Is liberalism dying? Notice the rise of the alt-right and the progressives, both of which are against traditional liberal positions like individual rights and free trade.
Is liberalism dying? Notice the rise of the alt-right and the progressives...
I don't think you understand the alt-right. NRx, yes, but the alt-right are just populists and dissatisfied "anti neo-con" Republicans. They still participate and support democracy, and American Republican values and so are liberal.
If you were anti liberal you would not say "Make America Great Again", you would say that America was never great, since it is founded on liberal humanist values. True anti liberals puke at the deceleration of independence.
Your petty American squabbles are nothing compared to the real threat to "liberty" in this century: Sino-Capitalism and mass automation. I suggest you put aside such childish concerns as Trump or feminism and look East.
If you get even half of your political "information" from Veeky Forums then you literally have no idea what's going on in the world. You live in a delusional reality created by a self-reinforcing chamber of memes and bait. Both of these posts
are cartoon-levels of understanding. Real life is not one of your animes. Just because you see the same memes on /pol/ every day doesn't mean any of that shit has anything to do with reality. Please read Rawls and Nozick and the newspaper and then you can talk about real politics.
>cite two of the most widely known entry level political philosophers
>think you're some brilliant genius
>rise of the alt right
/pol/ is not real life.
Yeah, I think so.
Newspapers in America are shit.
In real life a presidential candidate claimed that they were a major factor in Trump's rise.
/pol/ is mainstream now and it was frogs that did it.
Are you seriously trying to imply that most /pol/ shitposters and Christian larpers and shit have even heard of John Rawls? Go fuck yourself
Well good thing you have instant, free access to media from all over the world right at your fucking fingertips dipshit
/pol/ has tons of influence on the internet but Trump's rise IRL was due to other factors that were bound to happen eventually.
We should probably stop talking about Trump though since we're not on the politics board and his presidential campaign is past the cutoff date.
She just did that because trump is trying to reach minority voters so she's pulling the he's a racist card. They are a small group that isnt even ideologically cohesive.
No. The vast majority of Trump's base is middle-aged or old.
Young people are more liberal than ever. The alt-right thing is nothing more than a boogeyman to scare progressives.
>Please read Rawls and Nozick and the newspaper
>Read two entry level political philosophers from 45 years ago and watch msm propaganda, then you'll be informed.
Even /pol/ memesters are better than that.
>it was frogs that did it.
pls, NEETs don't have the constitution to go to rallies and whatnot, it was the "obamer is a musleem" rednecks and cocky dudebros who are willing to hold slightly offensive signs on the street
Assuming we're talking about liberalism as in progressives/democrats, and not neo-liberal capitalism, no, I don't think it's dying but it is facing a crisis.
Liberal politics have cemented themselves as the party of the status quo. The paradigm of nationalism vs. globalism is not going to go away any time soon, and left-wing political bodies are plagued with the hypocrisy of supporting globalism while still trying desperately to be the "party of the people".
Donald Trump isn't going to win this election. It's actually very well possible that Clinton will beat him in a landslide. However, Trump's focus and general modus operandi is not going to be forgotten. The next guy who comes along and takes up his mantle may have a shot.
>oh they're real academics and not meme-pedlling youtube "philosophers"
>better dismiss it as "too mainstream"
Fuck off retard
If it doesn't happen now, I doubt it ever will.
The populist right is only appealing to whites with no college education.
More people are going to college, and whites are shrinking as a percentage of population.
>liberalism is dying
This is noice
>alt-right and progressivism is on the rise
This is awful
>tfw no conservative catholic paradise
Trump has done a lot of damage to the republican party. With his policies, but also just the general way he's been playing the game.
You can go two ways with that. There's this idea that the damage he's done has been a sort of creative destruction, and in the end the reverberations made by Trump's campaign will be adopted by the general flow of the next election.
Or, the republican party will rebuild and make sure somebody like Trump can never exist again.
Also, to argue that the populist right is simply ignorant whites is not only inaccurate, but also it's besides the point.
Catholicism is pretty dead in the developed world, now that everyone is aware of how hideously corrupt they are.
Well, there's always shithole countries.
The definition of liberal has changed in America, it means more progressive than progressives.
Neolibs are a thing
>to argue that the populist right is simply ignorant whites is not only inaccurate
It literally is though.
Black, Hispanic, and Asian voters don't trust the GOP in general, and they especially don't trust Trump.
Each additional layer of college education makes a person more likely to vote Democrat, and within the GOP, Trump has the least educated base of any of the factions.
>cite two of the most widely known entry level political philosophers
pretty sure that was the entire point; that /pol/ and alt-right memers have never read even two of the most widely known entry level political philosophers, which is why they're delusional echo chamber shitters in the first place.
Okay, so assuming the overwhelming uneducated whiteness of the demographic is true, you're not arguing my second point. Why is that relevant?
Uneducated white people aren't going to go anywhere. It's another fault of liberalism that likes to pretend that the whole swathe of land between New York and California doesn't exist, and then act all indignant and surprised when someone like Donald Trump comes along and finds a comparatively large amount of success (at least in the primary).
>traditional liberal positions like individual rights and free trade.
In todays politics that means Right to me and not what we com to know as Liberalism.
Liberalism to me in it's simplest form is restricting speech, Gun ownership and homogeneity.
>The vast majority of Trump's base is middle-aged or old.
>Young people are more liberal than ever. The alt-right thing is nothing more than a boogeyman to scare progressives.
I agree with the idea that the alt-right is mostly a Veeky Forums meme and that they have very little sway in the real world, and that the young have always been liberal-leaning, but if anything I'd wager there are less self-identifying liberal young people than ever due to backlash against tumblr sjw-ism and third-wave feminism.
moderate Independents among young people are probably the largest growing force in American politics.
>Uneducated white people aren't going to go anywhere
Well, they're going to decline as a percentage of the electorate.
Over the next 30 years, Hispanics are going to go from 10% of the US population to 30%. Even if we totally stopped all incoming immigration tomorrow, they have higher birth rates, and immigrants are younger than natives.
There's also a surprisingly high amount of Asians getting in on H1B visas, and Asians went from leaning to GOP to leaning Dem.
And the percentage of people getting a college education has been going up. When the boomers start dying, the people replacing them are going to be Generation X and Y who are more likely to be educated and far less sympathetic to the GOP.
I honestly wonder if at some point in the 2020s or 2030s, the GOP will simply collapse the way the Whig party did in the 1850s.
>There's also a surprisingly high amount of Asians getting in on H1B visas
I don't see how this is relevant seeming as they can't vote.
I'm a dipshit.
I meant that the number of Asian citizens was increasing, not the number of non-immigrant residents.
A shitload of Asians are becoming citizens. For a while, they were growing faster than the Hispanics were.
>aren't going to go anywhere.
But the point is that they are. "Not going anywhere" in this analogy is "maintaining political relevance". But pure demographics are why their influence is only going to decline. It has been and it will continue. Or do you have some reason to believe that immigrants will stop coming and stop outbreeding whites once they're here?
not Veeky Forums
Rawls and Nozick wrote their main works in the early 70s, do you really think that we are in the same political climate as we were in the late 60s when they were coming to those ideas ? And the issue isn't that they are academics, I would recommend someone like Macintyre personally, not some youtube "philosopher", he was ahead of his time when he wrote in the 80s, Rawls in contrast is outdated at this point. The issue is that you come off like a first year philosophy student who has read the most basic intro material and watches shitty news propaganda and think they are intellectually superior to others for it.
44% of Trump supporter's have a post secondary education, as opposed to 29% American's who do.
17 year old kids who post frog memes aren't going to be well read. But allot of us guys who have been part of the "alt right" since 2010/2011 and have finished our undergraduate degrees, and are even going on the Masters and PHD's in many cases, certainly have read Nozick and Rawls and allot more than them. And there are allot more of us than you probably realize. Though I know I don't post on /pol/ so maybe we are a whole different breed all together.
>Each layer of college makes a person more likely to vote democrat
Nice ass facts you just pulled out there
>individual rights
>free trade
sure is spooky in here
Neolibs aren't liberal except in the Marxist sense.
Nice """refutation""" you just pulled out there.
This isn't /pol/ there isn't anything to do with history or humanities in this thread.
AKA reported.
Alt-right is just paleoconservative.
Capitalism is showing its cracks
How is it going to matter? I'd wager a lot of young folk these days see both parties as hideously unsympathetic and corrupt. Look at what happened with Bernie and the DNC, and how Hillary's Wallstreet ties are downright stereotypically Republican.