Ice Bitch Edition
News & Patch Notes:
MMR tracking (community) and other information:
More hero build info:
Ice Bitch Edition
News & Patch Notes:
MMR tracking (community) and other information:
More hero build info:
Post your IDs
At least add to the links and link newest champion reveal video
Does anybody use fury? I thought it was dead/a meme
>already someone being a faggot
Fuck, too soon man, I got to go to sleep. It better still be here in the morning.
Ill get on I need one more AI game so I can unlock pvp.
I'm like a 3.8k mmr from dota and I just want to play murial and support because her skillset is god tier.
Is their a poison hero?
Only DoT hero is Iggy & Scorch (F- tier hero right now) and there are two cards that let you proc poison but they're not very good
Hopefully one of the next few heroes will be a poison hero
I know there are anons here, post your IDs so we can play god damn it. You might as well let the thread die otherwise
Any Gadget mains here? I love her but damn its getting hard to play her with so many cool heroes like Countess and Serath.
Aurora will be my 4th slut.
I'm the OP who kept spamming Paragon threads on v
Smash that like button
Now teach me how to play
Gold shitter here, username Caerv. Add me and I can play
Wait are you guys going to play vs AI.
Regicide2 pls add I just want to play murial all day
Game up right now wew
every meme is a dead meme
I posted the wrong username in the last thread. I play Greystone and Twinblast with a little bit of Riktor. Been playing since the first closed test. Username is Lord_Ryu
>posting in /parag/ thread #1
It's got that new general smell.
Anyway: want to try one more tonight, but not sure if it should be with /parag/. I can see us turning on and devouring one another at the first bump in the road. Also: the game tries to match stacks with stacks, and if it can't, it "balances" things by putting the stack up against a bunch of more experienced players. The problem is, if we're not in voice comms, we may as well solo queue.
Got room for one more? I'm pretty new, lvl 13.
Forgot username: Ribbons
Last game we had only went bad cuz of an afk
>looking up videos to learn the card system
>missed party invite
Just played my first ever game with Crush. This guy is riduculous. His damage is off the chain why haven't I played him before
Just played Rampage for the first time even though I've been in since October. He's fun as fuck. Went 4-0-5 in under a half hour.
Now it's definitely bed time, though; hope the general survives the night.
He's apparently trash-tier in "competitive" play, according to Reddit.
But I've been demolished by him plenty of times. Get his rocket dash escape down, combine it with your ult and it's tiny cooldown, and you've got a good initiator/ squishy slayer.
Were you the lvl 5 guy
>in only undrr 30 minutes
Who ksed you bro i hate being kill secured tilts me
im the lvl 5 guy
>use defualt murial deck
>it only builds mana and mana regen
>still feels like its never enough mana
>can never truly protect my bros with my shields
Interested in getting into this game, as I'm lookin for a mobile that isn't leeg or Dota. The deck system isn't great imo but the crafting thing should help offset.
Im kind of unclear how jungle works exactly, or what heroes are junglers.
Ive only played a few coop vs AI games, and so far I like fengmao, serath and countess. I haven't really played much ranged ones yet but gadget and murdock seem to shit damage, and Belica seems fun.
My advice to you is to build either or. Basically if you want more mana go with either mana regen OR mana, not both. The mana regen is so small if you split it up it means nothing.
I prefer not to build mana on squishy champs because of Lt. Belica. If you grt her on the opposing team and were building mana and ran out, you get 1 shot. I play Belica and 1 shot muriels all the time
I will share my cards for Muriel, what you choose to upgrade them with is based on you but use mostly spark/chrono and armors
3 Elysian Diamonds, 1 Lantern of Spring, 1 or 2 Thorned Greenweave or Snakevine Mesh or Spiked Boneplate
I used to build Honor the pure but the shield got nerfed badly and wastes card points.
Reminder you can only equip max 6 cards
I usually equip 5 and a ward card unless I don't have the card for it. I know I use Assassins ward but the ward cards waste on other champs for my playstyle.
Belica > everyone
People underestimate the drone
Hilarious when people get shot for ulting like Gideon, Khaimera, Twinblast and Gadget
What is with strike and cast? They are both the same amount of power and cost the same. Were both cards meant to be for physical and ability damage but they just decided to make them both power the one that buffs both of those attacks?
also if an equip has 3 upgrade slots that means you only have to upgrade 3 times to get the bonus if it has one but you can upgrade it 6 times if you wanted? Should I always just have 6 cards on equips but only go for 3 for the bonus in game?
Before the monolith update strike was physical damage (AD) and cast was Energy damage (AP)
Now they're power. There's no AP or AD. It's all scaled with Power and the main difference is the source(auto attacks (basic) and abilities)
On the bright side you won't run out of power upgrades
All cards only have 3 upgrade slots. You can only upgrade 3 cards and can't discard upgrades from the card.
Some cards have a passive that is there regardless of completion of upgrades. Others have BONUSes that require completion of upgrades. Same with actives.
So if you wanted to add a 6 or 8pt card to your deck just for the passive/active you don't even have to fill it.
Holy shit just tried Kallari today and he is a beast.
Late game I start to shred people in 1v1s.
It's also nice to stop almost every character from running from you.
Yup, just realized I typed that lol
Dw man we ward in upper elo
Also Lt. Belicas drone will shoot you while you're in the shadow plane since it's your ability. Make sure to not use it when you run for your dear life
Eurobros bump this thread while us amerifats sleep
So I've played Smite a decent amount and I want you guys to sell me on what makes this game better than Smite.
You don't have to convince me on it being better than League. Any ASSFAGGOT is better than League with how retarded Riot is about nearly everything.
I barely played smite and the one thing I can say I like about this game is the card system tho I'm pretty new. being able to customize your items is standard but being able to customize your shop feels new.
t. dota player
You don't get shit like this in Paragon
that isn't how you pronounce doge reee
>You don't get shit like this in Paragon
That is a good point. Making, in the literal sense, meme skins is fucking retarded.
That being said a "rape the maids" skin might be nice.
Just a few things to look forward to
God damn it is a good time to like this game
>tfw I finally understood jungling in this game
You can't stop me from bouldering you from behind now.
Thread is not gonna last bud, might as well post your IDs and play tomorrow.
You aren't punished as far as i know, from playing Coop over PvP, i don't know if that's a thing MOBA's are doing now, but it's one of Paragon's things i like most
>new card system
Oh for fucks sake it better not be too different
I've perfected most of my decks
>rework literally everything
It's like they know it isn't that good.
What I want to know is how the HELL did they manage to make this game look this good while not being a resource hog.
Probably because NONE of the heroes have voice lines besides AHHHH lmao
And something something spend more time on Unreal engine
They know it could be better.
Sort of sad to know in the future it could become the next league
>spamming murial every game
>keep getting most kills as support
When do I unlock ranked
Doesn't exist
Is this game dead? Downloading it right now.
Also, where are the cute girls.
Jungle works like that: the white camps in the jungle fill gradually with neutral creeps to kill, so if you don't want to get overwhelmed on lower levels you have to clear them regularly. Killing jungle creeps in your jungle fills up your amber link(the big orb in your jungle) which in regular intervals distributes all the xp stored in it to your team. Enemies can attack your Ember Link to steal the xp in it, and you can do the same with theirs. Also bump, you're not dying on me. Anyone playing today?
It's still in the beta you know, they're trying to figure out how to make it as good as possible. And you got to admit it's still far from that.
hey guys, just got to know this game.
how do i git gud?
fave hero is kwang
i understand the abilities and all, jungle takes time to get used to, but the card thingy is really not my thing.
i mean, i read guides on what to get for kwang, just to find out i dont have the cards i need. probably need to play more to unlock em, or do i craft em?
and love the fact that they are actually giving out new heroes every what, few weeks?
Are voice lines really burdening? I don't really know much about the subject, but I just wouldn't suspect so.
Kwang is great, one of my favourite melee fighters too. Kind of hard for beginners but if you are able to play him well, good for you. Yes you can craft cards that you're missing, it's a great way to get them, but you're going to need some unused cards to convert, so you'll probably have to play more anyway. Keep an eye out for weekly challenges and weekly card packs in the store, it's a good way to get any particular cards you might be missing. They release a new character every 3 weeks, apart from holidays.
Well, guess I'm confirmed for being only Eurofag on Veeky Forums playing paragon.
At least I can bump it for the Hamburgers. You better wake up soon you fat bastards, I'll be leaving my house in a moment.
Yes. It costs a lot of money and takes a lot of resources to stick in 15-30 minutes of voice lines.
These champs dont even have taunts built in
So any tips for someone just starting off? Are the tutorials useful?
>Are the tutorials useful?
Not really
Here are some basic tips:
use for deck ideas
Pay attention to basic meta and who starts in what lane
Have a deck for every role (jungler, mid laner, off laner, support, carry)
Don't play underpowered heroes, hero balance is in a bad spot right now
Holy shit, a Paragon general. I've tried to make this thing like three times now so I'm glad it's finally here. I just started playing again yesterday so good timing.
It'll probably be slow for a while though.
If anyone wants to play right now, post your ID
>Don't play underpowered heroes, hero balance is in a bad spot right now
Which heroes are underpowered?
I used to play Smite a lot with my friends.
It takes a lot of setup for a single hero to 100-0 any enemy with a kit dump. No more "Oh, Agni showed up, I am now dead."
Melee basic attackers are much better because the movement speed debuff is tiny compared to Smite's.
Not every hero has hard cc, and fewer still have more than ~1s. Many have slows to help land their abilities, but being made to stand still for 10 seconds doesn't happen.
The card system is decent, I like it because you can premeditate situational building. Then again, I was a Battle Network fanboy, so take that as you will.
lenny and poe
>battle network
damn, I wanted those games so bad as a kid.
Post some scores amigos.
Exactly my thoughts, just got back into it with a couple of new friends and I'm having a blast.
my first game back we won with a last second push while our core was sitting at 4%
if that hadn't happened I damn near would've put the game back down.
>all thise universal cards
>20 kills from 2 players
not any old player, that's 20 kills from steel. what the fuck?
>it's still alive
Might make something of this general yet.
I won't let it die this time senpai, this is the farthest I've ever seen it go
Damage Steel is a beast, and that guy was building attack speed to boot. Probably a smurf who knew he could get out of most situations with Steel's Bullrush and just roamed picking on defenseless noobs.
I tried building him tank (3500 health plus some armour) and he still got fucked because of the pure damage meta. We're still a few patches away from that being fixed, I reckon, though the latest blog post says they're focusing on Matchmaking and overhauling the Card system.
Is this weird? What's wrong with Universals?
why is the tank putting up carry numbers? somehow i care less about that then when the balance was all fucking defense and we had murdocks able to survive teamfights as if they were a tank
mana regen to .4 a card point when
Unreal engine 4 is extremely optimized.
There's most likely a better card and better way to build. Not that you shouldn't build any but from what I understand you don't have any basic pen, decent ward card or health bonus.
Someone with a affinity build will outplay and destroy you. I do it all the time.
It's like Universal Murdock versus Fury Murdock. I recommend Assassins ward on Serath and don't build that shielding shit.
Alright, thanks for the tip man.
thats not particularly true for characters like sparrow
I want to play
please let's play
im already playing m8
screw you
am I gonna make it
you can try.
From my point of view solo Q is evil
fine wana play then nigger?
>These champs dont even have taunts built in
They're unlocked at level 8, and at least Grux, Gideon, Rampage and Murdock have voice lines. Murdock's Seven Shot Salute has at least three variant laughs.
every character has voice lines if we are talking about grunts n shit.
According to this:
Iggy, Grim and Crunch. But I've seen Crunch and Grim played very well. That said, I've not been in Platinum/ Diamond, so maybe they're just viable in lower Elos. Just don't pick Iggy.