draaaven edition
draaaven edition
>2.5 minute queue
>a player has declined
>a player has left during champ select
>a player has disconnected
>a player decided to be a baby and feed because you called him bad
nice game lolbabs
this is a nice thread
Hachani is such a shitter
>this is what playing against shields and redemption is like
grievous wounds effecting shields when?
i want to look EXACTLY like irelia and sit on your lap anons
>full lethality monkey
>walk up to squishes, press Q and E
Does /lolg/ approve?
>Mordekaiser will get reworked in 2018 at the earliest
Just replace Ghostblade's meme MS active with an active that allows you to temporarily ignore while doing bonus damage to enemies with shields.
Singed counters Camille. Pleb whiners BTFO.
That feeling when you duo que with a friend who has 90% of the time 0,5/1 KD ratio
>Camille's grappling hook isn't omnidirectional and she can only dash away from and not over the wall she latches too
It doesn't fix her, but it's a good first step?
Is this game's balance still atrocious?
Haven't played since mid S6.
Is Riot still against fun?
How about item that does negative damage but costs negative money?
whats the benefit?
wards, duh
buy 5 of said item, use gained gold to buy another item, then sell 5 of said item and repeat until unable to
It's like a loan. Get 400 gold from the shop to complete your sheen earlier but take some raw statistical penalties, "sell" back the negative damage item later.
Camille officially RECTED.
What do you do when you buy a gaming mouse, love it, then hate it because the mouse cord is SO FUCKING LONG IN LENGTH AND DRAGS OFF THE TABLE
>then sell five said item
You wouldn't have the money
>stomp early game
>enemy team has ivern+janna
>cant force turret
>waste time
>cant fight them anymore
>lose while being ahead in gold
>Losing with a ""OP"" champ because you never get to play against trash champs
So this is the power of Korean LeL Pros
Say something nice about Sivir.
Leave convenient length on table, make comfy loop and tape cable near the edge of the table to its surface.
>play nasus
>go 1/6 to jax on lane
>afk farm at my inhib turret for 10 minutes
>he tries to fight me again
>one shot him through steraks
>then sell 5 of said item
It costs money to sell negative price item.
she thicc
>Jax goes 6/1 in lane phase
>beat him with Nasus
Shit that never happened.txt
What are some champs that have barely any counters but never get banned?
First things that come to mind are Ryze and Kayle.
Mentioned like loan. You can get utility or stackable items earlier for the price of your damage reduction. Can rid of that negative item and reduction later paying gold.
it was a normal game
jax just walked around doing literally nothing after taking t2
Why was old LoL art so much better than what we have today?
thats extremely vague..
post more stats?
Forever Janna.
Anybody ever bought an account from cheap-lol-account.com?
Is it a scam? Looking for an account to buy because I want to start playing agan but too lazy to level up an account.
alright weebs who are these two two are I've never even heard of them before
you buy a wireless, rechargeable mouse so you dont have to deal with cables lulttw
Post top 3 and judge others
>wireless anything
i only play a small pool of champs
You must be the most boring person ever.
Just kiting and farming for 30 minutes.
this game would be better if the jungle role didn't exist
just imagine pure 1v1 and 2v2 lanes. no outside influence. no guessing game, because that's basically all league is right now. you only have so many wards, sometimes even walking close to a brush just to ward it can get you killed because the jungler is in there, etc. you have to basically flip a coin every time you want to make a play. is the jungler sitting in a brush waiting for you or no. it's the most dumb rng thing this game has.
>tfw no way to guarantee a pure, 1v1, no outside influence lane
it sucks
t. yasuo main
>t. yasuo main
Of fucking course.
If only they've made good high tier wireless mouses.
>this game would be better if the support role didn't exist
says you with not a single lv7 or even second lv6
I wanna be dominated, humiliated and have my face sat on by a 3D Jinx
Also its nice to see Draven as op, I don't mind him.
literally what does the support role have to do with this besides the fact if you get a bad support your lane is done as adc
>losing lane with Camille
Direct and indirect quarrels over support pick/forcing someone into support pick are responsible for 90% grudges, leaving, AFKs, troll and out of tole plays in LoL.
What's the appeal of being humiliated? What do you like about it?
but what if a support main willingly takes support?
this is a problem of autofill though not the support role specifically
No furry fox succubus.
>Singed counters Camille
Blaming SKT.
>tfw unlocked foxfire ahri from a box, but I actually wanted midnight
Are the people on at this time NA or EU generally?
EU here.
good taste
>starting to like the new quinn splash because i always see it on the splash
a shame valor look dumb...
So why exactly did Riot nerf Darius and Yasuo? Because they were too prevalent in silver 5?
Fucking hell man this balance team is garbage. This shit right here is why it takes like 5 months before there is a balance change done that affects higher ELO.
good taste
im literally just gonna rush sightstone so I can properly ward around me
fucking tired of junglers ruining my games
I name change every 4~ish months to something else and change back after a about a month at most feels good having nothing to spend ip on, it's barely been over a week and some fucker steals my proper name from me.
I never asked for this
stop being a tease and start doing squat everyday
I-i am not a slut i just like helping my teammates
Thanks for the free name, gay loser retard.
Hello sir have you tried buying control wards and not overextending when you've got no vision.
>we think darius and yasuo are too strong at the moment (said no one in high elo ever) so we're going to nerf them to please low elo
that's the gist of it
His fucking match history is blank as well.
Well i got the tokens for it.
I just use the blue essence for actual champs since i don't own all the champs yet.
Also post your highest mastery score.
No trusting a dog fucker.
Being 'helpless' while she's free to use you for her pleasure in any way that she sees fit, even seeing how much she gets off with having that much power
Sivir is underappreciated and has a lovely voice/lines
i need more wards
i need to ward the brush in lane
the tribrush
and river
i need a lot of wards for that
>not overextending
if i can't put pressure in my lane im relying on my team to win the rest of the map
and that ain't happening
I want to get cucked by Jinx!
Does anyone else fucking hate that Singed got a SSW skin and not someone worthwhile like Garen, Ryze, or Maokai?
well a 3 letter name isnt really uncommon and im pretty sure almost every combination of 3 letter are already taken by random account
How many per day?
i dont even own a dog...
forgot pic
>a player has left during champion selection
>a player has left during champion selection
>a player has left during champion selection
>a player has left during champion selection
Can you fuck off?
Just you.
until you cant do anymore depending on how much you can handle, doing gym until your body is sore every 2 day will get you in good shape really fast
im scared of going to the gym and doing babby weights compared to all the big guys there
First of all support enforces meta. With no support all 3 lanes are more and less are same. Brushless mid slightly favor ranged but whatever. Now you can pick anything into any lane. No more
>mid lane is take i cant play my mage fuck your team
Second, support is bitch role and some players are very upsets been forced into that. No more.
Third duo lanes are vastly different and players forced there out for role are heavily underperforming and drag down partner in process, that rises grudges again.
All this is gone. Anyone can play whatever they like, nobody is forced, nobody is triggered by immediate dumbness of partner. Everyone is happy. Instead of forcing conflict among players like it happens now. You give 4 undividable apples to 5 people, it WILL end bad.
I'm just pissed because I've changed names multiple times the past 2 years with out issue AND I just checked the op.gg of the account and it was made the day I changed my name.
Even my older name is not available
i was too until i realised no one gave a fuck about me and everyone started somewhere, if you are commited to it people wont laugh at you no matter what you push
also go with a friend or some music its more fun
until my legs give up? that sounds masochistic just like irelia passive
just squats? thats it? cant be too hard
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
Gotta get a good diet and stick with it too.
That makes it hard
if you make the game 4v4 then there will just be 2 top laners with bruisers on both sides on both teams