Need new(to me) car

I'm the fag that has the 2012 nissan versa ranting about a mustang

Tldr my car is now wrecked
>pic related
and need a new dd that ibwill buy with insurance monies

>3k civcs can fuck off
>miatas can fuck off

Help a nigga out

And nothing of value was lost

also, requirements are, but not limited to:

gotta get them mpg's bruh
i hate hatchbacks
>domestic (america)
repairs/maintainence/parts will be cheaper
>no turbo
fuck that gay ass shit
my inner Veeky Forumstist wants it

i think that's it for now at least

Get a Malibu, or a Buick of your choice (there is some really nice ones in manual too). Saturn's, or Focus




i've been thinking about a focus for the longest time, would have gotten that instead of the versa desu

what class are buicks considered? entry level luxury? i'm not familiar buick, but i do think they're nice

Buicks come in manual, even the newest models....

Yeah they're like low, affordable, luxury