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First for existence is torment and I hope the sweet release of death comes soon.

First for lewds!


kill all elves

No vampires are poop.

Waifus and lore living in harmony

Guess ill ask again since its the weekend and more people are probably posting.

Does anyone have a story they want in the /tesg/ stories pastebin? If so link me said story and a short description if you want, and ill put it in said pastebin.

I kind of like these skin textures.


She looks like a retard. Go back to the old textures.

Must be a defective vampire, their blood isn't supposed to rush to their face.

Vampires were a mistake
fuck go back


i can make your blood rush somewhere else bby

textures look nice, maybe a new hairstyle is called for now?

Go back to whatever eyebrows you had here I could care less about the skin

Dunmer is best race, just reminding everyone.

no go away

Mistel is CUTE


Don't worry.
I will go away when you're drowning in your blood!

*unzip daedric katana*

>I could care less about the skin
So you do care about the skin then?

stop samefagging mistel

Yeah skin is pretty important unless you're a skeleton.

>tfw you will never be sure these kids are yours
>they don't even have your nose


what mod are those zombs?

Daedric greatsword>>>>Daedric weebsword

how does Aylen feel about Elanor's Meridia fangirlism?

which textures?

This mod adds them: www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56379/?

I was checking out this mod though: nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81804/?

Has zombies all over.

I prefer classic Mistel, tbuhwyf.

post top 5 otps

well it's not as bad as her dragging Aylen's ass to church every Sundas, so he can tolerate it most of the time

otps are gay

My dick + your mouth

Serana x molag bal


Will Bethesda ever make a good game, /tesg/?

Todd x Pete
MK x Schick

Ah I found her pic on imgur.

The resemblance is uncanny but the hair was part of the SG hair pack so it's not surprising to see someone else using it. This pic is my most recent of Neassa.


So when is Heiko gonna make a trapfu?

He has to ask Eiries and Honey for approval first

>wrist seam


Saw a follower using them, decided to try it out for memes because >8k. But, they're actually not half bad.


She looks a lot closer to before after toning down the tints.

Like first gen SG at that

Lots of waifus have used that hair at some point

Is that FSC?

>Install CBBE out of anger because I'm too lazy to do my own vanilla armor conversions for UUNP and eveyone elses suck
You know it's really not that bad if you make your own bodyslide preset for it.
Also clams of skyrim is surprisingly really high quality, much better looking than the UUNP vagina and it even has sliders

>clams of skyrim

puked irl, as soon as you start making 3D vaginas in skyrim they're automatically shittier than before.

I tried to make a cute scene of the aftermath of a night spent hosting an exhausting upper class party that dragged on far into the night.

How so? The UUNP vagina is 3D and animated too, it's just not as detailed and doesn't go as deep into the model.

>it even has sliders
post pics of meat flaps set to 100

Yes they are both bad.

I won't beat around the bush, you sound like an absolute tard with supreme shit taste

Either fix your ENB or get a house mod with proper lighting. That looks horrible.
>tht pic of geralt and yen on the wall

I'm gonna fix the contrast for you okay? Nicely set up scene.

I will delet the pic. Also I think the high contrast is because of the ENB but I don't know how to fix it.

Thanks and uh, how do I do that? Do i need a third party tool or just fiddle with ENB settings?

Yeah I know, I'm just trying to rationalize my poor decision making to make myself feel better.

I just edited it in GIMP, why your ENB reacts that way I can' say for sure without knowing what it is.

Chances are it has weird daytime settings and the house is activating them by accident due to having a sky active.

>finally eradicated the jayjay seam 100%


You and Me
Izzy and Buff
Waifus and Lore
user and Pillars


get a effect.txt you can edit in game, it will have contrast settings

the problem might be something different, though. maybe the type of lighting applied to the house, like maybe it has exterior lighting even though it's an interior. and it's pretty awful in terms of light sources and shadows

How to stop savescumming?

>modify the time zombie spells last in CK
>they now cost no mana

Post nudes on /aco/ I want to see thos efat tits.


Is there an alternative to this mod? The conversions are really bad. Nipples poke out of half the armors if your character has a nude texture and the armors bend and warp in weird ways even with the most standard looking UNP presets.



Nope. TCF does some armors but it's woefully incomplete.

Don't really know why this conversion is so poor, because his Book of UUNP mod is actually pretty good.

A shit. Fat, steaming Daedra shit.

Not that anime garbage. Fuck off.

Part of this storytime im planning is gonna have a small run down inn full of pirates and bandits, located in a small town called Pirates Grove. I want it to look a little more lively so im wondering what kind of /tesg/ characters would mostly likely be seen in a pirate oriented inn?

Orcs are literal shit. LITERAL shit.


Cute desu.

All right, got it. Also I made an updated version of the pic because I forgot to include Serinal.

But I'll look for an effect.txt to download.

Just install TKRE nignog.

Nisrrina would, but you gotta ask CT for the follower if you can catch him.
I would myself- but it ain't nice handing out followers without consent.

pls no, ada is one of the last remaining posters who do't suck the eiries dick

>he fell for the TKRE meme

Thats stupid. stop being a retarded cuck

Will that explode my computer? I generally can't run most good ENBs. I'm currently using Redshift.

>There are 28 posters in this thread.

nice general

>he fell for the laptop meme
if your CPU is 61 degres at idle you have bigger problems to worry about

i7s in laptops always end up cooking themselves to death

Why haven't you replaced your vampires with potatoes yet, /tesg/?

Its been doing fine for two years but I'll keep that in mind.


also, what caused this

Tell your cool friends about TESG

You mean daily targets?

At least 3 of those are me


Also it usually idles around 53 c. I know its not much better but yeah. I'll probably replace it soon anyhow since another part of it is in danger of breaking.

Good morning /tesg/

>tfw old laptop with an i5 used to idle at 59C
>tfw browsing the internet bumped up to 67C
>tfw it used to overheat when I tried to play TW2 for more than 2 hours

I'm fine with loli Serana, but loli Valerica triggers me.

if you've had this laptop for two years how come you only moved to 1080p like a month ago?

mistel, what do you think about clones?

>I'm fine with loli-

he said long ago anna is a bad waifu.

Honestly, if Hali had a follower, she'd probably end up being a key character is the story. And not just a small cameo in a shitty Inn.

I'll ask him if he ever gets online, unless I start working on scenes. Its not majorly important, just think it'd be a nice gesture to have some /tesg/ characters make a small cameo in this story.

Im still searching for more fauna for the story. Figure out what poses to use, and finish the actual plot to the story. Think I got the start and ending figured out. Just need all the filler and explination inbetween, so it may be another day or two before I actually start working on it.

nice proof

I haven't ever stopped using steam screenshots? If the image quality of my shots have changed I don't have the slightest idea why.

I mean the resolution dummy, you always posted 720p