Thoughts on Martin Luther King Jr?
Thoughts on Martin Luther King Jr?
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Spinning in his grave over BLM.
So much this.
Explain please.
White boys thinking they know what MLK's ghost thinks
>Blacks thinking they know history when they think they were kings for more than 60 years in all of recorded history
We understand the message more than you do.
Pretty cool guy other than the whole communist thing
Not all blacks think this tho
Just a few retards on Facebook and instagram
Communist controlled opposition.
Communist piece of shit. Touted for being some sort of martyr because of some out of context quotes in his I have a dream speech. Dude would be right on board with BLM.
Please explain
The whole civil rights movement was a communist plot to establish a black communist state in the south
Alt-right teenagers being edgy on the internet, ignore them.
holy fuck. You can't be serious.
"First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season."
>facts are edgy
>no citations at all
Where does it say that he was in cahoots with some communist plot to bring down America? All it says is that he had some sympathies to Marx's economic theories. Shit, your source even mentioned that he rejected communism's central tenants.
I wasn't the person you replied to. I personally don't believe MLK was a communist but that he had communist sympathies.
Not based, malcom x was better, he was smart and handsome unlike your chubby moralfag.
Nobody believes he wanted to bring dow America. He was a legitimately good person who just so happened to be severely economically challenged
Fake doctor and the only reason he still holds the title of doctor is for political reason.
He is an American legend. Like Lincoln. Now he belongs to the ages
His children and stragglers like Al Shaprton, Jesse Jackson, John Lewis, etc are all trying to suck every last dollar they can, out of MLK's legacy.
Every couple years, it is in the local news, hos his kids are fighting each other over who gets to profit from selling or showing something of daddy's.
Lewis and a few other politicians, were his followers, and they never stop letting us know every damn election.
The popular MLK is pleb-tier.
Actually read his works, and you will find that he is God-tier at writing.
I liked his speeches
Have a unique cadence, interesting to listen to
No not at all. Do you know the shot that was happening when he was alive?
A nigger.
Though I'm sure I'll get some knee jerk reaction for mentioning it, the Boondocks alternate history episode where he went into a coma after being shot and woke up recently and went on the huge rant about "this is what we were attacked by dogs for? Fuck this and goodbye" was equal parts hilarious and depressing, like all good comedy.
Funny thing is the blacjs earlier on could say the same thing to blacks during his time period.
Do you really not see the difference between the civil rights movement of the 1960s and BLM? That's just sad senpai.
A woman-beating, cocaine-snorting communist plagarist who was also a government stooge.
Try not to cut yourself on that edge.
rabble rousing negro
Ehh lot's of similarities.
People like to think the 20th century CR movement was peaceful.
It wasn't.
how fucking new are you to Veeky Forums?
>Saying nigger on Veeky Forums
Pick one
>also a government stooge
Is this a post?
Top bloke. One of my favourite historical figures along with Napoleon, Max Stirner, Nietzche, Florence Nightingale, Scipio Africanus, Elizabeth I, Alexander the Great, and Eisenhower.
A man who pushed for change to better the black community to proper as he believed they could.
Probably feels that he had failed in some aspects but achieved in others.