donut delet pleas
Top news: Werl has pushed a new update to live, all your favorite shit is nerfed, and everything you hate is buffed, check here for the changes -
donut delet pleas
Top news: Werl has pushed a new update to live, all your favorite shit is nerfed, and everything you hate is buffed, check here for the changes -
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1st 4 memes ;DD
do a meme evry1
space commie butts
I'll help
>What is this game?
>How do I play?
>How do I play? (advanced)
>Tweaks and optimizations
>Weapon stats and vehicle weapons
>Weapons chart some user made
>How does the construction system work?
>Infiltrators can no longer aim down sights while cloaked
There, I fixed it
no that's stupid
>while decloaking aim and shoot
hurp durp
proper fix for infs
>triple cloak duration
>slightly less visible than it currently is, deep cloak is completely invisibly unless you bump into them
>can't shoot for three seconds after uncloaking
>can't cloak for five seconds after shooting
>revamping game mechanics
come on now be realistic
my suggestion simply makes it more difficult to pull off those incredibly frustrating 1HKO headshots where the infiltrator is still invisible when you die, while the rest of the class is completely unaffected
I just don't understand
Ok now raise hands if you give a shit
*raises paw*
t. 0.5 ivi kdr
Hey Werl
Kill yourself :-)
>ultra settings
>25 fps in a huge fight
>low settings
>35 fps in a huge fight
yeah welcome to planetside
This would work, but infiltrators need something to do that isn't kill mans, and there isn't anything to do except kill mans. There's no doors. There's no bridges. There's no critical passageways that can be unlocked to flank from. There's no base generator that disables all the turrets and terminals when it's taken out. There's no resources to steal.
jesus christ their login servers are shitting themselves hard
t. 0.5 ivi kdr
he forgot [1RPC], [LPS]
reminder that it's not a joke, they've practically admitted to cheating
>posting the old ad
aim better
how 2 enlarge hitboxes?
unpack the game files and then edit some .xml variables and repack them
any tool in particular that does this?
Holy fuck this, I've been trying for an hour now.
>Dude, [AC], [DA], [00], [N], [cl0p], [KN1], [TIW], [RO], [BAX], [CLAB] shit there's so many fucking outfits full of cheaters I can't even name them all offhand. Most of the "professional streamers" who took themselves way too fucking seriously were cheating as well.
>I really don't think you guys yet understand just how fucking many of the "good players" in this game cheat. In fact, they're almost exclusively all the cheaters in the game.
>So long as you pay daybreak money, you get a 100% pass on cheating.
fuck if I know
just figure out whatever the filetype extension is
christ if you can't do/know this shit already you probably shouldn't even be trying
Improve your accuracy.
>needing two shots
aim beimprove your CLAB.exe calibration
I figured it out, I just wanted to be spoonfed in case there was already a tool made for it.
It's Russian hackers, isn't it?
My gaem won't launch
Putin personally did it
>someone who is leading my boards at killing me has had his character deleted
Is werl finally getting rid of the cheaters?
He probably decided that there was no real challenge in killing the noobs who play Planetside 2 and started playing Overwatch instead.
>going from an awful game to a somehow worse game
One game takes dedication and skill, the other is Planetside 2.
Why do ground vehicles smoke at 75% health? It's so annoying.
thank u
why the fuck can't I login I keep getting an error message
oh fugg :DDD
how do hack pls
Stop being a shitter.
u r bad person
Just remember to give ESF's galaxy hitbox's, become ebin pro daltoneer. That or CQC bolter.
I apparently can't edit anything because the file is encrypted. Not for mans anyway. I could try giving ESFs massive hitboxes and become pro decimemer. I haven't played this game for a few years, and I thought it would be fun to fuck around with hitboxes and do dumb shit for a few hours, but it looks like wrel ruined that.
>He thinks you can't change infantry hitboxes
>it's a "both factions have their entire cont pop shoved into a biolab but the teleporter rooms/airpads are camped to fuck and no one can push and no one wants to fight in any other hex because "muh biolab"" episode
Pretty sure you can't, the file is encrypted. What magic workaround do you have?
Just search the internet for a bit. I'm sure you'll find it.
>It's another login server is down so I can't play episode
Just remember to disable battle-eye. Last I remember, it was really simple to do. That is assuming, that you want to play for awhile. If you're happy to just shoot mans for a few days before ban, then don't bother.
You can still hitbox tamper. This is from ~2 months ago.
>the file is encrypted
lol retard, no idea what you're talking about.
>Miller NC hacking
what a surprise
m-maybe i can be your videogame
>ps2 hitboxes are spheres rather than boxes
is that why the game completely shits itself when a lot of people are around? the servers just cant keep up with the calculations?
So this is how you fuckers """"""""""""""""AIM BETTER"""""""""""""""", eh? What a surprise.
this is what a good 30% of Millers population is doing
Okay, it is possible. I still don't know how to go about doing it though.
So uh, Orion LMG OP as shit?
Yeah, OP as shit.
It's not OP as shit, but it's definitely the best CQC LMG and good even at long range, even after the range nerfs.
It's very close to being an SMG with AR range and LMG magazines.
kys werl
They look like this:
Also no, there isn't any server-side verification regarding hitboxes.
People whining about cheaters need to aim better.
I just wanted to play planetmans before I got drunk let me in REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
log in better
That actually worked.
no problem
>log in
>play for thirty seconds
>get kicked
thank u werl
jesus fucking christ how much health does the skyshield thing have?
More than just about anything else, and when you do break it it regenerates after 10 seconds unless you break the emitter.
>NC biggest hitbox
>VS smallest
Why didn't they use one hitbox for all three?
Did you think faction favoratism was a meme?
Seriously, look at this shit. The NC max has like a 25-30% larger hitbox and the TR max 15-20% larger
I don't think you get it, faction favoritism is not a meme it's an actual mechanic.
The infantry hitboxes are all the same right?
There's no way they're that fucking retarded.
>There's no way they're that fucking retarded.
Are you serious?
VS have smaller hitboxes and are designed to be harder to spot.
Why do you think all the tryhards are playing VS? It's not just because they have the best weapons.
>Get killed by Wrel for the first time 2 days ago
>Suddenly today account is suspended and friend says my name is changed on his friend's list
Alright, so what the fuck is wrong with THIS name then
did you kill him?
also email cs and ask why you're suspended
Wrel sounds like a lefty cult cuck
No, he killed me. I don't need to ask though, I know why I'm suspended, my old name was "MmmmAnal"
Eh, he works with the Daybreak team I'm sure (i'm out of the loop on that shit, I don't care, I don't play for community) so if reporting names gets him more brownie points, then yeah I bet he does it.
Is logging in still not working? They want me to enter password now but i forgot the pass.
What's wrong with your faaaaace
Are you going to destroy your own sundy?
I can log in just fine
>dying to werl
top cuck
>7 certs
What did you buy?
That's one of those instant death zones like the poison waters on Hossin, but that Sunderer didn't blow up
Advanced Forward Grip for the Pulsar C
Poor thing, all alone down there :(
>people spawn on you and instadie