What does Veeky Forums think of Kierkegaard?
Most logical theologian out there.
While he was very 'religious' he destroyed the idea that the churches have a monopoly on these ideas of god. He led me to find my god, or at least being the search for him.
>Hang yourself, you will regret it; do not hang yourself, and you will also regret that; hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret both; whether you hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret both. This, gentlemen, is the sum and substance of all philosophy. It is only at certain moments that I view everything acterno modo, as Spinoza says, but I live constantly aeterno modo. There are many who think that they live thus, because after having done the one or the other, they combine or mediate the opposites. But this is a misunderstanding: for the true eternity does not lie behind either/or, but before it. Hence, their eternity will be a painful succession of temporal moments, for they will be consumed by a two-fold regret.
>muh christianity
>religious people simply can't be logical
>they believe in a giant man in the clouds
Pretty cool for a dane
>lol religious people are dumb XD
That sounds like something Camus would say.
Helped me find my faith
That's because Camus was an existentialist, and Kierkegaard is general considered the first existential philosopher.
I mean that whole passage reads like it's right from The Myth of Sisyphus. I've been meaning to read Kierkegaard, I've even bought some of his works I just have such a massive backlog of shit to read.
As a shitty Catholic can he really help me re-find my faith again? Even Veeky Forums is always saying that
Maybe not as an institutional catholic. Kierkegaard was very much an individual Christian.
>As a shitty Catholic can he really help me re-find my faith again? Even Veeky Forums is always saying that
Yes. Kind of. K is not in the realm of conventional apologetics. He's not going to convince you that God is a clear and rational choice. He rejects that as even being desirable.
But he is great at reigniting the excitement for faith.
Not that I'm eager to rekindle some faith inside of me. I just thought it's awesome that he still can have that affect in people, seems pretty down to Earth and chill for a theologian
He was, in a word, based.
I love when I've had to read lots to understand inane image macros. Makes me feel like I've done good
If I want to into Kierkegaard should I just start with Either/Or?
It's where I started.
[spoiler]I think hes kinda hot
KierkegaardxNietzsche slashfic when?
I don't want kuckgourd to get syphilis
>Hang yourself, you will regret it;
this rests on the unlikely conclusion of an afterlife existing. that principle applies beautifully to most everything else though
kierkegaard himself admits it makes no sense to believe in god. that whole lose your mind/win god leap of faith nonsense
hardcore. he broke up with his fiance so he could experience crippling heartbreak lmao