/dc/ here
Where do you live, Veeky Forums?
As a resident of Virginia, I'd like to state for the record that the beltway crowd is the cancer of our state.
Texas reporting in.
San Francisco reporting. We are invaded by tech faggots.
Chicago reporting in.
Georgia reporting in.
Better than the hicks and hipsters in the rest of the state
t. Alexandrian
You are the malignant tumor atop the ass of our state. That's right you fucked us up so bad that our state's ass is on the top and of it, and every resident of Chicago is the shit that that ass shits out.
Wisconsin here
Fuck am I the only non American on his?
Aussie here
Non-Americans being the minority of posters explains the content quality
sacramento, California
I don't come here often, is it shit?
It's a good board
If you ignore the /pol/ vs. commie proxywar it isn't too bad
It's an unholy mix of /pol/, /int/, /k/, and Veeky Forums
but somehow it works and most of the time it's pretty comfy
I honestly don't think i've ever seen a board with as many conflicting opinions as Veeky Forums. Every board on this site is a hivemind/hugbox except here.
The only hiveminds/echochambers on Veeky Forums are the popular boards who have developed cultures and are truly people's "main board".
Slow boards like Veeky Forums are usually just "side boards" for people so they usually end up being a mix of culture from all the popular boards.
Truly a free market of ideas