Surviving the wait edition
Open beta from 9th-12th of February!
>fhg Discord
>Competitive For Honor Discord
>Pastebin (UPDATED JAN 31ST)
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Surviving the wait edition
Open beta from 9th-12th of February!
>fhg Discord
>Competitive For Honor Discord
>Pastebin (UPDATED JAN 31ST)
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Is there anything in the Deluxe edition that makes it worth spending ~$10 more for?
>inb4 lewd peacekeeper
Post your faction
Post your main
Post the justification for how your main ended up working for your faction
shitty artist
Faction: Knights
Main: The Law if he is shit nobushi
Justification: He ain't no traitor she was converted to Christianity by a warden who was once a friar for his village
>watching gameplay
>peacekeeper grabs orochi
>he actualy says "nani?!"
Did anyone else have trouble hearing your character's combat dialogue?
I didn't hear a peep from my guy. No "MISIRLOU"
>if he is shit nobushi
You are not deserving of being a lawbringer, filthy weeb.
PC or ps4? Which do you think will stay alive longer?
We believe in Iesu Kirisuto! Deusuvu~aruto!
>if he is shit nobushi
I'm not a weeb, I like pole arms and had fun with Nobu in closed beta
You don't have to hire a character to play them.
Nope. Gold gets you a season pass, which means you can at least avoid farming a bajillion steel for the new heroes, whatever they turn out to be. Deluxe just gets you some cosmetics.
Does anyone have a high-res of the full piece?
I already tried Google and had no luck yet.
OP of those images, I've never found it either.
I've got one more that's super lewd but I ain't postin' it I ain't gettin' banned.
Artist name was in the file names, Takato Yamamota if you forgot.
just make it a spoiler image
mods are not gods
whatever. ill take a 3day ban
>Be Shugoki
>biggest from my village
>like carrying heavy things
>pretty good at lifting up and putting down heavy things
>one day the emperor tells me that I can't just lift heavy things all my life
> "A Samurai needs master both the mind and body"
>He sends me on a mission to gather information on enemy weaponry
>Musashi once said to know yor enemy is to know his sword or something
>I find metal man on a bridge
>he's screaming something in latin so I hit him with big stick to make him stop
>I hear more Latin yelling coming from far away
>I panic and start putting on the metal man armor
>Other metal men see me and start talking to me in Latin
>I don't understand, but I start yelling
"Dus volt!"
>It seems to work because they all start yelling "DEUS VULT!"
>I followed them back to their castle and it has been 12 weeks
>everytime they talk to me in Latin I just yell "DEUS VULT!" They do the same and continue walking
>I think I like it here
I'm getting the season pass to get early access to the characters, and so I don't have to worry about hoarding my steel.
Now I can happily upgrade armor, buy emotes freely
bit gay
>got gold ed for xbone
>predowloaded already
>still says standard ed on game title pic and description.
I was already on the fence about gold ed, couldn't they throw me a bone and make the title pic look non standardy or somthing?
max kek
>implying he fits into the armor
>implying he could put it on quickly even if he wasn't fat
nice meme fatty
Is there a translation for what each hero screams when doing specials?
That's it! I'm tired of you deus vult fags and your catch phrase!
They really need to beef up that gold ed.
Just give a 2-3 free high end scavenger crates every week
>When retards are sucking Ubis cock for making maps free, completely ignoring the F2P tier grind without a premium account in 60$ game.
>implying you know how much they will be
>implying it isn't an amount you can get in 3 fucking months
the maps and characters will be free right? I like that but gold ed sucks ad needs some more interesting content
Maps free, new characters most likely like in Siege where you gotta gain a pretty fucking high amount to unlock whatever character you want.
will NOT be replying to that post
Maps free, characters will most likely need to be bought with in game money. Also season pass holders get one week early access to the new characters, if that matters to you
>Deus vult
it's a meme you dips, calm down
dislike memes
d-dislike y-you!
>start typing in Orochi to google for a Nani meme
>auto fill is Orochimaru
now I just need some photoshop to make orochi even more edgy
someone else do it
*nods and walks away to talk to someone else*
>15 steel per game
>They just gonna copypaste Siege costs singe retards praise it
>100 games to unlock single dlc character.
could be worse, could be gated behind RMT.
>15 steel per game
>copypaste Siege costs
there are not that stupid, they would either have it be lower to acount for lower gains, or increase the amount of steel gained
even if they don't 100 matches in 3 months isn't that much, that's 33.33 per month, less than t matches a day. 5 matches per day at the least will get you both new characters and some extra spending steel
Best class is obviously: _________
wait siege is like 25,000
that's a bit more than 100 games at 15 per game
Shugoki of course
1st class
I meant the rate compared to renown it's 200-250 renowns per match on average, and dlc operators are 25k each so 100+ games for single dlc operator (And there is 8 of them and more to come).
Also you basically forbid yourself from spending steel on anything else if you want to get all the characters.
Master Class is better
Friendly reminder than femRaider sounds like a hagraven when she speaks
Whito piggu go home!
I want snu snu from femRaider
>Not being godlike Orochi.
>namefag (You)ing
kill yourself faggot.
He has a beard
fucking dislike this cunt now
>master of the nodachi
>part of emperor's personal guard
>appoints me the leader of a detachment to find new land
>90% wield a katana or naginata
>remaining 10% kanabo have to be rolled along the ground
>it's alright
>ill be back among the higher echelon in a few months
>few days later
>receive a cryptic letter telling me to make a new homeland
>look behind me
>disobey the order and set out to return to my homeland
>it's wiped off the face of the earth
>someone behind me says "guess we'll get to have sex now"
Craves the BLC (Big Lawbringer Dick). WILL cuck you the first chance she gets. Disloyal, white pig.
Loyal, beautiful wife who is looking for a pure Japanese or Aryan men to settle down and raise a family with. Must be either a Kensei, Orochi, Conqueror, or Warden.
Lawbringer, shogu and valk are confirmed at launch right?
>or Aryan men
You aren't fooling anyone, knightcuck.
Hard working gf who will go our of her way to make sure you have a spot in valhalla as a rightful member of the viking clan if you die out of combat
removed permanently
this, it was clarified in an interview that they were "suspended indefinitely" until they finish the reworks
Is this game any good?
Underrated post
what answer would make you happy x
a detailed description of how the game plays, its pros and cons, a comparison to a similar game
Just watch some gameplay.
This game is too unique to have a direct comparison to other games
I mean it has elements of Chivalry, Moba games, fighting games, battlefield etc etc
yeah alright thanks fot letting us know
You ain't fooling anyone.
it's fucking westaboo dynasty warriors there you go
>It's dynasty warriors because one game mode has grunts on part of the map
Literally what?
Wrong, the devs themselves have said they were greatly inspired by another game. Bushido Blade, a fighting game from the 90's on PS1. It was very good, you could take any weapon with any character, but stronger characters made better use of heavier weapons, and lighter characters had special moves with fast weapons.
"Ég ríf þig í bita!" means "I will rip you to pieces!", "Ég drep þig!" means "I will kill you!"
Does it bug anyone else that the class with the gigantic axe has no decapitation executions?
His nut shot makes up for it
You don't even need to buy the characters though. You can play each one for free, the buying is only for customizing them
>inb4 but armor stats
I am almost certain that they said this only affects dominion and is completely cosmetic in duels and brawls
Armor stats are all minmaxing, you swap one stat for another, none of the options are objectively better.
I highly doubt that Ubi will keep the "playable but not customisable" for DLC characters, it's Ubi afterall.
>week access for shit that will be released to everyone after
Not really, higher rarity gear gives massive bonuses for comparatively small decrease in other stat.
Congratulations user, you managed to read the chart. Good job!