>parent starts having a fucking conversation with the bus driver while 8 cars are lined up behind it
>that one retarded kid who waddled out from his driveway that was a mile long while his mom forgets to give him his lunch pale, a fucking kiss and his coat the a little pep talk for 15 minutes while the bus rider waits. The kid gets on the bus and has to make his way back to his special seat and throws a fit because another kid took it and rreeeeeeeeeees all over the place. The bus drive can't start moving until every kid sits down and shuts up
>have to drive by a school on my way to work
>every soccer mom has one fucking kid but a minivan that'll hold 6
>they never actually pull onto the shoulder to let their kids off
>they ALWAYS open their doors into traffic either looking
>always clog both sides of the street so that no one can get by but one person at a time
>always think they have the right of way when they fucking dont
>ALWAYS pull out from the curb without looking
>they're either liberal house wives, lard asses or snowflake fuckers who think the world revolves around them
>those ducking crossing guards who will walk out in front of your car forcing you to stop otherwise you hit them even if they're blatantly putting themselves in danger
>backing out of driveway on way to work
>see school bus in the distance
>fuck warming up the engine
>people who make right turns without moving over to let other cars pass, forcing you to stop and wait for them to make a slow ass turn
>people who don't use signals and slam on brakes in front of you to turn
> at 4 way stop on way to work
> start moving through
> at same time, guy and his two kids start using the crosswalk
> have to stop in middle of road like a jackass
> dad just glares at me
> motion them to hurry up
> stops and gives me a real dirty look like he's ready to start shit
> glance at my holstered glock in passenger seat I forgot to stuff in console
> give double apology wave and he finally moves
I hate commuting
You're meant to stop at crossings. If you don't you have to be forced to. Seems unfair to you but you're a cunt anyway.
>people who need to take a left but won't get close to the yellow line so people can pass on the right shoulder
It's more like
>instead of just letting this car go lemme walk in front of it at the last second
>People who need to turn left, but slam on the brakes before getting into the empty turning lane, fucking the left lane if the road.
>Bus is at bus stop
>Going opposite direction
>Stop cause retard lights are on
>Bus driver looks furious at me
>He storms off the bus
>Comes up to my car
>I say "why?"
>Look behind me, at least 15 cars are behind me
>"Sir you're gonna have to get all 15 people to move backwards if you want me to move back"
>Not dealing with this shit
>Peel out
>See bus driver trying to get my tags
>Laugh cause my house is literally 5 streets down
>car in front of me
>bus comes to a stop from the other direction
Wait did the bus stop at a stop sign or do you not know how busses work?
Even if he did get your tags what would he do? Call the police? And they'd do...what? Nothing.
Take your meds asspie
>he doesn't know you're not supposed to pass a school bus when the lights are flashing and the stop sign is out
He's going to say but the bus was on the other side of the road and that all other stop signs I just roll through so this one that's depositing small children with undeveloped spacial awareness should be the same
>driving on 45 mph road
>bus stops
>literally lets one kid off
>behind a fucking bus
>stops to let a kid off
>pulls up 50 feet to the next house
>let's off another kid
>wtf why didn't he get off 50ft ago?
>bus pulls up another 50 feet and let's off another kid
>bus literally drops off kids to their fucking doors instead of making one big stop for all the kids on one block
Do they actually do this shit now?
Somebody tell me why /pol/tards have to inject politics into everything? Can't end a single post without MUH LIBTARDS
obese soccer mom detected
Libtard detected
>backing out of driveway
>backing out
Poofta, reverse park everywhere or gtfo
Gotta love those cell-phone warriors, taking pictures of your car and tags.
>driving home after work in my old beater (which has since been replaced)
>main street is backed up pretty far, decide to take back road that connects to the road my house is on
>right as I'm turning on to the road (which is two-way and just barely wide enough for most cars to pass each other) some shitfuck schoolbus pulls up and blocks it completely
>gives me this smug look and wags his finger like a 13-year-old girl
>my car is now blocking traffic on the other side of the road because this shithead doesn't understand that you don't drive a fucking bus down a tiny little road (that happens to be private, I might add)
>back up to let him through
>hits me as he turns, takes my front bumper off as I'm leaning on the horn because I can't back up any further
>keeps going like he didn't notice
>cop right behind me sees everything
>swerves around me and pulls the bus over
school's insurance fixed my car
also the driver was fired, which was immensely satisfying
It seems to be standard procedure now. If Xander isn't dropped directly in front of his house he's obviously going to get abducted and raped walking down the sidewalk in his neighborhood.
>stuck behind school bus that keeps dropping off kids
>had enough of this shit
>waiting for stop sign to retract...
>make illegal pass in the oncoming lane
>feels good
How many kids can your only child fill in your fucking honda odyssey?
oh, and another one from back when I was in highschool
>waiting for the train
>schoolbus in the pickup/dropoff area (the car area, not the specifically designated bus area)
>some old lady in a car is dropping off her grandson (presumably)
>opens her door
>bus pulls out right before she gets out of the car
>plows right through the open door, rips it off the car even though there's more than enough room to get around and it was already wide open for several seconds
>just keeps going on his merry way, doesn't even stop
>old lady was extremely lucky to get out unharmed
bus drivers are a collective plague on every country they exist in
FUCK. This happened to me last week
Fuck buses
If it's a schoolbus driver. They can report you to the cops and possibly get a criminal charge for child enlargement, reckless driving, etc.
>6 lane highway
>approaching bus in opposing lane
> concrete divider between us
>stop sign deploys
>bus driver flips me off
Kek are they actually allowed to do that? There was a thread where some guy got a ticket for not stopping when the bus did on a busy highway.
seems far more dangerous than just banning buses from stopping on highways.
The fuck was the kid going to do, vault over the divider. There were no house on my side anyhow.
Xander is clearly a man of color, no one would want him.
>bus literally drops off kids to their fucking doors
Tard wrangler probably. Kid will get lost in 50 feet.
Being a mom gives them the right of way. These women have enriched our lives by bringing life onto this planet and we should treat them with the utmost respect.
It's ridiculous that cities allow this to happen. I don't care all that much if the city wants to waste their fuel, but when it's my fuel that they're wasting because I have to stop with the bus at every single fucking house, that's outrageous.
I'm sure some people will claim the fuel wasted is 'negligible' however it is still fuel wasted that I paid for.
Children are the future and they deserve to be safely dropped off at their doorstep so they don't get molested by perverts and can get to work on their homework. If you think your fuel is more important than my children, it's probably because you're a bitter virgin that wants to punish successful people for reproducing.
Children who can't walk down the street are not the future.
Fuck your kids honestly our planet is full
If there's a physical barrier dividing the roadway you dont have to stop
At least where I am
>be american
>get cucked by a schoolbus
>left is mfw I'm behind the bus during work hours
>right is mfw I'm behind the bus when I'm on my way to work and am running late because some fucking old bitch in a buick had to go 30MPH in a fucking 45 FOR A FUCKING MILE
>Driving down 4 lane street, far right lane
>Approaching intersection
>Crossing lady at intersection to my left
>She holds up her sign and begins to walk into the street
>I don't stop
>I never stop
>Fuck your little sign and gay ass vest
>I do this maybe once or twice a month
>Occasionally she yells some shit a at me as I pass
>I swear most children have a better idea of when to cross a street than this woman
>people zooming up to the end of a merging lane in heavy traffic
>people letting them in
This is prevalent in houston tx and it makes me want to murder them all
It's the law asshole
Fuck you and your fatass kids
Nigger what shit are you on that's not the law. They have to yield to oncoming traffic
It's one thing when people need to be let in getting on a freeway, that I'm fine with. It pisses me off when people are given notice 1/4 mile before their lane ends and they wait until the very end to get in, it slows everyone down.
I wish people would just gtfo of the right lane so that there's enough space to merge. I hate it when there's a column of cars going 90-100 kmh, all three car lengths apart and you need to merge. It creates an unsafe situation and ultimately, people in the right lane end up cutting off those trying to merge because they will have to slam the breaks if a car merges in front of them. I always just drive in the middle lane for this reason and because the right or the left lane typically end up leading to a fork or an exit. No point in constantly changing lanes like that.
>child enlargement
>parent starts having a fucking conversation with the bus driver while 8 cars are lined up behind it
That parent sucks. Parents often act as though they have extra rights and privileges. Soccer moms are especially like that.
It sucks they park on the roadway and then have their 30 seconds chat with the kid "Be good now, do well in school today, you got all your supplies and lunch? I love you!" stuff. Ugh. Meanwhile, everyone else waits because the road is also a commuting road headed towards a major highway.
>Even if he did get your tags what would he do? Call the police? And they'd do...what? Nothing.
They amended the law here which allows school bus drivers to officially write down the plate number and any other identifying characteristics. When the stop sign is extended, the video recording is enabled for cars passing.
The notation by the bus driver qualifies as a request to the police to perform an official investigation of the camera footage. If they see the car with those plates moving, they will issue a moving violation ticket. If the car was moving fast, it will be an endangerment citation which is now in the criminal realm. They don't usually do that though because they don't want you to have a criminal record. But if the driver says you were rude and obnoxious, then you'll probably get the criminal version.
It doesn't matter that your house is 5 houses down so you want to go and park. You still have to wait.
> concrete divider between us
>stop sign deploys
In washington state, if there is a physical fence or physical concrete divider separating both sides of the road, then the other side may continue without stopping. If there is no physical divider, then cars must stop even though it is a five or six lane highway.
However, bus drivers and the county government don't usually do things badly like that on busy highways. For example, there is a set of three large apartment complexes on a busy road I use. The bus pulls into the apartment lot that has the big aisles and lets the students out for all the apartments. It then drives thru the rest of the lot and gets back onto the road without blocking traffic.
So there is common sense although the bus could legally park on the road shoulder and force all cars to stop. Just don't curse all bus drivers please.
Schoolpatrols in my area gets run down regularly in my area. Mostly by parents who drive their kids to school because "People drive like shit and too fast, and I don't feel my little Timmy is safe enough to walk!"
Yeah, it also gives them the right to force you to watch while another man fucks her.
>going to work
>back truck out of driveway while putting my gun in the glove box
>roads full of moms in their gook crossovers
>school bus picking up some kid
>little stop sign comes out
>stop and give the driver the finger
>kid drops something
>yell at him that this bus is too long for him
>finally after wasting 30 seconds of my god damn day the little signs go away
>floor it away in first
>some retard turns right into the drive thru in front of me
>boot is sticking out into the road by like an inch
>stop against their bumper to teach them a fucking lesson
>three fucking fat bitches in the car in front take five minutes to make their order
>finally get to the order box and tell them I want two quarter pounders, two hashbrowns, an apple pie, a mcchicken, three cheeseburgers, a large fries and a diet soda
>after what feels like an hour I get to the pickup window and the spic at the window gives me some shit about waiting for fries to finish cooking
>reach for my gun because I'm a dumbass american who cannot deal with any situation without making it a personal attack on me and an affront to muh hard earned freedoms
>school bus stops
>stop signs come out
>run it every time
I'm too gangster for this shit
Do Americans actually mount stop signs on busses? What the fuck?
You have to stop even if the bus is coming from the oppoding direction. Unless there is a median
Sounds like a rural thing where the houses are fucking far apart
>not detecting the sarcasm in that post
Here's your school bus
The American school bus system sounds fucked up.
Here, kids walk to and from the bus stop by themselves. The bus only stops on the stops if you press the little button and if you miss your stop, you're walking more. And the busses don't force other cars to stop when they drop off people at the bus. If your kid runs under a car, that's on your fucking kid.
I think the only thing we have is lower speed limits near schools.
>The American school bus system sounds fucked up.
What today's youngster posters don't see are the lawsuits that occurred before these posters were born. These lawsuits shaped the american school bus system into what it was today.
American children aren't allowed Kinder Surprise because they eat the toy and choke to death. Do you really think they're capable of walking 100 meters to their house without finding some way to remove themselves from the gene pool?