Post your current daily driver, others rate your taste or call you a poorfag. Pic related, 1990 300zx I brought back from Nipland.

Other urls found in this thread:

of all cars why would you import a fucking z32
letalone an early one

not a clever cookie / 10

pic related minus the fender flares

Unreliable turd

Because I was a poorfag and couldn't afford the skyline or supra like I wanted as the prices skyrocketed from 5-6k up to 10k+ by the time I left.


you made me sad.

you should've imported an old chaser or cressida though.


Its so boring to drive honestly pham


>why would you import a fucking z32
>believes anything he reads on the internet

op is a busriding scum. Obviously that is a picture of his Z.


Apologies about cropping, but do your worst.

Fucking Vermont has so many of these in the same color.

Nice SW20. I like the Speed Stars sticker.

>Couldn't buy skyline or supra like I wanted

NFSU2 kiddie confirmed, enjoy not being able to have a fucking clue what to do with this thing lol

Cute duo, nice pic user.
Is that US only? I imagine I wouldn't forget such a grill/emblem.

>ITT there's shitposting and silly hate already
>13 replies
Godspeed Veeky Forums, godspeed.

I know nearly nothing about trucks, not really popular over here.
Is that thing the same size as the F-150 and/or its american competition?
Why did you go for the Toyota? Does the red paint make it go faster?

I imagine they are good cars after all! The color matches your roads.

Never driven one of those, how is torque steer? Is cornering fun?
What about really tight turns and accelerating out of them?

Is that your picture? Why the fender flares when they actually ain't on your car?

Man I wish the locals didn't ruin those cars for me.
It's /always/ them crashing into bus stops or something.


>Enjoy your car, user.

How much money have you had to dump into yours so far? Pic related is my 1993 2+2, about $5k in

Mmm... V10 power. And... gas mileage. Though it's mostly smiles per mile, being the truck from Twister.


Since my mother took my boring 2012 Civic off my hands, I've been getting to work and around town in my Cressida. Pretty comfy desu.

Roof wont stop leaking

Please remove those fog lights as soon as possible. You're ruining it.

>Gay Street


I usually do once winter is over.

Bought it for around 2500 with about 58-60k miles on it. I've put around 1000$ into it since then. The interior leaves much to be desired. So that's probably what I'm gonna work on next. I will say working anywhere in the engine is more of a pain in the ads than I originally thought. What have you done to yours so far?

10/10 A E S T H E T I C

Pic related is my daily
that seems boring
quite nice. I dig the popups anyway
actually nice

neat, nice color

gr8 m8. keep the fogs IMO... too bad it's auto

>that radio

It's kind of a pain to find a nice Cressida in a manual and besides it was considered a luxury car so an auto would be more prevalent.

Original was broken senpai. Needed something to listen to some chill tunes on my way to work.

>silly hate
>talks about paint colors related to vehicle performance and reliability

Nice try mum clever girl


>REEE 370

MemeRZ coming through

It was a joke.

Bought for $2700 in January last year. Came with strut tower braces, CAI, and an under drive pulley installed. Immediately had to buy battery, rear tires. Finally in May I replaced brake booster, brake master cylinder, brake lines, rotors and calipers (~2k w/ labor. I know I got ripped off). Oversteered into a curb in September and had to replace tension rods and control arms (again ~2k). Had to replace the cats 2 weeks ago for $945. Everything else has been standard maintenance.

Yeah the engine bay is too cramped for me to feel comfortable learning to wrench in it. Saving up to buy a shitty $500 civic and work on it to learn instead.

It's been an expensive first car, but I love her to death. Apart from replacing some belts, there isn't anything else that needs done for a while yet, so I'll be addressing my interior next as well. Considering ordering this kit to start:

Does anyone have any experience with this website? Any alternative suggestions?

It's a solid ride but she drinks it down that's for sure

How are maintenance costs and fuel economy? I've heard these can be a pain as they age.


How's the fuel costs bro.

I don't miss dailying my f250 at 11mpg average.

what block ?

I like your style, mate.
I'm a literal homosexual, so I don't need to say anything.
Mix Et R'gain Cony




Here's my daily atm, probably gonna buy myself a nice little cheap car for going to work though.

Cars not bad I guess, but im more impressed with how good that photo looks

Damn 370's are good looking cars, how is it as a daily driver though?
Also loving those European backdrops, makes me miss living in England

Clean as fuck, nice


Not bad, it does 21 mpg hand calculated on the highway

Indeed they are, but so are clean Supras.
I seriously like yours. The tires sit perfectly.
I have no problem DDing my z34. I can fit one beer crate + groceries in the trunk while other assorted shit rests behind the seats.
Most non-car-people will note that it's too noisy and stiff for their personal taste when you take em with you. Car guys love it.
My gf doesn't really like it because my prior DD (Kia proceed GT) had heated seats and everything.
Plus she thinks it's too flashy and fast. I can't drive hard or she'll get sick (then again, Autobahn is mostly fine).
She did note though, that it's one of the most beautiful sports cars she knows (she usually doesn't like them) among the Cayman and 911.
My personal thing about it has to be the turning.
Whenever you corner in a spirited way it feels as if the whole car is rotating in a very controlled and fun manner with the axis going right through your spine.
You may even add a little slide to the equation without much of a problem, at any intersection/whatever.
The power delivery is soooo smooth. That's why sometimes it feels a bit slower than it is. But it's so fun and great to play with.
My main gripe would be the costs of tax, tires and gas. But you usually are aware of that when buying such a car.
I seriously love it to bits. On public streets I prefer it over the 360/430/458. Great car.

Please tell me you have a yellow prancing moose on the other side by the wheel.

Bricks and a subie with Iowa plates claiming to be a vermontfag in a rate thread?

Seems comfy, I'll play. 91 with the 5 speed.

I like your cars

Nice rides guys. Especially the bricks.

Pic related, my Turbobrick.

It's pretty boring and I want something more fun but I just can't fault it for anything and it refuses to ever let me down so why would I ever sell it. I need to get a project car or something.

how did you make a porsche boxster a hard top? what roof is that

2000 CR-V 5MT with 245k miles.

It's held together with zip ties and broken dreams.

Fine on the open road. In the city my wallet gets emptied as if I was outside at night. Maintenance is fine. Just keeping on top of a bit of surface rust every few months. She cost fuck all though so anything serious and it's basically a write off unless I'm committed
2.4l 4 cylinder
Ja Ja ja

Drove down to the states yesterday to pick up two new fenders for it, this has been an expensive vehicle, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Why is it always clueless nocar bus riders who shit on the z32
Is taking some extra time to wrench too hard for you faggots? If a spark plug isn't changed in 5 minutes you chuck a hissy fit and throw your tools across the garage? Lmao Fucking pathetic losers
Because ease of maintenance are the only legitimate complaints about this car

Here's my Kanmuri. A literal fucking shitbox.


Best car so far. Very nice. What's done to it??

Is your mom still batshit?


my daily

holy fucking kek

Dude, I thought she was getting better when I moved out, but I moved back in a while ago and she's even worse than before. She got visibly and audibly angry that my feet smelled after I came home from work, she also brings up that day whenever my feet smell. My life is fucking crazy.

Nice color and exhaust look desu

Fuck the haters OP you do you. I actually really dig those. Here's mine. Literally cannot wait to get it painted. Finally have all the mechanical gremlins worked out except one and that's just a small valve cover leak. Waiting on my gasket set for that

Another Z32 daily signing in.

never did get new wheels, so i'm still on the same pointless corolla ones. It may be a shitbox but it's my shitbox

2001 subaru outback with the boxer 6 cylinder. Handles ok, heavy, surprisingly fast


old ass fusion? Im going to snag one of the 2017s soon for my "boring 4 door sedan" itch


Muh '84 civic that is a piece of shit.

The 57hp feels like I'm driving a potato.

Ass end of those is really fucking nice, makes up for everything else to be honest

>tfw no VTEC
Gotta make some more money to get that sweet B18C swap.

1999 Acura Integra LS

Wait do you live in Longmont? I think I've seen that building and street before.


There is a very rare factory detachable hardtop.

IIRC it was only available in Europe. I may be wrong about that though.


Man that e46 beside you is clean as fuck

2013 Audi TT

Sporty, and comes with the luxury's. Never had a problem with it.
45k miles

Sleep tight muscle

Rate me lads

Cracked block/10

pic related

>tfw gf got rear ended in it today

your gf got fucked in your car? jesus man, sorry

Wake me when there's no immigrants

the wheels make this car look ugly

>I'd bang it.

I've always been a sucker for the wagon, nice m8

Same pics for weeks because they're the best I have.

looks brand fucking new 10/10
panty drop- 8/10
6/10 boring
4/10 no rusterino

08 Milan v6

buyers remorse/10

my 91 camry dd smokes from valve cover area, looks like waters inside. somthing bad or just condensation from not letting it warm up enough(latley not driving buch and if i do their short runs)?

i have no loss of fluids, no frothy milkshake oil or oil in coolant

bruh wtf dude

>burn it

Love it.

i know i should burn my car

Meh, $900 could go a lot worse
6 speed? 7/10

I really dig the color on yours, way better than the pearl desu. if anything I'd say the rims could be better but 8/10 would drive.