gf buys Jeep WJ w/ 200k miles for $700, overheated, computer has a short, failed emissions...

> gf buys Jeep WJ w/ 200k miles for $700, overheated, computer has a short, failed emissions, tire blew out on high way - basically a lemon
> been working on it for months, can't afford a mechanic
> 214k miles, drop the tranny pan to change the filter, find 2 pieces exactly like this
> apparently it's a piece of the clutch spring and the 42RE doesn't have much longer

How realistic is it that I'd be able to take that transmission out and put another in at home? Have no special tools.

Is there any chance she'll hold on for another 20k miles?

Other urls found in this thread:

sell it for scrap and buy another car

Literally no chance m8, call the tow truck

>implying it wasn't you who bought it
>implying that you would be considered a good bf if you DID actually have a gf and you let her buy a heep of shit jeep

That's what you get for buying a jeep

You are a bad boyfriend for letting her buy this car. And if she didn't even ask you before buying it and you're an Veeky Forums browser, you're a failure and a cuck.

Scrap this car.

Fuck these days op. You could probably swap a transmission at home in a full weekend or less. You/gf have to decide if it's worth the trouble or just sell it for 300 and buy another 700 beater

Fags not days

She bought it from her woman 'mechanic' 'best friend' and they both lied their asses off about the Jeep, the price, the transaction, her being a mechanic, and insisted I stay out of it.

Spent $1500 on it and another $2000 on gas. That's 25 cents a mile, not including the $700 she got it for. Shit.

Might as well wait until it loses reverse to scrap it, right?

Giving me hope here. I found a guy who did it...


>handling soldering iron from iron
that pic makes me cringe
btw listen to the scotty kilmer inside of you that a endless money pit, scrap it and get a better one

That must be hot for her fingers.

Just remember with a new (read junkyard) transmission the rest of the Jeep is still going g to be the same. I've seen 300k out of wjs but it'll be a pile by then. Are you footing the bill on this? If your GF is then by all means put a transmission in.

Dude my ford focus drinks 0.06€ of diesel per kilometer (should be around 0.096$ per mile) and it's still going down, that jeep isn't just worth it.
A new car would be a better investment than replacing the trasmission in a dying one.

Does it drive now? If so, then it will survive for a while longer yet.

fuck these fagits OP. go get a jack, stands and some tools and put in another transmission. tripfag up and shitpost your accomplishments down their throats.


>be Veeky Forumstist
>find someone who doesn't run away immediately from you
>p..plz be my gf, I can fix y..your cars, I don't even care about your feminine penis
>"meh whatever fag"
>girl taking to bulldyke friend about a jeep that just got sold off someone /org/ makes fun of
>h..hey I don't t...think
>"stfu wrench-cuck, the women are talking, go back to your shed"
>at least I get to smell her hair now and then right?
>bitch spends $700 of my money on a trash heep
>"user you can fix this right xD"
>"fix it and I might let you watch me make out with that one guy who drives a civic"
>elated, I rush underneath the hood to see what can be salvaged, but its worse than I thought, pieces literally falling off things I didn't even know what they were
>go ask Veeky Forums what they think
>bullyfags tell me it's hopeless
>jeepfags try to make lemonade out of grapefruits

>She bought it from her woman 'mechanic' 'best friend'
tell that bitch to fix it then

>How realistic is it that I'd be able to take that transmission out and put another in at home? Have no special tools.
depends on how determined you are. It shouldn't be to difficult. But the 42re isn't known for being very good.

in b4 she breaks up with OP for being a "shitty mechanic" maybe you should dump her first though..

$2000 on gas? Wat How is that even possible or anything logical to do.

U would need a lift for a tranny swap

Scrap it

what even are jackstands?

U can't rip a tranny out of a car while it's 2 feet off the ground

ive done it br/o/ its ok

That tranny must've been hella small or you were doing it on a 45° hill

>get big truck jackstands
>jack car to maximum jack height
>set up stand
>lower jack
>put block of wood on top of jack
>raise it again and lift the car even higher


ive done a 5speed from an f150, and a 5 speed from a sunfire

Can't I just put the Jeep on ramps like I always do. There's 1.5 ft of clearance under the thing at all times and the ramps make it 3 ft.

15 mpg average

They don't talk anymore. Almost had a threesome going but then the Jeep happened. And, yeah, she's definitely not a mechanic, but I find either a wrong bolt or a missing bolt almost everywhere on the Jeep.

Hell, the fucking dipstick was jammed in the tube with the plastic handle causing a clog that took 2 hours to break through even after I remove the dipstick tube.

Nah she just got a 2005 Malibu from her Dad just recently and that bitch had no oil in it, massive oil leaks, metal scraping the road, another few months of work. Then she gets mad when I call it a piece of shit and her Dad irresponsible for running it with almost no oil.

She likes me for my soda can chode, being able to fix things is just bartering so she buys/cooks me food. Not a cuck, just bad luck.

Is that her in the pic?

Nah, just posting ass as is common on Veeky Forums.

Jesus Christ that photo

Bruh there is so much more wrong with that image when you start really looking at it, even the fact she's in a fucking biochem lab.

Are you retarded?
I've only ever taken transmissions out with jack stands.
Why do you think they sell small transmission jacks?

>all these faggots who can't even change lightbulb in their car advising against glorious man's hobby of fixing car by your own hands

we are on Veeky Forums

>>all these faggots who can't even change lightbulb in their car

Jesus that pic.

Every clutch job I've ever done was on jack stands.

fwd/rwd/awd, doesn't make a difference.

Look, being as poor as you are; at 15 MPG you are going to be losing money no matter what. You two got swindled.