Irrelevent car reviews

Has car channel dedicated to reviewing normal cars.
>Reviews high end cars
>Doesn't even review cars
>Talks about Pennsylvania like its relevant.
>Drives around in car commenting on the most useless facts

What the fuck is with this stuff? Is it supposed to be a satire?

At least he's not Doug DeMuro.

It's the AVGN of car reviews.

what did you expect from someone who calls soda "pop"

more like what did you expect from an english majoring furry faggot

It took me a while to realize it but yeah he doesn't know anything about cars. Can be funny but the videos are too long and random to be worth it anymore





The best thing about le funny voice poop joke review man is the diverse selection of cars he reviews.

I wish an in-depth reviewer like savagegeese would cover older sports cars. I like his reviews but the find all the modern cars boring.

I could stomach his

Why don't you just nut up and suck this guys dick already?

>mfw you're surprised a Pennsylvanian english major nerd reviews a car with metaphors and talks about cultural context
I honestly don't know what you expected

did I mention the
bumper to bumper warranty

I still like RCR, I don't care what you guys say.

it's a good channel; people are just complaining that it doesn't cater to their needs, even though it never claimed to.

this lol

i dont mind his vids but theyre boring as fuck apart from two or three that i've seen

His POV videos are better than his main ones

Also he's definitely gay isn't he?

i don't think there's any solid support for that claim. He has gone to furry conventions and made an audio blog about it

>reviews high end cars
He has only turned down a few offers for cars to review, its not his fault fans with boring cars in the area dont all send emails to RCR


He has a wife and a kid, so if he's gay they'd be a pretty complex cover.

i'm taking the bait, guys


The Roman has a wife and kids, Mr. Regular is single afaik


Doug DeMuro needs to be welded inside a suzuki x90 that's parked inside a gas chamber.

I would almost want to watch his videos about WACKY CAR QUIRKS if he wasn't such an insufferable kike faggot that makes the same 2 annoying jokes every video.

My money is on him having sucked at least one dick in his college days.

The PCP fucked him up something fierce.

Who are we talking about?

> Demuro

I thought he was Italian or something.

Chrisfix is the only car youtuber we like, we settled this many times.

I was born nearby in Schuylkill County. If he is right about one thing, that part of PA is depressing. The place has been on the decline, you can see it in the people. But at least Heisler's Cloverleaf Dairy has the best damn bubblegum icecream around.

The first video of his I watched I recognised the road he was on, so I subbed. But I do agree with the people saying his content is getting worse.

When art imitates life.

RCR no longer has to work hard to get people to watch his shit.

He's fallen into the same trap most youtubers do - getting lazy. Because idiots still watch whatever shows up on the front page.

I like him, hes endearing in a village idiot kind of way. Also appreciate him showing stuff other reviews dont mention. He should really stop trying to be funny though.

I'm gay and have a wife and kids.

isn't he rich? Why doesn't he get a fucking makeover so he can get laid

>Not realizing that his videos are more about the kind of people who drive the cars the video is about than the car itself.

It's almost like you need to be told what to think

>Shits on Pontiac Firebirds as being degenerate redneck-mobiles.
>Never reviews a Firebird.

Pretty much "not sure if serious" content.

Regular Car Reviews.

I don't know, dude. I've felt like he's had some pretty good stuff as of late. I really liked his EH2 Hatch review.

I still like him and watch all his videos but all his videos now are really hit or miss while all his old videos are gold. And since I am also a furfag I like him more.

>It took me a while to realize it but yeah he doesn't know anything about cars.
Same, but for this entire board and it took me maybe 4 threads.


me too!!! let's be besties!
