/classic car general/ - /ccg/

/classic car general/ - /ccg/

It's Big Edition

>Post your classic cars and trucks
>Blog about electrical gremlins
>Pray to the carb gods

>Argue about Mopar vs Ford vs Chevy vs IHC vs Pontiac vs Buick vs Oldsmobile vs Cadillac vs Packard vs Hupmobile vs Deusenberg vs Peerless vs Auburn vs Edsel vs Cord vs Locomobile vs Stanley vs Hudson vs Studebaker vs AMC vs Graham vs Delahaye
American, Asian or European. All Welcome



Mate. Delet this

>bought classic 3 months ago to work on
>doesn't run and I don't have garage
>figure it will be fine off to the side of driveway under tree
>ice storm yesterday coats tree in ice
>wake up to tree on car

Welp RIP

He didn't even link it in the old thread

Also I don't know how to delete threads


what car so we can judge you

Is it a bad idea to buy an 80s car as my only car to commute ~70 miles per day?

A 1983 Ferrari TR is a much worse DD than a 1986 chevrolet c10

>trashcan parks way too close to line
>someone inevitably blames the Landyacht for parking wrong

Depends entirely on make/model and condition of the vehicle.

Just considering the idea right now so I don't have my eyes set on anything particular. I'm most interested in a cheap V8 car. Looks like a Monte Carlo or other small block Chevy will be the most affordable. I would have to buy one that is in beat down condition but still running and driveable.

Can't believe it boiz, it fired first try!

And by first try I mean the harness and wiring were all good. I was having cranking issues and it was because I had shit jumper cables, they were smoking when I was jumping the starter

Still blown away I didn't fuck anything up.

We're all gonna make it

Picture dump time


I'm so proud


i would constantly shit myself thinking about getting parking dings all over my car from retards standing next to me



She's air bagged in the rear so she is lowered in my photos

And these curved windows get my panties so wet


She's also right where I want her to be in terms of what needs to be done to the interior and a few other things that need to be fixed up, I'll definitely feel apart of her after I get her the way I want her to be

Probably will do a photoshoot with all my cars later today

362 nailhead with a 2 speed Dynaflow transmission


Exhaust dumps right under the car because of the air bagged rear end, which I want to remedy soon

>posting in the wrong thread
Let this one die retards

this is sum bs

This thing is fucking legit dude. I am so jealous.
What kind of problems does this thing have that are major? Looks like it's in pretty good shape