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- Sargeras - Alliance - US
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General Resources/News:
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Official /wowg/ guilds:
- Sargeras - Alliance - US
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>spellblade HC
>3 700k DPS in team, everyone else at least 500k
>never manages to get her to 30% because tanks are retarded
>hop into next group after the 8th wipe
>highest dps is 500k and carrying two sub 300k shitters who die in fire phrase
>got her down in 1 try
I hate pugging heroics
What...what is this...? Guuuuul'daaaan, what have you done..? I aaam...sooo...weeaak...
best raid edition
I wanna fugg brown girls.
OFFICIAL FILTER LISTS that you can use to make WoW General Great Again.
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They're pretty great.
hey guys. what are some things that i dont have to do on alts, that i did on my main, to lvl up and gear up faster?
i only know that i can start broken isles from 98 and wont have to do the rep quest on 110.
anything else?
nelf or human MALE!!! death knight? which one looks cooler in plate and has better anims?
haha shitskins arent canon
worgen female
>tfw no horde wowg guild
>tfw no wowg guild that isn't on a minigame meme server
>Half the thread already filtered.
Based filterfriend.
worgen death knights dont exist
Well, make one.
Is there anyone out there (horde) with a depleted +15 key that wants to try and get Keystone Master? All pug groups for +15s suddenly vanished 2 weeks ago and I would really like to get the achievement.
ilvl 893 Resto Shaman - Mogaholic-Zul'jin
just found one lol
probably can't find a group because you're a mediocre healer who has to get carried by his faggot retard friends who all play meme specs. I figured that since you keep guild hopping that you'd be able to find a guild that has players on your "level" but I guess you're too fucking awful. You're a fag, your name sucks, and your friends are retarded faggots as well.
t. someone who has raided with you
lmfao fuck off kid
am i really meant to spend like 500g on this stupid rune for this suramar WQ
>have a cat so mellow I could probably do something like this
>have a rescue cat that's so ptsd he can't be in the same room as a plastic bag
I don't even
thats like what 1 blood of sargeras
fuck off poorfag
I have to keep pugging everything because no one in guild is interested in doing content that high. feelsbadman
>Resto Shaman
>trying to pug a 15 with wowg
Bruh you must not know where you are. Get outta here before things get...worse for you.
just how ookin poor you have to be brul?
>always leveled alliance through elwynn etc
>make a night elf to try leveling through kalimdor
>darkshore has you backtrack 20 million times
>ashenvale is even worse and it has so many fucking hills that it made me miss highmountain
fuck Kalimdor alliance zones
>tfw tens of millions and don't even mog gear I might replace soon
>guild is 7/10 mythic
>guild is full of screamers who can't do high M+ dungeons
Totally gets those neurons firing
yeah, most people here talk about their transmogs
>Guild can't kill Heroic Botanist
>Guild can only kill the easiest heroic bosses
Fury or outlaw for mythics dungeons?
Is Elemental good now?
Returning player here and I can't decide to go Ele or Enhance
Please help
wat is wrong with zul'jin? jalopy played there and he is wowg's best raider
aww cute bear
>tfw want to wear a tabard
>tfw it would ruin my slutmog
life is hard with a female character
Would you invite us to you're guild? We're all really good players!!!
this is what happens when you accept sub-870 people
>very good
convince me to level a lock instead of an spriest. i like dots but i ALSO like demons its gonna be undead obv
>no gul'dan aotc
>no xavius ce
>no ce at all ever
>random heroic
>queue as tank but stay dps for fastest run
>grouped 3 hunters from same realm, same guild
>fight boss
>3kk hp hunter "tank why am I getting aggro???????"
>i die, because healer simply didnt heal
>vote kick the hunter
>kill rare mob
>move to 2nd boss, these retard biorobots sit for like legit 2 mins, like they dont know where to go
>vote kick the hunter again "incurable"
>they somehow kick their friend...
>the other 2 hunters leave
>whispers: why kick??
you shouldn't even consider it, go sp
>queue as tank
>run as dps that can't hold aggro
yeah fuck off
Recently leveled a Shadow Priest and nearly wanted to kill myself.
>want to roleplay
>go to org
>lots of people all over
>stinky orcs and smelly goblins
>way too many people in one room
>"oh no! what if i mess up! they'll all see!"
>run away
>go to silvermoon
>5 roleplayers in tavern
>2 are qt elf boys
>want to read their rp profiles
>don't want them to see me target them
>"they might know!"
>run around corner and click on one of them and run up the stairs, hoping they won't target me to know im targeting them
>open profile
>quickly untarget
>"whew they didn't see me targeting them"
>"ill just read their profile, then ill rp with them!"
>finish it
>its time to roleplay
>get nervous
>"i-i'd better read the other person's too, why only read one, right?"
>finish it, time to roleplay
>"w-well a new person just came in, better read his, too!"
>56 minutes later
>still reading profiles
>creepy elf standing on top floor targeting people for an hour
>now too scared to move or anything
send help
you level as disc and change to sp at 110 you baka
however my friend went to vacation and I played with his warlock for a week and it played so bad I can't even explain it (I tried aff and demo)
maybe you should start by not being retarded
can you slutmog an fdorf? is that even possible?
>>want to roleplay
stopped reading there
Mhm, that's what it felt like.
Maybe it's all preference. I've been able to enjoy the new Affliction, although not as much as the old one.
Sure, but why?
please get euthanized
Why not i guess? I never see slutmogged fdorf or fgnome
Yeah, for a reason. It just doesn't really work. You could slap a slut mog on a male dwarf, tauren, but....why?
Go for it, I suppose.
Yikes. Glad the lowest I've sunk is going on battle pet binges.
>NA "people"
Is TellMeWhen hard to set up? I want an addon that can display cooldowns/buffs/debuffs as a icon with the timer in the center and supports multi target dots.
Don't let people tell you otherwise, this WoW addon needs a PhD to set up and weeks of study.
It's easy.
How difficult is heroic Gul'dan to pug? I've already pugged 9/10 heroic with pretty relative ease
Alright thanks. I'll just skip on addons for now.
>want to level another character
>you HAVE TO do every broken isles zone whether you like it or not
fucking hell I'm not going through all that again
No, you don't.
A lone orc, against the might of the Alliance?
You don't need to? Is there something I'm missing here?
is there a way to set a macro to cast ground targetted abilites on your current target? or just where your mouse is, without having to click the ground?
took me 2 zones to 110 (stormheim and aszuna, then like 3 quests in valsharah)
>some heirlooms are gated behind guild rep
No you don't, lmao
I thought you can't even go to Suramar until you unlock world quests, which means fully completing all 4 zones
am I wrong here
>another maw keystone group
>ask "are you pulling everything with the boss"
>the group lead who is basically getting carried responds with "up to tank and healer"
Well no shit retard
Who the fuck did you think I was asking???
You are incorrect about world quests, although I don't think there's anything to do in suramar until you finish all 4 other zones main quests.
There's nothing stopping you from wandering around like a schmuck, though.
Calm down.
All 3 shaman specs are shit now, none of them get brought to mythic raids or m+
>tfw this is basically you, getting angry at the most inane shit every moment of your life
when did my life go so wrong that I became an endless well of bitterness
Personally took me 45 pulls to kill him, about half of those 3-6% wipes, but I got lucky with a semi guild group. I know another guy who is at 100+ tries still counting
But those curve groups the week after are A++
>have +10 VotW
>be healcuck
>want +15
>queue up
>after 2 minutes
>4 man premade
>all ilvl 900 except 1 dps
>start summoning
>"we have a +10 votw too btw"
>get nervous
>think they want me to heal their +10
>scared as fuck to put my +10 votw key in in case they leave and deplete my key
>fake dc
i just dont know anymore
>colossus smash
>battle cry
>kil'jaeden's burning wish
>draught of souls
>other guy sits there for a second without releasing wondering how the fuck he died so fast
Is there a better feeling?
>fem panda in slut mog
im not furry but damn, dat ass
Hugging their corpse before they release.
>pull half the zone
>battle cry
>im spinnin
>apparently there was a player in the mix
/cast [@cursor] Ability
Not sure if you can do [@target] to have it cast at your target, [@player] works to cast it directly at your feet so it might
>guild wants to switch from ts to discord
should i just jump ship?
My alt mage has only completed 2 zones and has access to world quests including suramar ones. I can access rep dungeons as well. Don't know how far you can go with the suramar questline, I've only done just enough to get the disguise mask thing because fuck suramar.
I forgot to add that this has happened multiple times already. Every time I join a new group I like to play a game to see if someone is going to reply with "up to the tank and/or healer" when I don't specifically address the tank and/or healer despite the fact that it should be fucking obvious that I'm asking them.
>"are we going to do my key or your key?"
>they answer
>if the answer is satisfactory to you, do the dungeon
>if it isn't, find another group
why is this so hard
>third fox mount quest item
ack why
thanks a lot user, works with @player, not with @target, but exactly what I wanted
i want to snuggle a female panda bear
what's everyone's favourite questing/leveling zone?
mine is Vashj'ir
oh yeah? well i want to _be__ a female panda