Can we hate on cyclists for a while? It always makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside

Can we hate on cyclists for a while? It always makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

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>I bet cagers did this

They actually did that time, though. Dipshit in a news car swerved to avoid a tree and smashed him right into the barbed wire. No doubts. Cyclists are still complete faggots 99/100 times, though.

Go to sleep, Snowcat. Fucking boring video. Next time, run him over.

I've never had a problem with people who cycle as a hobby since they actually obey the rules and know what it's like to drive a car. It's always the people who ride bikes because they can't afford a car that are fucking assholes on the road

>that evo at 4:25

>playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner

Welp, it was probably a shit video anyway.

Snowcat is a fucking loser. Seriously the dude is an embarrassment to motorcycle enthusiasts.

>since they actually obey the rules and know what it's like to drive a car

I have to assume that every armstrong wannabe in spandex on a $1000 bicycle darting the fuck through stop signs and lights drive cars just as badly as they ride their bicycles

that's sarcasm right?

t. Spandex wearing granola fucking munching faggot

nope i just googled it and realized that the lancer evolution is not the lancer.

I'm pretty new to cars still, so my bad.

>lane splits and goes twice the speed of cars around him, and gets mad when people go to change lanes and dont see him flying up behind them out of nowhere

Hes a fag.

Is it a common thing for cyclists to shave their asses?

it's fine, it's a poser with the evo wing anyway

pick one

na i think it's just a normal thing for cyclefags

bring your A game OP

nice work dodge bro :^)

fucking redneck faggots in trucks that roal coal piss me the fuck off.

cycle fag detected

still haven't been able to clean your spandex after getting btfo by a truck?

>ya gotta stick to the right side of the lane because you ain't a car!

no, cyclists have all the rights and have to follow all the same rules as cars and motorcycles

the same thing applies to most all civilized countries, however they also typically have dedicated bicycle lanes so it's not a problem

but they also don't have a victimization complex like Americans, so it's even less of a problem


Oh my god why are cyclists so filthy

How fragile must you be to get mad at a guy on a bike?

>Can we hate on cyclists for a while? It always makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Pls kys cuckold

Only thing worse than a bicycle is a motorcycle.

Get a car, stop being a stupid teenager.

Stay slow and enjoy the time stuck traffic, cuck.

You can't lane split in my state. They sit with the rest of us.

America is truly a shithole lel

This is how I imagine all guys that drive sports bikes act like. Probably the most cancerous auto scene there is.

my bike for the trail, my car for the road.

>Group of wannabe tour de france faggots coming up while driving smack in the middle of the road
>They don't give any way what so ever
>Slow down while overtaking them and turn on my sprinklers
>Enjoy the butthurt as it enfolds
>Speed away while laughing my ass off
I just can't help fucking with them.

>hating on people that willingly use the most noble way of transportation apart from walking
Fuck off, Snowcat, you stupid cunt.

Yeah, cyclist can be douches but so can be drivers and riders, Snowcat is the perfect example of this.

>canadian goes to america
>acts entitled and shitty
Is that him being a canadian or him absorbing too much cali culture? Any calianons here to weigh in?


Why is the car not evertaking the cyclist anyway? Why are the bikers staying behind cars? In California you can filter.

Not from the US, but in my country it would technically be illegal because of the full double lines. But then again, the cyclist would also be eligble for a ticket as he is hindering the flow of traffic.

how do you expect someone to filter on a two way road with double lines? especially when cops are all over the place

funny ive driven/ridden most forms of transport and WITHOUT a doubt 4wd and Squids (motofags) are the WORST

Carfags and truckies are usually ok.

What kind of cuck would stay behind a cyclist when no one is coming in the other lane just because there's a double line?
What kind of cuck would not horn the cyclist after 2 seconds? Stay on the fucking right.
By doing it? Duh. It's not hard.
See, this is exactly why Americans are ridiculous in the eyes of every other driver/rider in the world.

I mostly agree with shitcat but he does over dramatize shit

t.Lance Armstrong wannabe

Friend of mine had an old jeep he put a truck horn in, sounded like three 18 wheeler horns at once. One time we were coming up on a group of cyclists riding in the middle of the road and he just said "watch this" and he sped up and pressed the giant horn button as he came up on them, they all swerved to the side with a few crashing into the grass and they almost all came to a complete stop. He swerved and went around them and two started trying to ride to catch up, and his rear window wiper sprayer was broken and it just shot straight backward, so he just turned it on and left it on and it started spraying them both and they stopped so hard they almost fell off their bikes.

10/10 would ride with again


t. dagumi wannabe

There's nothing wrong with running stop signs and red lights on a bicycle. Cyclists have the best situational awareness and stopping capability of any road user. If someone runs into us it's because they are presenting an inordinate hazard.

Doesn't matter, we can still weave in and out of traffic.

That is a world class TdF cyclist so they shave everything for marginal gains.

This is what gave him the wound:

Did finish the stage on a cloud of EPO and rage, inspiring.

This, I don't get why cagers get so angry. We're doing them a favor by reducing congestion and it's been proven that lane splitting reduces it even further. Wanting everyone, including themselves to suffer more in the name of 'fairness' is symptomatic of their pitiful intelligence and emotional maturity quotients.

ITT: Butthurt fatties who would break a bicycle by sitting on it get mad at people who take care of their health and exercise is a legal and reasonable way

That's not a healthy motor.

dude weed LMAO

Is this what Americans do for fun?

Because you're slower and far less visible than any other road user, including motorcyclists, and all too often you cause the same bottlenecks you claim to be solving. For me though, the worst part is that if either of us slips up, you will die and I'll have to live with that for the rest of my life.

I don't get most people's behaviour in traffic in general.

To assface yesterday morning: I'm gonna merge right, I've been signaling to do so, I haven't cut a traffic jam, why do you insist on speeding up to block me? My car is bigger than yours and it's a beater to boot.

I would assume and
are motorcyclists

My bad. Still, I'd feel like shit if I killed one, even if it wasn't my fault.

You gotta remember there'll always be autists in every community.
Just like there's automobile drivers going "reeeeee bike scum, get gassed!" There's probably as many motorcyclists going "cagers get fucked reeeeeee". As a motorist who worships at the altar of traffic flow, I couldn't care less if motorcycles lane split. Anything goes to keep the flow. People in general just need to practice situational awareness, indicating BEFORE turning and fucking shoulder-checking to avoid blind spots.
And maybe we should forget the "us vs. them" bullshit, because we're all motorists with equal rights to the road.

>I can't drive, therefore cyclists shouldn't be allowed on the road

Nice reading comprehension there buddy.

Not me, that's for certain. Was just pointing out that it's illegal.

Nope, the message is just mistified, it's basically all his fault.
>I can't see you
>I make a mistake and kill you

>cyclists cause bottlenecks
Not even gonna comment on this one.

Poetic fucking justice.

Just how hairy is your ass, dude?


Yeah, fuck right off. Just because you can't afford to own or maintain a decent vehicle, no need to get all snooty about the seven pounds of tube steel you "drive" around.

Justice for what crime exactly?

Being an inconsiderate cyclist who don't pull in and ride in single file when cars are coming up.
I don't mind cyclists in general. It's when their egos start to hinder traffic flow I start to get ticked off.

It's cute that you think that "being inconsiderate" is a problem but maliciously running people off the road in your truck isn't.

I'm not even that guy. I just found the mental picture hilarious. Stay mad, though.

'Bemused' is probably more accurate.

These were great

Why the fuck is the rest of the world not like Japan where cyclists are required to just use the fucking sidewalk? Who's fucking idea was it to treat them as motor vehicle traffic and why has the majority of the world adopted this nonsensical and dangerous practice?

/k/alifornian reporting, it might be a bit of column A and column B but I'm leaning on B.

Would be a mighty dandy idea if moronic carfags hadn't stopped building sidewalks in entire neighborhoods. Also country roads. You want to pay for a sidewalk on every country road?


Bicycles should NOT be allowed on roads. Only motor vehicles should be on roads.

>Can we hate on cyclists for a while?
No, we can't. We're already the most bossy infrastructure hogs in the world.

Holy shit you're a moronic cuntbag.

>let's ban the one form of wheeled transportation that doesn't release pestilence into the atmosphere and ground in one way or another

Why don't you faggot bikers pay for the sidewalks? You're the ones using them

But they are if they work and consume. You do realize that not all motor related taxes go towards roads, and not all roads are exclusively funded from motor taxes, right? It's a shared tax household.

>first point
Very true
>second point
They've actually started doing this near where I live. It's only on a few roads but it's a good start

It's actually less dangerous than having cyclists cross roads from the sidewalk.

>the massive butthurt in the comments

>Veeky Forums now pretending that rolling coal isn't the greatest horse shit in the history of motoring just because it occasionally hits cyclists
Everyone defending rolling coal should be gassed with rolled coal, regardless of cyclists.

Thanks /k/omrade. I was genuinely curious about that, but the only american culture I've ever seen firsthand is oklahomans.

no fuck off you redneck

Friendly reminder that truckfaggots are tiny-dicked numales

>american """drivers"""

This isn't even remotely true. Cyclists gets the short end of the stick because they're slower than other traffic.

>"Under the Highway Traffic Act, a bicycle is a vehicle" and goes on to say must obey traffic laws.
However, it also says
>"You must stay as close to the right edge of the road whenever possible, especially if you're slower than other traffic."

This is for Ontario but I assume other areas have similar rules. If they don't, they're tree hugging faggots.

honestly if more normies rode bikes the world would be a much better place

Possibly. But they have to learn to ride them predictably, and legally. Which most don't even believe they have to do.. Everyone should adjust to their habits and to hell with the law or safety.

It's a suicidal approach to their problem of safety, which is ironic, and shows how stupid some cyclists are.

I will say I know a lot of cyclists, and some are AOK. They stick to safer streets, know the rules, and obey them. They're all doing fine, commute to work, etc. I know 4 others that are dicks about it and think they're king of the road because they're being "green", smell their own fart types. 3 have been hit by cars.

>muh anecdotes
All stats are anecdotes, just with bigger sample sizes.

Solid troll considering how buttmad everyone in the comments is, and how triggered Veeky Forums is judging by these replies.

>this guy hurts my sensibility
>better push him off the road

Doesn't see to me like cagers are paying for the privilege of using a huge motorized vehicle when there wouldn't even be enough space for every person in the world to have one, or that they are paying for the damage they're doing to earth (not like it would even be possible to return earth as it was).

I've legitimately almost killed this idiot who rides one of these up and down a single lane 55mph road with no sidewalk or bike lane
That dude is seriously on borrowed time, Some old lady or gook will take him out one of these days I know it

why are you so mad about your tiny dick?

>All stats are anecdotes, just with bigger sample sizes.

Stay in school user.

>tfw bikers are statistically bound to be ran over by Stacey-May in her Mercedes gle on the way to her bull.

1000$ nigga I know granola munchers that pay close to 10k

>be my country
>sidewalks pretty much everywhere except for country roads
>cyclists supposed to use sidewalks but are allowed to use roads if theres no sidewalks
>they still use the roads anyway and never the sidewalks
>and ride in the middle side by side instead of in a line
>and the government invested in building bike tracks that stretch all the way from the country side to the city but no cyclists use them because they have to stop for cars sometimes since it crosses roads
>meanwhile they jump redlights all the fucking time on roads

Cyclists have had every chance not to be cunts but still choose to be.