/elyg/ - Elysium General

>What is this?
This is the Elysium general. A private server for vanilla World of Warcraft.

Alliance guild: None
Horde guild: None
Horde guild:
Alliance guild:
Alliance guild: None
Horde guild:
/who "guild name", whisper anyone!

>Server Homepage

>Vanilla WoW database

>Leveling Guide

>Nos Pre-Bis

>Leveling Specs



Old Thread:

first for retail

Is this bannable?

yup, might as well start leveling a new account

3rd for zeth

What is the best warrior race for pvp on Alliance?



Alright I'll get started.

I just think it's odd that I've never seen anyone up on these roofs before and I've played a shitload of AB back in retail, nost, and now elysium.

tfw you fell for the druid meme

>literally naming your character 'freshbull'
cringe desu

> Hunter's Mark
> Free Action Potion
> Triple Windfury crit

What did he mean by this?

>those image sizes
for what purpose!?

So anybody actually considered suicide here? I have already lost in life, somy options are either to neck myself, work at a shit deadend job for the rest of my life or go full neet again and only play vanilla wow all day. Fuck i dont want any of these things, but what can i do?

So phoneposters and third worlders get mad about.

Not one battleground loss today and iv done at least 30+. Why are horde so shit and alliance so dominating?

>he joined Anathema PvP

first for diapers

stop dwelling in your own shit and start making money you fucking pussy

Female Gnome

>zeth'kur is severely underpopulated
>elysium pvp is severely overpopulated

how tho?

use your head brother like you did to exit the womb

who /automated/ here?

level 59, 1 level left. botted for 4 levels then quested for 1.

464g and still have a freezing band to sell.

so what does Detect Magic do?

>allies get instant queue bg's
>they still chimp out and farm 55's trying to quest

What is it with niggers and trannies always playing alliance?

detects magic

Shows buffs enemies have.

>Anathema is perfectly populated

>alliance is for fags
Yeah, you newfag cuckolds may not remember but when Nost was around Salty Dogs was the literal go to homosexual tranny worshiping erp guild. talking about sucking each others dicks and shit thinking its funny...

Thinking of rolling a horde priest on Zeth. How big a mistake am I making?


>trying to ride on the fact most people ITT weren't around back then to know any different

Damage Control literally had a fucking raider named "Plumptrap" who sat there talking about being a tranny in guild chat for months as well as plenty of other trannies in the various ally guilds.

Nice try tranny, you're not getting by me with your degenerate shilling.

Reminder that alliance is the literal tranny/nigger freak faction for children.

elysium > zeth > powergap > darrowshire = anathema

prove me wrong

holy fuck trannies blown the fuck out

Well, now that the dust has settled.

Who's the best pvper on Elysium?

>finalflash afking out of a praise-made

Whoever picked mage.

Cover important debuffs.

>leveling a warrior
>2-3 mobs aggro
>die like a bitch

>Anathema is filled with bored 60s ganking stv and redridge

The same guy has been spamming my character with chink gold messages for literally 8 fucking hours today. Can't believe people actually believe they ban chink gold faggots.


Final Flizzash


What animeposter guild should I join on Anathema?

the uninstall clan

>wyvern animation bugs out
>orc is walking at sanic speeds through the air

10/10 funserver the scripts are shit but it makes me laugh

You think we could make our own and call it Killerbee?

Reminder to join on Zeth ally for friendship and dkp

>fake salty dogs guild
>fake diaperslurp
who will be the next salty dogs copy? truly the most influential guild of all time

Finarushu Fainaru

lol using a screencap taken 1 week after zeth released.

im guessing you guys have half the population you used to

Horde or alliance which one

from my experience there are a few decent alliance pvpers and everybody else is extremely shit

i seriously haven't seen such a terrible playerbase on any private server ever before

Hamstring them dumbass

what the FUCK does a priest do against viper sting? no seriously a hunter can be braindead retarded but as long as they apply that viper sting you will fucking struggle no matter what

what the fuck does a priest do when there is a group fight and a hunter decides to use his instawin ability?

Sweeping Strikes + Cleave.

You'll thank me.

spent most of his time in sd
and one person vs an entire guild and discord

So did Nost 2.0 die? I'm so confused... Why did we all leave Kronos again?

>alliance player
>spent most of his time in a horde guild

holy shit alliance trannies are on full blown damage control right now hahah


i viper stung a priest once then he somehow managed to wand me to death while i was lmao'ing at my pet auto attacking him

>Why did we all leave Kronos again?

Good fucking question.

I know you could get up on farm and stables, it's a known trick, I don't remember when it was patched out. There was no way to do it in BS, so I'm pretty sure you're using fly or telehack?

its not the hunter itself that is the problem I can guarantee a 1v1 win against a hunter but in team fights you just get drained and no way to get mana back

>2 alliance sitting next to me
>the second I start fighting a mob suddenly they decide they want to 2v1 me

Alliance trannies please kill yourselves.

slurp a mana pot nigga


That guy that had Crestfall access... are you still around? Can you give us your general impressions so far? We can all assume the server is better than S T O C K M A N G O S. What I'm interested in is:

1) What have you actually tested so far? What class?
2) How is the "feel" of play, i.e. attacks, casts, pathing, all the little things.
3) Do they have proxies to connect to yet or a way to check latency. Mine to Elysium is cancer.

If you respond I'll probably think of more.

do i join the horde or alliance guild on zeth?


Can a cute gnome get an invite into Mandate of Heaven?


The Alliance guild is the only real one. SD has about 3 members that shill it relentlessly. Also >zethcuck


sent ;)

Nope, blink. Same way I got up on farm. It's kinda glitchy and fucky so it's easy to abuse it.

Hey look a coalburner

looking for the green cock?

what do you play on?

That's odd. I accepted the invite, it broke and didn't do anything.


Relogged. Try again? Pretty pls.

yeah we were full on members so i had to purge a few, i'll send you another

>druid tries to kill you
>pop all cd's
>get him low
>he lmao just walks away from you, heals, stealths, then gets the jump on you and there's literally nothing you can do

so this is the power of...... hardcore...... vanilla......... pvp .....

Is the population really as bad as people say?

haha druids suck in vanilla they're underpowered everyone says it so it must be true ecks dee

Can someone please tell me the reason we left Kronos? I'm guessing most of you are just autistic neets who start spazzing once a server is older than 6 months.

>tfw pupper cucks will never be on elysium where you can shove your putrid zombie dick up their casual asses

Druids are the single most broken PvP class in the game and they have been since the very first fucking patch all the way up to 7.1.5

Retards just shitpost about them being bad because muh raid dps in undertuned content or muh hps.

You literally can't lose as a druid because you can just walk away the second a fight isn't in your favor and come back after they've used the only abilities they can to get you to run away in the first place. This game is an absolute fucking joke. I'd like to blame vanilla being shit for it but then I remembered that retail pvp is literally the exact same rock paper scissors bullshit.

Why can't someone just make a good MMORPG. Will it happen in my lifetime?

is hunter worth playing?

Not really. It was bad the first week or two, but it's great now.

You know why. People heard the name nostalrius and lost their shit and got hyped. Then nostalrius completely dropped the valkyrie team and now we're stuck with a shitty god awful somehow WORSE than stock mangos server with chinks, russians, trannies, 10 foot view distance, etc.

B-but at least it doesn't have a vanity cash shop r-right guys?

ah, people like to complain about anything

is dead. Not a recent screenshot of their guild in weeks. And their best screen is 15 or so people. Which was a week ago.

I saw some server was offering free transfer of existing 1.12 characters to their server.

Provided you give them your login info, but at this point with this shitty server what do you have to lose.

Anyway, I forgot which server it was, anyone member?

And Salty Dogs Shit Edition isn't? Come on now.

was it ever alive? i'd assume if people wanted to raid they'd join

to be fair both zeth guilds are shit and dead

did I make a shit choice rolling on zeth?