I always see idiots on Veeky Forums trashing the lottery. Its a fun way to blow a couple bucks. Dont act like you dont spend money on entertainment. Whats the harm in that? Even for arguments sake lets say I play every week for 30 years. Ive spent $1,560 and most likely won a small amount of that back. Do you idiots really think that will make a marginal difference in my life? Its fun to play and imagine a life changing windfall. And hey - any odds are better than 0 odds
I always see idiots on Veeky Forums trashing the lottery. Its a fun way to blow a couple bucks...
>Do you idiots really think that will make a marginal difference in my life?
No one thinks that. The only thing anyone's said is that it is a waste of money. Which is objectively true.
Somebody's doing all the winning.
>Even for arguments sake lets say I play every week for 30 years. Ive spent $1,560 and most likely won a small amount of that back
or you could save 1560 dollars for 30 years and make money off of interest.
or you could invest it for 30 years and make even more money.
go be a retard somewhere else please.
Someone might get utility from having fun doing it though.
So $5,000 extra dollars when I retire. Do you really think that would make a marginal difference in my retirement? Do you really penny pinch that much and never have fun?
>entertainment is a waste of money
Bullshit. You spend more than 52 a year on entertainment
One of the most common themes I see here are calling the lottery a tax on the stupid. How can it be a tax if its optional? Why is having some inexpensive fun stupid?
is buying a ticket and being disappointed each week actually "fun" though?
Youre not disappointed because you never truly expect to win. The fun comes from the what if. What if my life changes fabulously over night. What if i dont have to go back to work ever again. What if i can buy the car of my dreams. Or the house on the beachfront. Its fun to picture your life like that even if you still fully expect to lose. Say what you want but no stock is going to go up 300 million percent. But people win the lotto all the time. Improbable =/= impossible
>Its a fun way to blow a couple bucks.
This is a perfectly fine view of it. If you understand the lottery is entertainment then it's fine to spend money on it.
The problem is most people think they have a winning strategy, or that their numbers are due, or that with a sufficiently large jackpot they can't afford not to play. They think of it as an investment. Those are the people we trash.
Personally, I don't see the entertainment value in playing the lottery. But if you know it's 100% money lost on entertainment then that's fine.
Yes gambling addictions are detrimental we can agree on that. But its not 100% money lost. More like 99.99%. But im being pedantic
>How can it be a tax if its optional
It's pretty simple, tax can be a seen as a fee levied on any good, service, or transaction collected by the government. In this case you are buying (either directly from state governments or companies taxed by them) a very statically low probable chance of winning a million-bajillion dollars.
Basically this, but what's boring to some is entertainment to the next. So, really whatever raises your dopamine levels so long as you don't look to it as any kind of alternative to actually saving and investment.
Nah they ain't nothing wrong with that my man, better than a pack of smokes & 4loko
It's just that this is a business forum (ha ha), so most anons first instinct is to view it in terms of ROI, and viewed that way, it's a waste.
Once a week is pretty good, it's worth it to increase your odds from zero, any more than that is a waste though
Just won €10 again. I'm starting to think that I'm luckier than the average guy. Next goal: €81million
4loko hasn't been good since they got rid of the caffeine
>blowing money on an idiot tax is "fun"
>Ive spent $1,560 and most likely won a small amount of that back.
yeah, that's way better than spending $1,560 on stocks that pay dividends
why not go to a casino and play literally anything? the odds are better
>I'm starting to think that I'm luckier than the average guy.
You probably also believe in astrology, right?
I'm indecisive about astrology.. it's definitely interesting.
The thing is that whatever you believe on a subconscious level that will be the truth and it shapes your reality.
Again thats roughly 5grand extra when im retirement age. Not a noticeable difference
This is a convienient game to play on my way to work. Only costs a buck. Casino may be better odds and arguably more fun but not really comparable in terms of time or money invested
I'm just saying you'd have better luck buying a couple shares of some meme penny stock rather than gambling
>Its fun to play and imagine a life changing windfall. And hey - any odds are better than 0 odds
So true OP. Keep it up!
In my state's, you get partial winnings if you're only one number off.
A more interesting way to spend the money would be to save it and take yearly trip to the casino. Still have the chance of a windfall but you actually have some control over the outcome.
The lottery is just the state cucking you by exploiting your lack of an ability to acquire the things you want in life.
It's called a stupid tax because only the stupid would buy them regularly
>Its a fun way to blow a couple bucks.
It's about as fun as a skinner box.
Enjoy your (You) faggot.