/osg/ - Auto Sticker General

Auto Sticker General #203












>Instagram (DM PICTURES)


>List of Sticker Websites

>Sticker Collection

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to Automotive Decals and Stickers

>FB Group

>Currently looking for:
>An internet lawyer ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
Idea Guys (Come up with Sticker Ideas, Veeky Forums club names, etc.)
Anons with artistic talent willing to make decals for free.
Anons with decal production equipment (Specifically Vinyl Printer Equipment)

Other urls found in this thread:


first for I want to die



Messin' around with styles.

vector looks really weird, even for a minimalistic style.

I think it looks pretty neet. Would probably not cop though, not a huge fan of SZS, but it's definitely a nice design

Can you go into more detail?
Nozomu is jagged on purpose but i do think it needs more work.
Or is it the background? Supposed to be in front of sakura trees but not sure how i should go about it.
Thanks man! I was a bit unsure of the style.

not but I think it works because of the minimalist style. There honestly aren't enough simplistic stickers around, I might be in the minority but something really gets me going about really simple, easy on the eyes designs

Keep Nozomu jagged or round him out?

post side by side of the two? hard to say without seeing it visually

Ignore the neck hole on the right I forgot to put it in so I did it in paint.


maybe try keeping the shoes smooth and the rest jaggy? I like the sharpness of pic1 but the shoes aren't that great

The shoes are just a rough cut. If I go with smooth I'll do it right.

velma WHEN

I'll see if I can tack it on to this run. I'm still waiting on the updated vector.

If anyone knows how to do those squiggly lines that look like the Mandelbrot set in Illustrator to give the bushy look trees have, let me know.

The hell's wrong with her ass?

ain' nothin' wrong with that badonkadonk



Still waiting for shipment from comfydesu.

patiently waiting for stickers to arrive

suppressed reeeeeeeeeeeeee

the pink background square looks like part of her ass

i suggest you move the pink square up and then make a proper ass curve





Let's just put one of those triangles on a laptop.

The colors are correct. the only two options are blue/black/red/white or white/red/black.

comfy doesn't seem like the dogging type.

this is the kind of nigger who slaps anime stickers on his car and thinks it's ok.


when are you going to reopen you nig

I am now curious to see all of the people on /osg/

I'm a lanky and white with glasses. Hungry skeleton according to fit standards

Post gurldicc

Best I got is a buddy's finger in my pipe

you'd look cooler if you didn't dress like a squid


That's true. Got the bike before I had any gear, that's is in the past has gear now.

Squidding is life

you can still do whoolies with gear

streetfreax.us is having a pretty neat sale right now

Pretty shit designs. Explains why it's all on sale

true, most are pretty shit
I like a few though
and if I can let you guys know of deals I see, I'll try to help out

i bought out all of his shitty fox stickers so i can put them on other peoples cars.

nothing else in there is worth even a buck tho

What's the deal with shops selling stickers of their shop name? Veeky Forums people do it too and I don't understand. Why would I want your business name on my car? You don't manufacture performance parts. I just want the stickers with waifus, memes, car jokes, and pop culture bullshit

if a slap's aesthetic enough, I usually don't mind a shop name on it
plus I don't advertise my shopping list on my car anymore

>I don't advertise my shopping list on my car anymore
Does anyone? I thought the parts manufacturer stickers were meant to be "I already have this in my car"

I like some shop name stickers, but the shop name has to be relatable or enjoyable, and the design has to be good. I personally love the Backyard Tuners logo slap, it's somewhat of a classic to me, and imoutodream speaks for itself and also looks great.

I hate slaps that have website URLs on the slap though, and shitty store names make shitty slaps so they're out of the question.

How could you not like bad decisions shop slap.

>I like some shop name stickers
BD would be one of the exceptions

aftermarket > OEM, desu
I agree except for BT is ded

Almost done.

thanks for the slap "inspiration" user ;)

No problem Lowkey ;)

>look guys we know it's similar, but we didn't trace it or anything
>... okay cmon, we never once said we didn't trace the image

someone came in /dbt/ the other day and said they could make bosozoku/暴走族 stickers
did anything ever come of that

>built like a twig

Kumeta literally cannot draw THICC characters.
You're forgetting the part where he threatened Stray Vanity with legal fucking action because he called him out for theft.

haha shit I missed that
lowkey is scummy for that
and they take forever to ship and don't even fulfill promises like "first _ orders get a secret"


So who here is gonna make a Lowkey Thiefs slap with "his" Shimakaze with another sweater on it?

now hold on now
it's all fun and games until you get sued by a super serious company licensed in California

we have internet lawyers though


Is that what you were looking for?

no but that works

anything making fun of automatics? a friend just bought an auto frs

Could someone get me a quick rundown on this drama?

Thnx china

Finally I ordered like a month ago

>Stoops makes a post calling out LowKeyGeeks on tracing shimakaze fanart and putting a virgin killer sweater on it
>LKG makes a post saying that he didn't know who the artist was so he didn't ask and that he's "sorry" it's so similar
>LKG mildly implies he'd consider suing for defamation lol.
Though the majority of LKG's stuff is "modified" fanart or just traced fanart. Like that d.va with a wrench is not their art, it's from a korean artist. And the only thing they changed was putting their name on it lol.

Oh and LKG said theyre going to reach out to the shimakaze artist now and that all of their stuff will be OC from now on.
I know ;_; I'm sorry this shit took so long, I blame Chinese New Year....

wait you were doing pre-orders with products from china?

now thats just about as responsible as finishing the last roll of toilet paper without buying more

>@lowkeygeeks sells product including image of Iowa
>Stray Vanity (@stoopsydaisy) calls them out because it's basically EXACTLY the same as some Asian's artwork
>at first, lowkeygeeks claims the images are just similar and that a 40% difference from the original can be claimed as parody or original work
>(the image is seriously the exact same, even the strands of hair, except lowkeygeeks added a small sweater and added in minor differences like removing panties)
>after getting bootyblasted full force, lowkeygeeks releases a few more statements and backtracks saying something along the lines of "you people need to stop assuming, we never said we didn't trace it. also we apologized to the artist and won't do it again, sorry"
I think that's about it
they really don't give a shit
they didn't even remove their first apology which contradicts a lot of their other ones

BadDecisions used them already for the Twingos.
Also American would've been literally double the price man. I couldn't have sold them at the price I did otherwise.
Though desu you're right I could've just bought them ahead of time, I just believed in them a little more, but I forgot about chinese new year lol.
The girl from LKG came into the JSC chat to say that it wasn't -her- fault because her parents died and the other half of LKG was the one doing the tracing and he doesn't "understand" why you shouldn't take fanart. (?????)
Tbh I feel like they could've dealt with it a little more gracefully, their fanboys don't really care about this, it's just the community.

>BONUS: Their new store mascot is literally a recolor of a girl from LL:Sunshine with a ribbon in her hair.

no no, I mean pre-orders specifically.
the chinese are fine but their production and shipping times can both be ridiculous, especially if you're a little guy since big clients (like mcdonalds or disney, or any anime merchadiser) take priority.

theres a good reason I didn't do pre-orders for the shimapacks

I wonder when they'll get called out for the new mascot then, cuz that's hilarious

Also you're completely right about their fanboys not caring at all. It showed in the comments. But yeah the community was REAMING them. It seems they've even lost connections with people like @nyaomaruu who they did a collab with recently.
I'm still gonna' wear my d.va hoodie though cuz it's qt :,(

I'm just a broke bitch and I put in my terms it could take like 5 weeks lmao.
Tbh no one's been mad about it yet so I don't have any reason to worry imo?
Fellow vendors def care, and yeah the community has been reaming them but honestly... most of the people I saw reaming them I don't think they buy their stuff.
The majority of their followers are from overwatch shit, and I DOUBT those kids care. I don't think their business will suffer too much, though they should delete all those apology posts imo lol.


I don't really follow non osg shops, and I always assumed they did their own art.
I guess a ribbon counts as 40% different.
I don't think they know what parody means.
My understanding of copyright is that if it could be confused for the real thing, then it is copyright infringement.

Hey qurestion who here made this thing. I need to get in touch 'cause he said I could go ahead and print it, but I feel like shit if i don't send him some m$ney because

Lowkey does a lot of collabs and has tie-ins with other big IG shops who are not happy with him about it.
His fans, yeah. they're hypebeasts and probably could care less about the art theft thing.

Needless to say I think I might wanna take the lowkey sticker off my car....

>BONUS: Their new store mascot is literally a recolor of a girl from LL:Sunshine with a ribbon in her hair.

Yea, it's just a recolor of Kanan with a bigger chest. They even have her in a wetsuit.

honestly I thought a lot more people traced and that people didn't care that much
it kinda' seems like it
I'm taking my lowkey diecut off but I'll leave my Umaru on cuz it's cute
I wouldn't mind as much, but they handled everything horribly
really makes you think

Actually I just looked at their instagram post on the mascot thing and apparently they're not using it anymore.
The original btw

True. But I guess their is a difference between tracing official images and tracing fan art.

Wait, I'm sort of an idiot. Isn't Vectoring the same thing as tracing? Or is it that, people don't really care about vectors since a majority of them are from anime screenshots.

Screenshots are okay.
Fan art isn't.

One is taking art from a large IP that doesn't give a shit about gaijins.
The other is stealing off the little, starving artist.

so now that we've been talking more about it
who's doing this idea?

Not me, they have more money and fans than me.

Yea just suck his dick, seeking how you must be a faggot to judge a vehicle on its transmission.

Bad Decisions took claim.

so wait, what about vectoring manga?

yikes dude just looking for some stickers

autotragic cuck detected :~~~)
What BD said + they kind of make it seem like they do OC and most people assume it's OC.

Technically they are both stealing. The difference is that with fan art you are making money off of a small artist. It's pretty shitty to take someone's work and add a sweater and then call it your original work.

Designed a few slaps for myself. Would /osg/ want to cop any if I got some of these printed?

Normally I would agree, but the point of the FRS/BRZ is the driving experience. You lose a lot of that with the automatic transmission.

nine lives and left lane losers are pretty cool.