombies.
Andrew Scott
>no event for germany to get the togoland >can't get my historical colonies because no naval range from bases to colonize before anglo fucks get my clay
Elijah James
I honestly don't think this would be considered "the age of nationalism" in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Something tells me all bets are off when the coffins start bursting open. This isn't an ideological struggle, this is live humans vs dead humans, not [nation] vs dead humans.
Lucas Baker
tbqh, while I appreciate you making the flag for me, it just seemd too British, maybe it was the Irish cross that got thrown in there, as well as the flour-de-lis right smack dab on the flag.
I think I can take care of the Kildare cross (?), but if you could get either of the flags mentioned in I couldn't be happier
Also, what's your reasoning about not getting a pass? You could just keep it restricted to your devices and not give out the token and pin
Thomas Peterson
>this is live humans vs dead humans, not [nation] vs dead humans. I think you are seeing this from a very modern point of view. Back in those times chances are the struggle would have indeed be seen as a national struggle against a foreign agent, even if said foreign agent isn't a nation itself. I agree that alliances and powerblocks may have been formed to stop the hordes, but extrapolating that to the formation of one world government is just lightyears away from willing suspension of disbelief. Like, imagine, you couldn't go one day in there without civil wars starting over who gets to rule or where the capital would be and such, just to mention most immediate matters.
Grayson Rodriguez
Alright, fair enough, but there atleast needs to be events for the German Confederation to seize executive power in the crisis.
Blake Sullivan
Gotta go with on this one, you had me until the last paragraph. I do like the idea of societies reverting into feudal kingdoms, but I only see it happening in serf filled Eastern European areas like Russia, Hungary, and Poland. A X-Com unified world state in the 1800s sounds really silly though
Benjamin Lewis
If I got rid of St Patrick's cross thusly would it be ok? The problem with the fifth one you linked to is that it doesn't really have Scotland's saltire there, and the other one you linked has only one fleur de lis, not three, and that's an important distinction for France. Also having the fleur de lis defacing the rest of the flag is a proper heraldic way of doing it, see the CoA of Spain, which is what inspired me actually.
As for the pass, I'll consider it once I'm there, but since I don't know how busy I'll even be I don't want to promise things I won't be able to do. Not to mention I'd be forced to do flags on the m*cbook laptop I'll be forced to take.
Elijah Collins
Parker Brown
This is perfect, thanks
Cameron Baker
ahhhhhhh relief
John Taylor
What portrait mod is this?
Kayden Moore
Literally no one said anything about it being Communist, you lads have read that all by yourselves.
Adrian Wood
Noone said anything about it being Communist either.
Colton Bailey
Daniel Bailey
My little HRE can't be this heretic. I want to convert those guys but I also want to keep my long time alliance with the emperor Austria.
Gavin White
I don't know what x com is, I assumed x stood for Christ and it was some sort of Christian communist world government.
Cooper Brown
>I don't know what x com is >I assumed x stood for Christ and it was some sort of Christian communist world government I don't know which of these two statements I find the most bizarre.
Zachary Sanders
>x.com I'm sort of afraid to go there Must be a crazy valuable domain
Benjamin Ward
I think I've gone too deep in my trip through Deviantart lads I would def play this gsg though
Josiah Sanchez
Have you literally never heard of xmas?
Wyatt Taylor
>deviantart geopolitical autism ah yes it puts this place to shame