[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/

[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/

I need to watch things ride (from a good safe distance) edition.

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/dbt/ map:

Motorcycle Ergonomics Simulator

Beginners sticky

gifs and shit
old thread

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tfw still no bike ;_;

First for cruiser friends are p cool

Who was at fault here?


Skip to 3:50

2nd for dank buds


Weed is for degenerates.

You were beaten by Rasputin. fucking shameful. Rasputin confirmed for not as bad as cruiser riders

Weed is for people who just wanna relax a lil man, chill. Dudes can chill at home and bake who cares.
Just dont drive/ride

Clearly those people they were waiting for. If they weren't so slow guys up front wouldn't have had the chance to be complete retards

Drugs are for degenerates.

dudeweedlmao is a shit meme

Rasputin on his first day on a REAL bike


It doesnt effect you why do you care so much?
Mommy love her coke more than you?

>Beaten by Rasputin
Did I miss something? This is the only Rasputin I know of

Tbf, if someone is stoned or drunk or otherwise fucked up and crash their car into you or someone in your commute, that affects you.

Checkmate, atheist.

>that bike absolutely disintegrated
top sad

From last bread

1988 883 hugger, 4 speed, im still ironing out carb/throttle issues and the rear blinkers and brake light are off the bike.

Ive got the Harley manual waiting for me at my nearest dealer because the Clymers manual that i bought isnt very helpful in the rewiring department.

If any of you niggies want the biku im in the northern nv area, until then im just gonna keep wrenching on it.

The guy filming

Imagine a terrible poster, who consistently makes one awful post after another but never anything bad enough to get banned.

So the Korean guy?

Is it the worst posting you have ever seen, but nothing bannable?

if so that's Rasputin.

Thats why I said don't do that. I mean I know you can't control errbody but if someone smells some snow on the couch and knocks out who cares?


So onion = rasputin?

>Drugs are for nobikes

>tfw ride motorcycle home from work, wrench on the other bike with a bowl.
It takes a lot longer though.

Rasputin being the worst poster is an old meme on Veeky Forums. He is far from the worst poster.

Somebody on fit actually paid a transgender prostitute to pay for pictures they could use to roleplay as a transgender powerlifter for over a year on Veeky Forums

Onion didn't really shitpost, he's just a fucking idiot.
I bet you lose a lot of screws n shit


Rasputin's LIFE is a shitpost



Yeah what

>theres nothing wrong with weed

If they do it in their home, who cares at the moment. You also have to consider the cost to society though. Someone with a bad coke or drug problem will be likely to go to the er more than the average person, taxing the healthcare system more, and that cost will be put on the public through taxes and welfare programs and subsidies.

Also getting hit by a fucked up driver is a thing, it at the very least causing an accident that affects traffic.

Shit's lame

Alcohol and tobacco should be illegal then.

Probably. Not like that would ever happen.

og on Veeky Forums, on the powerlifting thread ask about Trappychan. the rabbit hole goes deep

How's maintenance on a Buell? HD tier?

>riding for 10 years
>currently riding 08 r1
>rode a friends fz-07
>so much fun
Nowhere near as fast but at this point in my life im not chasing speed anymore.
Has anyone else made a significant downgrade and do you regret it? I only have space for one.

>my REDJAYNA sprockets and chain arrived today
>racing into the future


>at least he posted it here first

>Slammed brakes causing it to stand up
>Posts on reddit
> 300cc """"""""""""""""sport"""""""""""""""" bike
Kek. Crashing sucks though but that's why you don't buy a new beginner bike.

Not really a downgrade, but my father has an RD125LC alongside his ZZR1100 and he has more love for the LC. That's probably just nostalgia though.

I say ride as many bikes as possible in the time you have, mate.


>find the post
>top comment
>"I regularly use my rear brake to tighten up my lines"
>dis gon b gud
>check account submissions
>this to calamari race team



I recently went from an r1 to fz6.
Much comfy

What year fz6? How is it for long rides and honestly how torqueless is it down low?


Holy shit he's almost hitting 65 around some of those bends, the absolute madman

Wait, did he submit that as in attempting to get on a professional racing team

For long rides its 2x better than the other bikes ive owned (r6 and the r1)
Seat is comfy, wind protection is ok.

The torque down low honestly is pretty gutless compared to the r1. Feels about the same as the r6 but of course the bike is heavier. It really isnt bad though unless you're under 4k, itll still move.
Im pretty happy with it.

Calamari race team subreddit is just squid oriented
Hence the name

What engine speed do you usually find yourself at while in town or on the highway? Also how would you feel about doing like 3 back to back days of 5-600 miles on it?

Thanks for answering, I'm heavily considering one of these

kek that went right over my head, thanks

lmao guy with camera is a complete fucking retard

look another complete fucking retard

how are people even this stupid? have they never gone on youtube? motherfuckers have no brains

Around town for me is usually stop and go up to 20mph. I can stay in first for that and end up to around 4-4.5k rpm. I think the PO changed the sprockets though. Highway at 75 or so i believe its around 6 to 6.5k rpm i would like that to be a bit lower desu but sprockets are cheap.
I could def do 3 days and 600 miles on it.but i will need to stretch my legs every 3 hours or so, ive got long legs, 6'5. Id probably not have to if i was 6' or so.

how long until kit kat actually kills himself while riding and we don't have to deal with him anymore?

too long

Awesome. I'm 5'10 so that seems good. I sat on one and I really liked the ergos. How is insurance for it? Also I know it's heavier than the super sports, but how would you describe the handling?

When you finally quit vaping

He's an alright dude alright

he is the dumbest faggot on this entire board

>constantly shitpost about other peoples bikes that are way nicer than his
>only rides shitbikes that usually don't run and are worth less than $1000
>is a complete shitter and can't wrench or ride himself
>spams up /dbt/ with a trip (so at least we can filter him) as if anyone cares about his worthless braindead opinion

Insurance isnt bad but i live in a high theft area.
I oay about 650 a year for theft liability ect. Everything but collision since i only spent 2.5k on it.

Handling isnt as bad as i was expecting, its no r6 but it still corners great and only feels a little taller.
It does not disappoint me for being a sport touring.

Nice. I need to test ride one, I think it'll be a good bike to own

Im also a 23 year old male with a few tickets (thanks to the r1) its about 30$ cheaper per month to insure than my r6 was.
Yeah take a ride on one, im sure youll like it.

Ok that helps a lot. Is there anything in the maintenance schedule that is that intensive?

Which makes a better



BMW is too old and the KLR is too fat & heavy

>never anything bad enough to get banned
Wait, am I the only one who's been banned infinite times?

Nothing on the maintenance chart looks odd to me,
The bike looks easy to work on too, but i havent had to do anything other than an oil change yet.

BMW is 500lbs, klr is 400 on Wikipedia

BMW has fuel injection and abs and Klr is carbed

I've never been banned for tomposting.

Speaks volumes about the mods' sexual tendencies.

still neither

Does it wheelie easy?

I don't know what you're getting at. he's really not going slow

>driver so stupid she is on the phone while turning like a slowpoke and not checking on coming traffic
>rider so stupid to ride 80mph at an intersection
Just your typical American drivers and riders.

Too scared for those, i like both my wheels on the ground desu

lol, if he doesn't look slow to you then you must be even worse.

Why are you so butt bothered? Just filter him if you don`t like him.

I personally like him coz he bothers dumb-asses that can`t filter.

It just looked average to me, not fast either. Lets see your dank leans


I have him filtered, doesn't change the fact that he's /dbt/'s worst poster

ok and? KLR is still an overweight pig

every other 650 dualsport is better


>Every journey begins with a single kok in ass

>0-5 ride to gfs for dinner, spaghetti.
>6-9 ride to bar and get a burger n beer.

Burgers > batches

Alternatively, have a burger at ur gf's.

>tfw so hungry
>no gf
>no money for burger
Ill have leftover meatloaf again.

>Not eating your GFS ground beef

This makes me Kek

BMW, it will not fail you.

>BMW too old

It's a youngling, a greenhorn, barely out of his mother's womb.

Wtf this isnt me lol



Only three more stages to go
