lulu who edition :3!
lulu who edition :3!
Kik me owo
"where you think you goin'? you ain't goin' anywhere 'til you came in me at least 30 times!!"
>joining TheHoods's Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums matches
It's like you WANT to have a bad time.
Styles is a BULLY
>eve has an SS voice
Uh, who the fuck thinks this? Her voice is worse than low paid porn-tier shit
The guy literally admitted to feeding on purpose cause it was 'fun'. It aint worth it pal.
He's the best!
Styles is COOL
I wanna cuddle Jinx
Also who ending the day on a good ranked note here?
>memebuild like a retard
>bough catalyst at 28 minutes and never upgrade it
>win and get an S+ anyway
comfy boyfriends~
vg vs vg is up on NA, needs 1, password is vidya
your wallpaper looks like shit dumb nerd
You used to buy it on ww so you could keep outplaying the carry even after you blow up. Nowadays idk.
Such as?
Don't play like a retard and he won't bully you
>letting yourself be bullied by a twink faggot
but styles is nice to me
i always played like a retard and he was still nice to me
>losing to riven
just end it down senpai
Still a work in progress.
Need suggestions
vg vs vg bets, ME TOP edition
King Gay stop trying to force this meme.
Remove eve from SS and put into the lowest possible bracket.
hes got a hot hand
Reminder to ward the river!
You wouldn't want someone to interrupt your laning phase or surprise you, right?
How do you communicate to a teammate that you have zero interest in what they're trying to tell you?
I don't give a shit how many smurfs you supposedly have, I'm not going to change my build on your account.
I am legit in love with spamming talon mid recently.
nigh guaranteed first blood at level 2 is so arousing. pop pop
>modem crashes during 1-1 promos champ select
>check my lp after modem restarts
>tfw someone dodged before I got dc'd from league
>tfw when words can not even espresso how badly i want to french press annie
Who wants to write me some smut?
Will gift for it
i am NOT tryhard
shitty opinions.jpg
at least the other graphs (boobs, butt, thighs) can be based on art/in-game models
Move Tahm up to SS
also what is the criteria for this? Is it literally just the sound of the voice, how well they fit the character, their lines, or everything? Cause it looks like it's just the sound, but i feel like the lines are important too
why aren't you playing zyra and malzahar RIGHT NOW
Go away grey. Ez is straight and talon is straight. The will never be together faggot
What do you mean change your build? Like are you going crit and people are telling you to go armor pen? Cause if you're snowballing and hard carrying then crit is better or if you're just more comfy on crit then go that
or are they telling you to build armor against AD and you're going mres or some other dumb shit like not going Mortal Reminder against healing?
>talon is straight
TF is gay though.
Does taric stills being a viable support?
>pick cho'gath support so I can run the gentleman skin I got out of hextech
>play like utter garbage
Stfu your stupid ship will never fucking happen.
let's see...
is Taric Malzahar or Zyra? No he's not.
he's not viable.
hell yeah man, straight brojobs are the best
mister stale is mister stale.
How do I play veigar
No. That's not happening either fag
Do you think Taric knows how to cook? :3
been playing since mid season 1, and memes aside
is this unironically one of the worst patches the game has ever had in terms of balance?
This game is absolute dogshit at the moment.
Press r get kill
In this particular case I had built some armor pen on Yi because it's good again, but I'm talking about a larger habit of someone on your team pushing tab and having a bitchfit because what you have doesn't exactly line up with their expectations. It's like people assume that just because we're playing a game they don't have to use words like "please" and "thank you" anymore.
You don't because le edge of night has invalidated your character.
Yes. Playing other games rn I had forgotten what fun felt like.
Who should I go for mastery 7 on next?
Sejuani actually has like 60k but I can never get S with her.
Could shoot for level 6 with her.
By far one of, if not the worst by a very large margin
Are u building ghostblade on yi nigger?
that wasnt me roodypoo
I can dream tho, I know itll never be canon but I still like it
I dont talk about you on lolg style
you mean like full armor pen or a ghost blade? cause a ghost blade is decent on yi otherwise you're either fed as fuck or just memeing too hard
just send in an autistic ticket to riot showing how autistic you are about your ship
Yeah this meta is irredeemable trash, it's balanced like a preseason PBE patch.
Of course he does, he's the super homely husbando. I bet he would cook breakfast for you on your birthday and give it to you in bed. He's a complete sweet heart.
he'd probably kiss you on the forehead when he serves it to you and tell you happy birthday in the softest most welcoming voice
What champion has gone through a dramatic transition of formerly being among the best to absolute fucking bottom of the barrel trash and never recovering?
If Malz and Zyra are free wins, then what happens when they're on opposite teams in the same game?
Checkmate atheists.
Thalia is a good card and an admirable character.
post yfw you finish rylai+liandry's
>now rengar
Notably mostly junglers and marksman.
why? I know theyd never accept it so who cares?
Xin Zhao was absolute fucking god mode on release
> Nidalee
Isn't nidalee in the fucking dumpster right now with her winrate
Eh she'll probably bounce back, she always does.
I feel kind of lost playing kindred, should I be going for their squishies or hang back and hit tanks until it's safer to do so?
I realise it depends on the teams, but say with a team that has someone like Fiora who can dive and their team has 1/2 tanks annoying your squishies
this game is fucking terrible
how riot can allow yasuo to exist in his current state is baffling
she's been top tier like every season
she's was a top jungler in s6 aside from when it was only gragas/reksai. but after they got nerfed she was once again at the top.
Now she's dog shit
winrate doesn't mean anything
I think people who play League would be alot happier if they remembered this.
How do I join the vg chat in the new client?
It does if it's laughably low and not just under 50.
then what the fuck is the jungler meta now??
these two
we season 4 now
You cant..
one that does not favor nidalee which is why she went from top tier to garbage?
ganking means more which nidalee is less adept at since bot laners play more safe so point and click shit like vi, heca, or just generally strong gankers like shaco are hella strong
counter jungling also means and she can't really sustain well in the jungle or out duel meta junglers early on right now
Didn't she receive tons of direct nerfs and indirect nerfs?
yeah direct nerfs through her on the hunt resets are what got her the most after worlds
then the preseason came and fucked her even harder since her clear speeds were too unhealthy for her and she didn't gank as effectively as the other meta junglers
fuck you, none of the shit you mentioned will ever affect real nidalee players.
She'll never be bad.
Lulu is my STAR!
Understatement of the fucking millennium bro
I played him casually for a week when he came out and it was just ridiculous. Down right hilarious
Nobody could do anything against him. Just put on that mulan song and carry games all day every day.
Kindred is a garbage champ now and this is coming from someone who mained them a solid year and waifu'd Lamb
>challenger junglers no longer play nidalee as much as they used to
Are top tier junglers who used to 1v5 on nidalee on the highest level of play not """""""real"""""" nidalee players? All of the shit i mentioned where the new meta fucked her along with the direct nerf to her kit numbers and mechanics are what's affecting her right now
>plat 4 last season
>4-6 in placements this season but me in silver 2
>people keep calling me silver
at least bring up some names before spouting that shit man
but, you are silver.
you're silver 2.
>placed in silver
>thinks he's not silver