cancer or chemo?
Deng Xiaoping
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Let's see
>no Chinese wars since 1979
>$100 per capita, now $8000 per capita
>HDI .55 now .78
>Raised world growth rates, and the world economy, by nearly 40% over the last 4 decades
Hmmmmmm chemo, unless you are Japanese.
>I don't care what color the cat is so long as it catches mice
Mao was the disease and my nigga Deng was the cure.
This was the disease
I agree KMT was batshit insane, but Mao undid all of his great work when he started the Cultural Revolution and Great Leap Backwards.
>c-c-c-c-communism d-d-d-d-doesn't work!
>6 hours to describe one of the most tumultuous times in recent history
>LOTR goes for over 12 hours
Come on man.
if the KMT was so insane, how come taiwan is such a fabulous place to live?
the KMT was surrounded by the russians, japanese, and chinese communists, and the americans were supporting the communists militarily, and they had to balance the loyalties of the generals in the face of all that.
he was unquestionably cool. we won't know for another 100 years exactly what happened, unfortunately
>the americans were supporting the communists militarily
Taiwan only became any good after Sun Yat-sen died. You can't deny he was a dictator.
>how come taiwan is such a fabulous place to live?
Mao fucked up old China so hard that he fashioned a new, far more unified, China.
Chiang's incompetence tore it apart. Japs didn't help.
I just wish China could go back to 1912. It was a great time of hope, before the times of JUST.
>a new, far more unified, China.
You're talking out of your ass m8. Ethnic disturbances/ethnic nationalist movements skyrocketed after the GPCR because the Chinese started getting on minorities for having autonomous districts. If anything it drove China apart, not together.
I never said he wasn't a dictator. maybe dictators are GOOD for young countries. he did a good job. no one in this thrad has actually even tried to demonstrate that the KMT was bad.
tardposting never ends
>Ethnic disturbances/ethnic nationalist movements skyrocketed after the GPCR because the Chinese started getting on minorities for having autonomous districts.
Uhh, yeah, but by 1976 they were back to normal.
>If anything it drove China apart, not together.
Not at all. 94% of Chinese indentified as Han after that decade, regional languages died out, regional religions diminished, and despite the memes so did ethnic protests.
Now it is confined to Tibet (which has gotten a lot quiter since 2008) and Xinjiang.
Mao fucked up hard 1955-1970. But he managed to kill off many of the disunifying movements in China.
The KMT was bad. I don't understand how your are disagreeing with this.
>hurdur he disagreed so he must be stupid
The RoC is only richer than the PRC because of
1. American funding
2. American military support allowing the RoC to spend far less on its military.
3. American preferential trade treaties.
4. American investment treaties.
5. American pressure against the most dictatorial excesses of the KMT.
The RoC was absolute shit until the 70's by the way.
I'm saying if this is explicitly a thread about what makes china good, or what makes taiwan bad, we need to make it explicit
the US EMBARGOED the roc alongside the proc for 20 years starting in ww2. so the american funding was minimal. even so, I don't think you understand what kind of funding it would really require in order for america to singlehandedly increase incomes to 10 times the level of mainland chinese.
idiots like you have no head for numbers or scope
4. american investment
the roc has EXPELLED american investors alongside every other developed asian country. the only countries that allow american investors are the WORST ones, such as indnesia and the pilippines.
5. dictatorial excess=
you really have to say what they did worse than the CCP in order to make this a relevant statement. war is a choice between two bad options.
>the US EMBARGOED the roc alongside the PRoC for 20 years starting in ww2
U wot m8
Were they twins?
>the americans were supporting the communists militarily
Is this a new meme? Because the exact opposite happened. Remember how the KMT units in the sino-jap war were the first ones armed with non-shitty non-warlord-made Thompsons? And how the KMT were the only side on the sino-civil war to have a real """air-force"""?
What the hell are you on about?
Triplets, my grandpa is the third.
no, Xiaoping was Soros' eastern mentor who trained him in martial arts and mental disaprine
Chemo, Mao was cancer.
Sometimes you need cancer.
Because, if you kill cancers, they win.
>Uhh, yeah, but by 1976 they were back to normal.
No it wasn't. The Han-Uyghur relationship did a complete 180 before and after the GPCR; they were largely friendly before to the point where the average Uyghur thought that the Chinese were their saviors (absent Soviet dickery), and after the mosque-razing beard-cutting forced-migration public beating escapades of the commies, they started an islamic-based grassroots ethnic nationalist movement which is still piling up bodies today. You can draw a straight line between the revolution and the Xinjiang conflict. Hell, even with Tibet; the majority of the shit they complain about started during the revolution.
>Han pop numbers
They also identified as Han before the GPCR.
and last time I was in Shanghai, every native Shanghaier I spoke to also spoke Shanghaiese at home. Hell, I was taking a cab with a guy who was listening to a Shanghaiese-speaking radio station; something like 14 million people total, including the absolute majority of people living in Shanghai. Same in Chongqing and Yunnan and every other place I visited outside of north China proper. Mandarin just became more important as an economic language, so people used it more. Between people from the same province, they still speak the dialect.
>maybe dictators are GOOD for young countries.
No not at all.
>all these prop'd faggots saying Mao wasn't GOAT
Revolutionary China was when ethnic autonomous zones were created you fucking tard
Mao was a retard, he deeply distrusted intellectuals, and rejected suggestions and facts that might go against his grandiose picture of a communist utopia.
All the progress China has now is mainly thanks to Deng, it's just the CCP is too embarassed to admit Mao was bad
Mao did a lot of good for China. His growth rates and increase in living standards and education are highly impressive.
It's too bad he accidentally 30,000,000 people.
You have literally no idea what you're talking about
Wrong, Mao wanted to starve the peasants so they couldn't revolt
Surely you can't be serious.
Mao's greatest support base was the peasantry. In fact that was the whole reason why he even got into power. In fact that's the whole point of Maoism.
They loved him. The improvements he made to their lives cemented Mao as an almost untouchable figure in Chinese society. Before the GLF and then the Cultural Revolution, Mao was doing extraordinarily well.
You've been reading fanfics for too long
No normal human beings would ever do something like that irl
>The Han-Uyghur relationship did a complete 180 before and after the GPCR; they were largely friendly before to the point where the average Uyghur thought that the Chinese were their saviors
[citation needed]