here be template
member when Veeky Forums used to make memes and not steal them from niggers and normies on social media?
no because everyone here is a fucking newfag
i dont think Veeky Forums has made a meme since advice dog
if only everyone could be more like prezo
>everyone here is a fucking newfag
I think
might have a lot to do with that (GamerGate in part as well). i saw a graph on /v/ showing not only the rise in average visitors around the trump campaign but also that seems to be when /pol/ started occasionally randomly spilling into other threads.
other boards i mean.
Kek. I love this meme. Gook deluded fans are the funniest to see when theyre assmad.
is there anything cringier than Veeky Forums trying to do memes?
let's just pack this one up and call it a day, eh?
Samefagging is pretty poor form. Inb4 screenshot or telling me to look at IP count, you and I both know you cycle IPs almost constantly with airplane mode.
Lol the GM fancucks immdiately on the defensive
Its so funny to watch them squrl!
Lol the GM fancucks immediately on the defensive
Its so funny to watch them squirl!
Your face
/tv/ trying to do memes
>implying baneposting isn't the greatest meme
There were a couple of memeball threads before this one. They had some nice OC, but the threads devolved into gm-ford shit flinging after a bit.
a lot were bmw and mb memes
Kys bus rider
Someone do mazda, I would but I can't think of anything meme-able
How does one cycle ips with aeroplane mode when you just get the same cell tower again
Say the next rotary is coming in one year and say it's not in the next. Rinse and repeat for 100 years
why won't you faggots post anything?
bmw engines are easy to work on
The memeball was popularized by the ancap memes, which started on Veeky Forums as a way to make fun of randroids on /pol/.
Forgive me, Veeky Forums.
>Saturn was in the black
>Employees offered to purchase the company from GM
>GM told them to fuck off
Sounds more like your regular everyday GM corporate mismanagement to me.
you guys are incapable of making memes
I never saw this ad
i can't remember the video but it's somewhere on their YouTube channel if they didn't delete it
Fuck if I know but he does.
You missed nothing
yeah only minis. but not anymore
Posting my mercedes benz
my last mb oc then cv and i am done until somebody wants to post some templates
i love the mercedes benz ones, since i drove one
i mean most of it is bullshit, my car literally is never broken but goddamn they are funny
>i mean most of it is bullshit
it isn't
Man, you really hate Mercedes.
I own one. It's easier to focus on the negatives than positives and maymayballz are ironic so I figure it'd be funnier to focus on the negatives. I can do positive ones too
Got to have something to do while the car is in the shop.
it is
im driving mercedes for years and havent had a single crucial failure. i never had a car more reliable than my mercedes.
this one is so true
If i wasnt on my phone i'd make a subaru "when you spend more time under your car than in it" one
Mercedes is one of the only non-jap brands I would consider. Sure you pay a premium but they are one of the few manufacturers still making good cars.
Wewwwwwwww laddy lad laddy
Some people are lucky like you, but not the case for all benz's
one thing that really grinds muh gears is debadged mercs or falsely badged benz. keep that shit on other manufacturers. if you get a merc keep it original please for the sake of muh brand value
did we have a toyota version of shit shit meme yet?
Oh No? That's funny.
Wow who runs this board, toyotard shilltrolls right? Right.
no one owns a toyota on Veeky Forums
The template is literally the first reply. Make some yourself you whiny faggot
>every other brand gets shit on by this meme including far, far superior brands-- except Toyota/Lexus.
Seems legit.
>that explains why half of the posts on Veeky Forums at any given time is toyota mnemonic psychology?
>fastest replied to post ITT ever
lol shills can't control their enthusiasm
I don't know user, maybe no one who wants to make oc owns a toyota? Toyota is really common. Most meme balls so far have been pretty selective.
Pretty funny coincidence I was just glossing over this thread while waiting for my freight and looked over and seen pic related
>I don't know user
I do, it's shills. Toyota's modus is to shill their cars as heros and associate them with positive feelings and shit on competitors so as to weaken their brand image. The only car company getting away on the positive side is toyota. ISNT THAT INTERESTING
all memes aside, i moved to germany (temporary thank god) about 10 months ago, and i have been pulled over 4 times without doing ANYTHING wrong.
i once ased a cop
>this is the 3rd time im being pulled over without doing anything wrong, why is this happening?
and he literally answered
>oh its because we usually pull over old mercedes-benz with young people driving them
seriously, fuck germany. they are probably too afraid of pulling over turks in their government-paid BMW's, so they pull over me.
fuck this shithole
>my nigga
No, it's because old Benzes are usually driven by gypsies who work illegally or are thieves and burglars. If you look like a gypsy you've brought it on yourself, you fucking gypsy.
>Mercedes Benz Genuine Parts
makes me literally shake
nice car tho user
It's called profiling, same thing happens to whites riding in nigger out cars in the states
/co/ trying to do memes?
stop lying, faggot
its because my car rapes the environment, is literally banned from 90% of the german cities, and germans hate Austrians since we just send them our refugees and they cant do shit about it
in austria i get pulled over for doing 165 in a 130, and they let me go without a warning or anything. in germany im getting pulled over for driving a mercedes without a turkish flag on the antenna.
Literally day before Saturn closure announcement had a commercial
>saturn makes cars people wanna buy
Aren't old Benz driven by gypsies, Polacks and other undesirables who are either working illegally or doing illegal shit?
Well, it's the British police's excuse because they also drive old Mercs and Beemers as well. But they are easier to spot because they are still rolling around on Polish or Romanian number plates
Someone please explain this one to me.
Clarkson agrees with that, lad
a Chevy commercial dropped full tool boxes into the bed of a Silverado and a F-150. The tool box dented the Silverado's bed and pierced the F-150's.
Every Chevy truck commercials has a toolbox drop in the bed and shows what happens when the same thing is done to a Ford F150 bed, but in the F150 the toolbox leaves a hole
It was his own damn fault and he knows it
>putting an aftermarket alarm on a brand new car that already has one
The absolute madman