>tfw too large to fit in a F-150
Tfw too large to fit in a F-150
tall or fat?
wtf buy this
Now you have an excuse to buy an F-350 diesel.
I thought they purposely made them big for fat Americans?
Cab or the bed?
so ride in the bed
Damn.. that interior looks really nice. Why don't they make the Challenger/Charger look that nice?
I said this in another thread, I'll repost it again.
Cab. It's even uncomfortable to sit in too, half my butt is squished against the center compartment, and the other is squished against the armrest on the door. Same goes for my girlfriend, hurts like hell too. Half the time I can't even wrap the seatbelt around me, it's damn near difficult.
You would think something as big as a F-150 it could fit my ass, but it can't.
If that's a 2500, then I'll consider.
i think you need a forklift and crane.
because that's a 60k truck. The lower priced models don't look near that good
Are you making any effort to lose weight? You should first focus on diet until you get down to a safe enough figure to implement exercise. Things like soda should be completely cut out of your diet. Try working at it together with your GF. If she's dragging you down, then get rid of her. Your health is more important.
And by diet, I don't mean starve yourself like a 14-year-old girl. Just switch to healthy foods and manage your portions.
>>Veeky Forums
Get to it fatty, time to look after yourself
Am I reading this right? You are literally too fat to fit in of those massive american pickups?
What the actual fuck? How is that even possible?
Lose weight fatty
Because Ford managed to make their new trucks cramped and small for me, it's hard for me to steer the wheel as my thighs are on it, half the time it hurts to keep my foot on the gas pedal, and my seat is all the way back and that STILL doesn't help.
It's uncomfortable for me and my wife. Plus it's a crew cab.
I'm calling bullshit OP
6'2, 250lbs and commuted in a Miata for three years.
You can deny it all you want, but I have one and we're both obese. She has diabetes while i'm surprised I don't have it yet. We're out of options as we have no choice but to drop all this weight.
I'm questioning why in one post she if your girlfriend and in the next she is your wife.
slightly bigger than that youtuber, boogie2988. SLIGHTLY.
Well, we're both engaged so we're getting married eventually. So, i'm starting to call her my wife, pre marriage.
>getting married eventually
hahah, get the fuck off of this board
Really, height and weight?
I'm 6'2 and 300 and I fit in my equinox.
Hell I even fit in light aircraft just fine.
How does anyone get to that size. Do you literally sit and feed each other all day?
5'10 tall
544 lbs, according to the scale.
>544 lbs
This cannot be real
Pics of you struggling in truck / with life in general
Yeah, you're going to have to shop around and test things out. Most people of that size don't even drive, there's just no market for Ford there so they probably don't bother
I remain to stay anonymous, but I can show you pics of my thighs absorbing my steering wheel, and by butt smashed against the center compartment.
That will suffice user
What scale is that? I need a good one for weighing my cattle before sale.
>tfw 410-420, 5'6"
>fit in my QX4 fine but the headroom kind of sucks
Couldn't imagine a non-manlet trying to drive this thing
You could probably never wedge my lard ass in an aw11 or miata though
I'm trying to think of something that would be easier for you to fit in but they don't really make cars wide, they make them long.
If you are destined to be this size for the rest of your life pic related might be your only hope, and even then this probably won't work. This is a stanced version so this is about as low to the ground as they can get.
Can we drop you in the bed? Want to see if cold rolled steel really is stronger.
My bad, I meant to say slammed, not stanced.
At what point do the occupants get so fat you have to adjust the tyre pressures to compensate?
>too fat to even make a tree fiddy joke
Holy shit dude. Get your life together.
Never did I think a large pickup truck would be unable to support some fat fuck. Guess murica need to make larger halfton pickups, or you could just settle for an F-250.
I'm going to have to ask you to browse
Is this your mom, OP?
Fixed it.
>544 lbs
you need to stop
Also despite the promo lighting/retouching you can still see how cheap the steering wheel and the center console buttons are going to feel.
I'd love to see a breakdown of the manufacturing costs of different car interiors, I really wonder how much manufacturers actually save by using shitty plastics.
Audi/BMW/Mercedes really had it down for a while in the mid-late 90s. German cars from that time have the best feeling plastic parts I've ever seen. The E39 especially is god tier.
You were baiting yesterday's thread, and you've got your own shitty thread and haven't posted pictures. This isn't even Veeky Forums related.
>tfw 5'9", 165lbs
When something claims to fit a full grown man, that's exactly me. I buy medium everything.
>I really wonder how much manufacturers actually save by using shitty plastics.
I sat in a focus group study for one of the manufacturers you mentioned, and they showed a number of different interiors. It was amazing how much just 30euro more spent on an interior made. But when you spend that much more on extremely high volume cars like 3 series or C classes, the picture starts to change. 30euro more might make it amazing, but over 500,000 units that's 15 million euro less revenue. What they do is try to determine the minimum they can spend, while getting the most sales. There is a point where spending more starts to yield less return, and that sweet spot is what they try to figure out.
When you talk about car companies that are selling over a million units per year, even the smallest changes make a huge difference in their bottom line.
>tfw too large to fit in a F-150
>Not Veeky Forums related
Here's your (You)
>Grown man
>Less than 6' 200 lbs.
Actually that might be the cutoff for a large man.
Big Expedition?
Guy I know loves his and he is 400lbs+
Ford doesn't make anything bigger
You should check it out.
Marketingfag here, I honestly don't know what people find so complicated about this.
>hurr why don't they just add this $100 part, a ton of people would buy it!
Let's be generous and assume this $100 part results in a 10% increase in sales over 1,000,000 cars sold and this is assuming the company makes a profit of $1,000 per vehicle sold (using a 2015 Ford figure).
That means an additional 100,000 cars were sold at a gross profit of 100,000,000, however the additional $100 spent on each car total produced is $110,000,000. This means we're looking at a total loss of $10,000,000
My math might be off, tired
I'd also like to note that $1,000 profit is VERY high.
I'm not sure, I think a lot of people do get it. Veeky Forums has a lot of youngins so sometimes it's just youth figuring things out (not that I'm not still figuring stuff out). I will say it's surprising what they are able to do, or not do, with a difference of even 3-4 dollars.
I work in manufacturing of low volume luxury product and get to have a lot more room than an automotive manufacturer does for making things look pretty.
That user talking about the steering wheel leather, usually manufacturers have areas they call A, B and C. A areas are things like steering wheel and dashboard, B might be the side of the door, and C might be the leather behind the seat. They'll use the good stuff for the A areas, then B areas get a bit cheaper stuff, then C areas get the cheapest (like maybe vinyl instead of leather, or poor cuts of hyde if an all leather car).
I know what you mean, it's mostly that everybody thinks they're a genius who can walk into a failing company and save it with their brilliance when they lack any sort of analytical or critical thinking skills
Is that considered fat? 6'4" 210 lbs. and I would maybe just say I'm a bit overweight
Ah yeah, lots of """experts""" out there.
Really older trucks or a baseline truck with a bench seat would be better.
PLEASE do not have children with your slob girlfriend and proceed to raise another no-self-control fat fuck.
wow rewd that's discrimination
Parents with fat kids should have their child taken away. It's abuse to enable that.
I understand all that, however remember that these prestigious car companies did not get the prestige they enjoy today by being bean-counting penny pinchers who squeeze every last dime of profit out of their "product" on the back of material quality, worksmanship and QC. At some point, nobody will remember the really nice Benzes from way back that were really built well and didn't just look flashy and it feels like that might cost them more in terms of revenue than they'd lose by making better interiors, because it means they won't be able to sustain their inflated prices.
Besides, there is this idea that it's OK to blow huge amounts of money when it comes to one-time costs (I couldn't find a figure for R&D costs of the new E class but I'm sure it's more than $1 billion) and recoup that money with inferior build quality. On the other hand, going the other way and making the car a tiny bit more expensive in exchange for a noticeably better interior is taboo for reasons I don't understand.
Probably there's some economic sense to it, but I remain philosophically opposed to this bullshit. Give me nice cars back.
There is a 6'2, 450lb user on Veeky Forums that commutes in a Fiat Punto and rides motorcycles too. So I am fairly confident you're full of shit
Manufacturers have been bean-counting since the beginning. None of this is new. A lot of the great cars we all love had the same thought processes go into them with respect to margins and quality thresholds. A variety of factors have led us to where we are today.
>Besides, there is this idea that it's OK to blow huge amounts of money when it comes to one-time costs (I couldn't find a figure for R&D costs of the new E class but I'm sure it's more than $1 billion) and recoup that money with inferior build quality.
Cheaper doesn't necessarily mean worse quality. Actually the kings of lean production and design for manufacturability are Toyota, who have some of the best reputation for quality. Porsche is another good example of highly profitable with a good quality reputation..
Sometimes cheaper even means better quality, a lot of times simpler means better quality in addition to lower manufacturing costs. Sharing parts can be off putting for various reasons, but it also means less number of parts the manufacture to deal with and with the same number of resources they can design the parts better (they have the same number of engineers working on less parts that they can make really good rather than tons of parts specific for each model that can't get optimized due to brain power resource restrictions), buy them better, etc. I'm tired today from wageslaving so rambling and probably not making any sense.
>Give me nice cars back.
I think the perceptional threshold of quality has lowered. Not just in cars, but in everything: quality of printwork, furniture, food, clothing, you name it. That's a whole other discussion though.
Assmad europoor
I have no problems with "simple" interiors/assemblies or sharing parts. I just want nice, heavy tactile switches and good, dense plastic. No one offers that shit anymore as far as I can see.
As far as "cheaper =/= worse quality", with the notable exception of American manufacturers' quality improvements after 2009/10 or so I haven't really noticed many cars/car makers improving their interior quality from one generation to the next.
And old Toyota interiors may be A E S T H E T I C and solid enough but they never really tried to be premium until Lexus, and I'm a bit skeptical of Lex interiors.
LS400 had a 10/10 gauge cluster though, probably the nicest I've ever seen.
finally an average american posts
top fucking kek
what a shit hole country. lol
i'm dying here (metaphorically unlike you which is literally)
top kek
do not breed you hamplanet. just die.
>have a friend who is 350 lbs
>complains about every goddamn thing being small and how unfair it is that he cant fit in anything
no nigga you just fat af
my friend went to look at a 60s Ford pickup and he couldnt even get in because his gut hit the steering wheel
Fuck you cunt. I can smell your teeth from across the Atlantic.
stay mad you fat dumb americunt. go stuff your face with some plastic food lard arse.
I'm Mexican, actually. but whats the difference
You can't even do 30 pushups nigger. Do it.
i hate americans
i hate fat people
but i like mexicans
i am confused
How can you build the wall if you can't fit into your truck to go to work?
Mainstream media repeatedly referred to George Zimmerman as White-Hispanic. People will categorize you as whatever is convenient for their agenda.
gotchu senpai, this is what you need
You're too fat to fit in a fucking truck?
Fucking Americans, you disgust me.
the front or back?
well famalam, perhaps you could try to go looking around for new roomier trucks, or lose the weight
could do both at the same time.
im 6'2 and tree hunnit and ive never had a problem even with the small elantras or miatas thankfully.
>bench seat
>has a center console anyway
What's the fucking point?
It's not a bench seat though, that's just the center compartment/glovebox.
Holy kek. I've never seen anyone this fat in my whole life.
>We're out of options as we have no choice but to drop all this weight.
What the fuck? Out of options? Was not being completely obese your absolutely last option? Why are you saying that losing weight is such a bad thing and that you've been defeated in your epic journey to gain as much weight as possible? What the FUCKING shit is wrong with you disgusting people, how the fuck can you be so adamantly set in your ways about being so fucking fat that you immediately blame the fucking car company to not be able to compensate for your absolutely retarded fucking weight, it's like installing a asthma inhaler in every vehicle, what the fuck is the use of having an asthma inhaler in my car if I don't fucking have asthma.
Just take your lard barge out on the street. At your size, how much shame could you possibly have?
Oh, I see it now. Lame.
You mean you're a fat sack of lard?
>You mean you're a fat sack of lard?
Yeah.. I am obese.
that's a no shit answer.
I thought the picture in the thumbnail made it clear enough, but I guess there are slow people such as yourself that I have to explain it thoroughly too.
Why do you trip about this? Why do you post about it? Is it because you're a pervert that likes to get off to people humiliating him in public?
lol, youre too fat to fit in a truck, might as well end yourself at this point man.
god i wish they made those, not even joking. half the time it's hard for me to get my large ass in my truck, and my sidesteps are nearly breaking off.
manlets when will they learn?
jesus christ, you're meaning to tell me a huge pickup truck out of all things cant even support your fucking fat ass weight?