Faker the cucker edition
Faker the cucker edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Faker isn't real kiddo
oh wait
Karthus top lane is free wins! There are no counters!
buff bard
Friendly reminder if you're playing Karthus top and NOT running the following runepage, you're a fucking pussy cunt
>9x flat health yellows
>9x scaling cdr blues
>9x magic pen reds
>3x scaling cdr quints
from the last thread
4 decides who i onetrick
Tell me a secret
I will flame the fuck out of my team and ERP with my support when they implement voice chat
cho'gath already won
Sounds like we got ourselves a new sion main here boys
I'm into SPH
How do you even play Tryndamere Jungle? I always feel like the most useless and autistic fuck whenever I use him.
i want to be plowed by every user here without breaks
i like being an attention whore
i really main janna and irelia is my secondary
Two 4's in a row confirm it i guess
6 decides which champion my wife onetricks
(only females)
Lulu is my STAR!
>Tryndamere Jungle?
truly a waste of a position
i'm going on a tournament soon
>I'm into SPH
Why though
IRELIA! (female)
>janna main with Irelia secondary
can you fuck off and leave my wife Irelia alone you sack of shit
I hope your wife likes syndra
*melts your heart*
Why not?
>Cho gath top with rek sai jungle waifu
>void couple
double nice
>Why not?
I just find it weird in a way that it completely goes against any other normal sexual fantasies. What's the appeal?
>devourer stacks
i miss it
The balance of cuddling must be preserved
I'm super nervous to do vg v vg because I know I'm shit at the game and failing around you guys only makes me more nervous and feel like shit
also the bp stuff is weird but in its own way oddly endearing
What defines "normal" to you? Because it's basically a sub-branch of the humiliation fetish, which I wouldn't consider too out there.
i wanna die
Lulu is the cuddliest!
Would jinx taser irelia butt out of jealously?
>Faker own Katarina now
>LeBlanc, Orianna, Viktor, and Syndra will just accept it
This is why cuck fetish is great.
Same here user, doesn't help that they're usually filled with assholes either.
Also, what does BP mean?
Son I played on a NA VG from OCE got 300 ping and left after 13 minutes the games don't matter
Just THE best OTP
refer to my other account then pleb
I wanna be Lulu's cat!
xth for Cute Ashe
Okay, i should've started with this: Explain humiliation fetishes to me. What is the appeal of being humiliated? I asked a lot of people before and i just can't seem to get an answer.
It can only go downhill from here..
I wanna cuddle and protect Lulu!
She's simply the best!
>Trying to learn ashe
>Deal too low damage late game, i am just a stun bot with ult
Any tips?
Alright, let's try something.
>give one piece of advice to people playing your main
>say one thing about your most hated champion
What is the appeal of being humiliated?
I hate to say it, but it's not really something you can explain. Something about being insulted in the bedroom just gets some people off.
it's pretty fucking out there, at least for males
it's impossible to have a healthy relationship with a woman who knows about and indulges your humiliation fetish, for example
there better have been the biggest veigar in recorded human history on the enemy team or you bought a shit item
complete waste of a slot, any item with resistances is better (or if you want damage, go all the way and get a cleaver or titanic hydra)
I 100% share the fetish with irelia user
play mid
[spoielr]Wait what[/spoiler]
>Hit and move past the person you stun
>manually typing out spoilers and not using control S
I just use the championgg builds, rush reaver, then Hurricane, IE
berserker greaves anytime i get the dhance
>want to be plowed by every user here without breaks
You're not getting our dicks, furry succubus.
There has to be some kind of answer to it
There is an explanation behind almost every other fetish, even more obscure ones than humiliation.
Probably, but it's not like I'm all that good in relationships anyway.
I'm sure there's some explanation behind it, but I don't care enough to go looking for one. I like my fetish and that's that.
-Tank eve a shit
-Hydrib eve best eve
>Build Lich Bane > Liandrys > Bortk >Duskblade
-instagib squishies
-win game
-"oshit i died 72 times in lane, wait im tryndamere and i can literally win the game solo by splitpushing and being L I TE R A L L Y unkillable"
The only reason I'm in these threads is to find someone to flirt with and maybe eventually duo with someone and ERP while in game together
She doesn't seem like the jealousy type, I'm sure she'd do out to be comical or because "why not".
boy pussy/spoiler]
Christ, I'll maybe take them up more in the future I've always wanted to get involved with them but its the nervousness that's held me back.
I enjoy this actually.
>Zap slows target enough for you lob rockets at them this can help in making better trades in lane.
>Heim is a champion I loath to my core, his game play style is boring and hardly skillful. The "turrets" style for gameplay was perfected and likable completely on Azir who's a way better character both gameplay and thematically.
I don't get it. Why did she burst into the men's room?
We all know Kitsunes disguise themselves to rape people. You aren't fooling anyone.
Guess who fucked up ctrl s? this guy!
never mind me
Good luck with that user. What rank and roles?
Bitch wants souls.
>got a full S for this
>started 3 rejuv beads into 2 more rejuv beads and a raptor cloak
>jayce had literally 0 answer to my 15hp/sec at level 5
>jax nabbing multiple kills from me with just his leap
this was stupid
I'm honestly starting to think i have alien hand syndrome.
i've never had kbbq before
Gold please no bully and I mostly play support.
Can someone explain this one to me?
I don't actually get it
vi ... stands for slut
Think of your favorite pro team and your favorite role
Got it? Good. No changing.
Your team is in a match against CLG with you replacing the player of your selected role on your favorite team. Can you win?
My favorite team is CLG. So now what?
Vi, stands for butts
of course
I'll just pick a tank and Inori is going to carry the shit out of my plat ass
>Can I, some bronzy from OCE, play the jungle role for UOL vs CLG and win
Negatory user gg no re as 7 minutes
Nigga I'm Silver 4, I have no room to shit talk anyone about their ranks.
As for Support, I figured, they're usually the ones who embrace the healslut memes the most in these threads.
Again, good luck in finding someone to play and ERP with.
Corporate Mundo is such a haggler he'll force literal demons and devils to give HIM a better deal.
You must face season 3 clg
vi got a FAT ASS
>Imatqtpie getting more viewers than EU LCS
EU in 2k17 LUL
that jhin dmg was nutty, he was also getting just as much as the turkish lcs
This is nothing new. Nobody has ever cared about EU LCS. It's boring as fuck
Championify is pretty good, can't imagine playing without it since making item sets is a pain in the ass.
>league doesn't want me to play a certain white haired drain tank
>so I'll just go do it somewhere else
Drain tank geralt build incoming
this is the best so far
It's a reference to the old mundo one.
Basically his business is on the down turn so Satan Teemo shows up to make a deal to save his business. The joke is that there are so many spirits, demons and hecklers coming in with deals he just throws him out because his demon deal isn't good enough.
Riot needs force these pros to pick memey shit, like fuck just pay them too.
How am I supposed to play mf sup? It's like my E does no damage whatsoever and is only good for collecting spellthief bux. Why should I even max it? Maybe I should've went Q max just as adc mf would, and poke opponents out of lane?
What runes and masteries are you running? You're doing something wrong. her E does pretty decent damage, especially at level 3.
>how am I supposed to play garbage that isn't useful to the team until 40 minutes when the game should be over?
what do you guys know about pain...
looking pretty gay there champ
Caitlyn is the reason I work out. I have this fantasy where we start talking at the rift base with her approaching me saying 'Hello.' We exchange a few pleasantries. She asks what I do. I say i'm a Ezereal main. She laughs. I get my drink.
"No time to waste!" I say and walk away. I've got her attention now. How many guys voluntarily leave a conversation with Caitlyn? She touches her neck as she watches me leave.
Later, as the night's dragged on and the coterie of gorgeous narcissists grows increasingly loose, she finds me on the balcony, my bowtie undone, smoking a cigarette. "Got a spare?" she asks.
"What's in it for me?" I say as I hand her one of my little white ladies. She smiles.
"Conversation with me, duh."
I laugh.
"What's so funny?" she protests.
"Nothing, nothing... It's just... don't you grow tired of all these assasins and tanks killing you while there's nothing you can do?"
"You get used to it," she says, lighting her cigarette and handing me back the lighter.
"What would you do if you weren't a playable marksman?" I ask.
"Teaching, I think."
"And if I was your student, what would I be learning?"
"Staying in base," she says quickly, looking up into my eyes, before changing the subject. "Where are you from?"
"Bermuda," I say.
"Oh wow. That's lovely."
"It's ok," I admit. "Not everything is to my liking."
"What could possibly be not to your liking in Bermuda?" she inquires.
"I don't like sand," I tell her. "It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."
I think it was typical ad-armor-mr runes and deathfire grasp masteries. Should I take mpen and thunderlords for early E abuse?
you pick it to deal with zyra
if they haven't picked zyra, stop being a faggot picking MF support
Bermuda is a jungle you illiterite moron
>Vi having a large ass
Shut up or I will whack you with my lucky shovel and heal for 10% of the damage dealt plus 5% of my hp
except, she does? look at her officer skin
yeah i bet you enjoy whacking huh, fan bdsm?
explains the gimp suit