>you are a senior vp
>sign a contract with deloite
>they send this gang
what do you do?
>you are a senior vp
>sign a contract with deloite
>they send this gang
what do you do?
This. This is what you do.
Let them gangbang my wife
I'm black so I probably have a good time.
my nigga
tell them to invest into CERU
>they send this gang
Nice choice of words you racist hillbilly. Didn't know they had internet in the backwoods of Alabama but you should probably log off now Cleatus.
i don't get it OP
They look like a bunch of fine young men, i don't see the problem
Complain about how all male team lacks diversity
Throw em a basketball
bend over and spread my cheeks
>he doesn't know that the Veeky Forums board is literally 50% hustling black kids and 50% hustling jews
where do you think you are buddy?
you're in Veeky Forumsraeli territory goyim!
As a black man to another I ask if they enjoyed the classical film known as Space Jam.
>itt things OP will never have to worry about
Give them your wallet and shoes and hope they go easy on you.
Create a union and leverage diversity quotas.
Hire KKKPMG instead.
They're less retarded anyways.
Is moonman the director now?
if a broken rolex is something you have to worry about you shouldnt own a rolex