alright i better start catching some oily blackmouths soon...... or we're gonna have problems............
Zachary Stewart
You want a slow weapon with a high max-dmg and preferably some decent stats, that is priority number 1. Then you spec into whatever this weapon is. Your playstyle cant revolve around weapon-type.
Lincoln Cox
Zethbulls ww@
Anthony Bennett
Evan Ortiz
Man, Zeth is feeling more alive than ever. I have a feeling it will outlast Elysium
Jack Mitchell
>a third of the posts in this thread are already ZIDF shilling
jeez guys take it easy
Zachary Perez
>chink warrior >grabs the flag alone and goes tunnel >2 locks and a mage waiting for him at the end >hedead.jpg >he pops FAP >berserker rage >health pot >probably a whipper root and a healthstone too >somehow makes it to alliance side where we can assist him CHINA NO.1
Austin Richardson
pupper cuck detected
Evan Howard
Breaking news: the Elysium staff is using the exact same person (probably a fake name) they used to sell characters on Valkyrie to collect donations to "fund the server"...
Check this out:
This is what you get when you google the email address that was posted here:
>Dude the process was like this. U create a lvl 1 and that lvl 1 gets boosted to max lvl. Within seconds. Thats the reason why it matters ... it was a service from the server/gms
Jacob Allen
shut the fuck up moron
Joseph Russell
We dont need to shill man, everyone who comes here never wants to go back. Every day at Zeth'Kurr is a special one, and we do not want nor need any more Elysium refugees at the moment. Things just feel right here.
Tyler Walker
Who else here plays WoW in first person for dat ultimate immersion?
Andrew Rodriguez
I do until I get flagged for PvP.
Aiden Wilson
who /healer/ here
Post your favourite healer things!
Jason Hill
Crestfall 1. Backported TBC emulator rebuilt from the ground up for vanilla. 2. Population cap (4-6k). 3. No gold sellers allowed, if there is enough chink interest they get their own containment server. 4. Devs post updates about specific work being done to improve the server and are active on discord. 5. Goal to make raids as hard or harder than retail vanilla, progressive content releases (i.e. no 8 month MC). 6. Thorough beta testing of mechanics, classes, and zones. 7. Choice to progress to TBC realm when vanilla content is complete or stay vanilla. 8. Custom serverside anti-cheat detection. DDoS protection and proxies for latency improvements. 9. Blizzlike LoS, improved pathfinding. 10. Competent, tight-knit group of English speaking devs with backgrounds in coding. 11. Open beta in early 2017.
Elysium 1. Bug riddled ancient Mangos core. 2. Population cap (12k). 3. Chinks allowed to sell gold, ruin economy and players' experience. 4. Posts consist almost entirely of SJW numale CMs shilling for China and asking for money. 5. Rag killed by fresh 60s wearing greens 2 weeks after server launch, only thing to look forward to is 8 months of MC and BWL. 6. Crashes and rollbacks daily, broken dungeon scripts, skills and quests, MC broken upon release, Ony broken, BWL broken, pre-patch early release of DM, Elemental Invasion and Green Dragons 7. No progression because the server won't survive past BWL. 8. No anti cheat detection, every other player is a bot. 9. No LoS, retarded pathfinding. 10. Corrupt, Russian speaking drunks with backgrounds in inbreeding. 11. Shutdown in early 2017.
Jose Mitchell
gettin the dick
Ayden Phillips
hunters are so fucking bullshit
Nolan Anderson
>crestfall >Pop 4-6k >elysium >Pop 12k
Elysium it is then.
Jace Roberts
what class r u
Landon Lee
cum guzzling
Mason Howard
Mage. Poly does shit because the pet does a shitload of damage on it's own anyway and the constant attacks means I can hardly cast any spells.
Ryan Thomas
u blink in, nova the idiot and sheep pet you retard.
Gavin Russell
Have you tried, like, polying the pet and going into a hunter's deadzone and holding them in place with Nova? For a class with high INT you sure are retarded.
Owen Sullivan
>being this fucking bad at your class Hunter is one of the easiest fights for Mage.
Caleb Green
Yeah, until 60 when their damage falls off immensely. Suddenly rapid fire non-crit auto shots aren't dealing 1/10th of the guy's life per hit and they become pure utility.
Samuel Clark
I play Mage and I've never lost to Hunter. Mage hard counters Hunter.
Bentley Garcia
>you've been hit for 350 auto attack Hunters are worst fucking faggots. BM hunters especially. t. warlock
Nolan Edwards
What kind of retarded hunters are you playing against that actually let a mage get within nova range?
>hurr use this method that only works on keyboard turning facerollers Wow good advice you fucks.
Jordan Robinson
>roll a rogue for big dick deeps >get beaten by hunters and ferals in 5man dpscharts
what the fuck did I just get fucking memed i knew i shouldve rolled a hunter instead
Colton Foster
Yeah, no shit. is fucking retarded too, Warlock has an even easier time with Hunters.
Jason Gomez
>send pet out of locks range >BW lol ur dead Not to mention fucking viper sting on bgs is purest form of cancer.
Hunter Walker
This is the easiest way to separate the boys from the men.
Full-Screen Glow Effect?
Nathaniel Hall
>losing to Hunter as Mage
How bad are you lol?
Adrian Davis
>making excuses for being bad Doesn't change the fact that locks and mages hard counter hunters.
Carson Peterson
You'd have to be a special kind of stupid to lose to a mage as a hunter. I supposed half of them are since it's the goto class for new players.
Blake Flores
Hard counter to hunters when they get full epics and are able to survive 250 dps from pet alone.
Leo Diaz
>I supposed half of them are since it's the goto class for new players. Oops, meant to add on that that's probably why you think the fight is so one-sided.
Julian Lopez
>makes an even worse excuse Am I getting meme'd here? Name a class that isn't annoying to fight if they have full epics and you don't. And if you're in epics as well as a mage or warlock you should be able to wipe the floor with a hunter easily.
Christopher Brooks
>being this bad
Nathaniel Jenkins
No, you're just being a fucking faggot that can't understand that pet can solo lock in intimiditation due to severe lack of gear and all locks being pushed into shitty sm/ruin, not to mention no void on bgs to survive initial burst.
Justin King
>pretending to be retarded to get (You)s >people actually falling for it kek
Caleb Bell
What's the best food to give my pet after he hits lvl 55?
Landon Smith
Henry White
Chase Lewis
Cooper Green
bad warlocks*
Gavin King
B-but that is for healsluts!
Noah Anderson
putting freedom on a warrior holy light refunding huge mana gagging on dick
Tyler Hernandez
>elysium retards actually believe it's possible to lose to a hunter as a mage or a warlock The only two ways you can lose that fight is if you're either actively trying to lose, or if the hunter gets some insane crit rng.
Hope you shit kids stay here in your containment server when Crestfall comes out.
Isaac Kelly
wtf how does your game look so good
Dominic Brown
Joshua Gutierrez
>he isn't /automated/ yet
Owen Peterson
priest goes in every field
on top of that priests have a strong damage spec
Noah Campbell
>HEALIN paladin: never run out of mana priest: always run out of mana >SOLO PVP paladin: you'll get fucked in the ass priest: one of the best solo pvp classes >GROUP PVP paladin: le bof face priest: it's shit >RAIDS paladin: same as >HEALIN priest: same as >HEALIN
Nathan Powell
>SOLO PVP Priest >GROUP PVP Paladin
Christopher Wright
>running out of mana as a priest
how shit are you?
Noah Hughes
I make retard pallies dispel every single rank 1 dot that i spam apply to people and just watch them drain themselves like retards
they're all shit
Alexander Wilson
>one of the best solo pvp classes Mage, rogue, hunter, and warlock are all better solo, 1v1 and 1v2. Does being 5th place count as 'one of the best'?
Noah Scott
>mfw paladin strolls through in a world pvp battle thinking he's going to save the day
Andrew Davis
is it impossible to complete the ice cream quest
Jason Lewis
>Warlocks are bad on the alliance what did he mean by this
Isaac Torres
>mage, rogue, hunter, and warlock >beating shadow priest
ummm lol? only class that beats spriest is druid
Easton Hughes
>mana burn spamming >focused casting active while they desperately try to stop you
Juan Clark
will of the forsaken
Ian Robinson
>f-fuck of we're full
Nathan Reed
sorry bruv, nothing personal
Zachary Martinez
>p-please put our guild in the op >w-we have 3 members on right now, we're a real guild!
Cameron Long
>undead so it never will apply to me
Adrian Morgan
>tfw too intelligent to roll on elysium because it's overpopulated and not blizzlike >tfw rolling on other fresh server because it started out at blizzlike population >tfw not taking into account massive population drops that will occur after hype dies down
Jace Brown
>undead paladin
Joshua Flores
>he crops porno
Nathan Green
undead PRIEST you pathetic baka
Grayson Scott
We're talking about paladins.
Joshua Turner
paladin's have evocation now?
Jose Jackson
We're talking about mana burning paladins.
Easton Hill
your average alliance retard everyone
James Morris
>level 41 >only 55 gold >no mount >use aux and AH most of my shit i think will sell >don't level professions what the fuck did i do wrong
Wyatt Robinson
>offensive and defensive dispel >better counter spell than mages >extremely high magic resistance making it nearly impossible to CC >melees can't attack it without cucking themselves >group wide rogue detection buff Why the fuck are Felhunter so overpowered?
Owen Baker
lol average puppercuck ladies and gents, come join salty dogs on zeth'kur for a real guild
Ian Ramirez
>he didn't bot
loling @ u
Mason Jenkins
ill bot, fuck it. where do i get good bot. i have no life and can keep it on second screen and respond to nerds when suspect i might be cheating
Sebastian Hall
Sebastian James
source pls
Oliver Hill
What is the respawn timer for vendor items that were sold out? Can anyone tell me please.
Jack Hall
> better counter spell than mages Lol no. > extremely high magic resistance making it nearly impossible to CC Only literal autists play demo. > melees can't attack it without cucking themselves Melees don't give a shit about doggos. > group wide rogue detection buff Which is useless if rogue is specced mod or has alpha version of masters threads.
Austin Moore
usually on the hour. Or 1-2 hours from last purchase price. It depends on the restock timer. It is different for every item in question.
Carter Ward
>not knowing the grind spots >being an overwatchcuck >being a eurocuck >being a pokecuck >being a retailcuck >being a botcuck >being a pepecuck End your life you immense faggot.
Wyatt Foster
Guys please roll of Zeth'kur. This isn't comfy anymore.
Easton Nelson
>group wide rogue detection buff
literally useless as proven by world of roguecraft
Eli Rodriguez
Doesn't even matter anyway since stealth is fucked on this server. I can see rogues my level 10 yards behind me.
Xavier Hill
Yup lmao
stock mangos as fuck
Aiden Gonzalez
>Paranoia is actually good so spec into imp Stealth
Stopped reading there. Felhunter doesn't do anything against Rogues.
Armed with the mightiest weapons Clad in the toughest armour. With the mightiest spells are they granted through their faith, which they exercise in righteous combat. These holy warriors are without fear, without remorse, but not without mercy.
Knight errants of unbreakable will, they roam the land, bringing swift and sustained aid to those in need... and meting out a terrible vengeance upon evildoers. Judgement of the Crusader! The wicked will be made especially vulnerable to their cleansing flames! Seal of Command! The devout's weapons are guided by the Light at least seven times per minute.
A Hammer of Justice binds their foes to inaction!
A Blessing of Freedom, to their allies! The once confident mage can do naught but flail his arms and hide in a block of ice as he is utterly destroyed.
And lastly, Divine Protection; no blade shall scratch them, no disease shall blight them, and no dark magicks can even hope to reach them.
What are priests compared to this? Mere clergymen!