[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ]

[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/

No cruisercuck or cuckfe cucks allowed edition. Also fuck off Rasputin.
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/dbt/ map: Meat, Fuck , blow clouds

Motorcycle Ergonomics Simulator

Beginners sticky

gifs and shit
old thread

Other urls found in this thread:


>go on motorcycle trip in mexico with friend
>he's a very polite british person
>the kind of person who says things like "Oh yeees what a MARvolous idea, a LOVEly trip through mexico for a few weeks, what a stuPENdus idea"
>first day in mexico
>somebody tries to grab his keys at the traffic lights
>he grabs their hand and beaks one of their fingers
>somebody tries to rob us with a machete outside a motel
>he just kicks them really hard in the chest and then curb stomps them again and again breaking both their arms and most of their fingers
>"And THIS is why you're still a third world country, Spanish scum"

Are any bikers normal people?

What are you finding abnormal about this

I wouldn't spend more than $20 on these fairings. Srsly they're scratched up and cracked in other places so I would just buy a new set if I had money to spend.

Yeah then I'd just save for a bit and buy chink fairings from aliexpress.

Maybe some 500 grit sandpaper and black lacquer paint that's close to the color

There will be plenty more

He's just so British and polite, he described the food as "scrumptious" what the fuck even is that word? why is this guy so fucking hardcore? Is this just normal for British people?

>been talking to Supermoto girl from /soc/ for a few weeks
>find out today that we share a birthday
>find out that she just turned 16
>find out that I'm a pedophile
I refuse to believe that today's 15 year old girls are grown naturally.

tfw still no bike

but my paperwork is back so on Thursday i'm calling the licence centre and getting my licence very soon after!


I think a black bike is a bad idea, Koreans are shithouse drivers as it is. i'd have to slather it in hi vis tape and ship like that

You better drop it like it's got before the party v& shows up

mang ive been banging 14-16yo girls for ages now and there pretty delicious.

Ive been to mexico a couple of times and none of this even happened, the only sketchy thing were the prostitutes that looked insanely young.

>Supermoto girl


we ended up in some really dodgy places. like super dodgy poor places. I'm surprised that this was the only bad shit that happened there, we really should have not been there


>we ended up in some really dodgy places
No different than going to chiraq or muslim no go zones.

I posted a picture of myself on a dirt bike on /soc/ and someone asked for my Snapchat. Turn out it was a hot weeb girl from Sacramento that told me she wanted to get a Supermoto without me ever mentioning them. Basically it's CC81PT constructing an extremely elaborate simulacra of my dream girl to troll me.

You get my text bruv?

i thought tripfags were bad but this is another level of shitposting

Basically, this guy has no fear.

He doesn't really drink, i've seen him drink alcohol at all 3 times, drinking contests. He's won each time. He says the trick is he never drinks alcohol, so his liver isn't fucked up, and generally people who do drinking contests are already drunk.

for longest running shitpost

That's not how alcohol works user.

plow her before the blacks get to her.

its rasputin m8

Are all white people like this? These sound like perfectly normal reactions to me.

>Basically, this guy has no fear.
Did you at least suck his dick?

>it's rasputin

I'm honestly the most consistently bad shitposter, never bad enough to ban, but just generally bad

Fear is a myth used to sell movie tickets. Do you even own a bike?

>buy helmet cam
>want to test it
>cant ride for almost 3 weeks

why must i torture myself

do pov porn with it



>ride like a fucking moron
>fuck up your bike



>do u think it was the gas on my tire?

now compare it with this guy


This guy did something dumb, and learned from it. This guy won't make the same mistake again, the first guy has done that multiple times

>fuckbrite bulb swaps in stock reflectors
deserved it

Did you break both legs? Is there a tornado?

>kinda poorfag
>want to get on track, go fast, git gud
>no leathers
>in CA

leathers and trackday with muh SV? or socal supermoto? or other, please specify?

im gonna try to shoot a load straight up onto my visor, its gonna be hektic

there was a tornado 2 days ago in the next county over.

legs still got fucked up

>"why me bro?"

I can think of a few reasons

like the gas on the tyres?

Does anyone have the original clip here?


Don't watch the rest of the video, it's not worth it.

So why did he lose it tho? Did he brake after landing or something and unsettled the bike?

He rides beyond his abilities

>leathers and trackday with muh SV?

do it, loads of fun.

where in ca?

socal supermoto is breddy fun

gixxer front end swap when?

Why did he have gas on his tyres?

not in the foreseeable future, the stock SV suspension really ain't that bad and I don't get brake fade as SMSP only has two large braking zones and they're split by a main straight, plus I'd just go with cartridge emulators if I felt the need to mess with the front end anyway. (that one I do see in the foreseeable future, alongside zx-14 shock).

Most people mess around with the SV suspension because they like fiddling with stuff rather than out of any genuine need (undoubtedly it could be improved of course though), the bike is rock solid for me at my level, I just need to work on my riding and not disappear down the tunnel of bike set up and mods.

i suck at dirt

set up craigslist alert for searches, we'll see what's up

east bay, but I've got a few trips to LA scheduled

>tfw ur so excited to ride the godmachine you jump for joy

buy my ninja 2fiddy track bike

*craigslist alert for leathers

but if I wanted a track prepped 250 I'd prolley get the ancient ex-racer that that guy is selling for $850, and anyway my SV is somebody's former track bitch and is pretty nicely set up

topkek is that you

i didnt crash all day and then crashed in the dirt twice in the race lol


>tfw ur bike is held together by Galfer stickers

hey man

they match the paint and cover up crash damage. get 2 birds stoned

Im better with tarmac

if you are trying to be a scoundrel expect to die

think i might sell my race bike and just ride dirt/supermoto

i can already ride pretty well on a street bike and am not gonna be winning on a 300 unless i dump thousands into it. might as well work developing other skills


Done girl tried to tell me today that 5 speeds where better than 6, and that overdrive was useless. I didn't really know how to respond to that.

probably because you're almost as retarded as her

I mean I brought up better mpgs, lower engine wear and lower noise. I guess to a retard that seems like something is not working.

i would bet money she couldn't even tell you what an overdrive was if you asked

shifting up FIVE TIMES is a chore. i want a hi/low hearbox

When a man continues to talk to a rock, 'who is smarter' becomes a moot point.

That's my point exactly. Like I'm not going to explain to someone who just wants to argue something stupid.

just raep her

That's ghey

Thoughts on a Yamaha XVS650?

ur gay, no lets make out

You can't afford dis boipucci

there's no evidence of brighter bikes and brighter gear preventing accidents

Post your bike.

Unless of cousre raising your wifes son has impoverished you.

ill give u coke and let you ride muh bieks


post SRADs

Neat what bike?

So my gf wants to ride, lightweight/cheap standard or dualsport, what are my options?


that's an ugly fireblade you've got there senpai

tell her to ride my dick, fagget

Muh dick

I no longer use drugs famalam.

It's an 85 shadow vt700c, great bike for a woman or a first time rider, it's a little small for me, and I'm not that big.

Ill teach you to lean on my dick.

Modern suzuki a shit.

I like it

shhh no need to cry

That's a slow 600 you've got there senpai


Sv650 has a round headlight, it's all good in my book.

Ok, dicking around with my hurly has got me turned off of older bikes, its been a pain in my ass.

Hows maintainenece on foriegn bikes from the 80s?

sweet cbr bruh

but it's not a 600 user

Well it was a cunt going through the carbs and rebuilding all the fuel and vacuum lines, but once I got everything sorted and hooked up this thing is damn impressive. No choke, no priming or anything, this starts up in 25 degree weather in two engine rotations. I'm damn impressed. Like there's a decent amount of stuff going on, but it's all out together fairly logically. Only thing that is maddening is ancient petrified rubber.

Where you located my dude?

would rekt that boipucci

Something you'll never understand.

sorry, 250

Northern Nevada, having a weak bike is a bad Idea around here, the interstate apeed limit is 75mph here.

>faster and more aesthetic than your fireblade
don't be so salty

>Results Crash related injuries occurred mainly in urban zones with 50 km/h speed limit (66%), during the day (63%), and in fine weather (72%). After adjustment for potential confounders, drivers wearing any reflective or fluorescent clothing had a 37% lower risk (multivariate odds ratio 0.63, 95% confidence interval 0.42 to 0.94) than other drivers. Compared with wearing a black helmet, use of a white helmet was associated with a 24% lower risk (multivariate odds ratio 0.76, 0.57 to 0.99). Self reported light coloured helmet versus dark coloured helmet was associated with a 19% lower risk. Three quarters of motorcycle riders had their headlight turned on during the day, and this was associated with a 27% lower risk (multivariate odds ratio 0.73, 0.53 to 1.00). No association occurred between risk and the frontal colour of drivers' clothing or motorcycle. If these odds ratios are unconfounded, the population attributable risks are 33% for wearing no reflective or fluorescent clothing, 18% for a non-white helmet, 11% for a dark coloured helmet, and 7% for no daytime headlight operation.
The wording for the helmets might be a bit wonky.

Well I brought mine up to an indicated 105 tonight, was pretty fun.

This thing cruises at 85 like butter. That overdrive on this bike helps keep the rpm reasonable. Are you in the Reno area?