What do I do Veeky Forums? It's fucked

What do I do Veeky Forums? It's fucked.

>drive to a weld shop
>tell them you need them to torch your wheel
>wait for laughter to stop
>pay them
>go home

Nigger WHAT THE FUCK did you do?

You mean what did my Indian mechanic do when he told me he couldn't find the locknut, and when I said I don't know should I just get a new one, he responded with "nah bro I'll just chisel it off don't worry"

>universal wheels

This. You should shoot yourself in the fucking face for this.

They were on the car when I bought it, you should be bitching about the fact they're chrome. Thats far worse.

Just remove the fucking brake rotor and knock out the stud you idiot this isnt hard


thats not just the stud

its still fucking in there


How the fuck is this guy your mechanic?

literally how

This shit sucks, I never understood why they put stupid covers over the lugs that your tool interfaces with.

It's like a sleeve that's the mm/inch measurement of the tool you're using. Like that's logical right? Put a sleeve as your tool engagement surface. What could possibly go wrong?

Here's what you do
>Remove rest of lug studs/bolts
>Take off brake disc with hammer, you'll probably need a new one
>Grab pliers/vice grips and remove that shit

You fucked up brah

Poo or feather?

stick a nut on it and weld it on

Drill the stud

This, drill the stud out. Not too hard.

Oxy torch it off, then replace the whole bearing/rotor assembly.

>mfw weebs on Veeky Forums will tell you that studs are better than bolts

Find a new fucking mechanic

>eurocucks implying bolts are better

Never stripped a stud, broke one off, or had any issues on anything I've worked on and driven.

>everything from 1940's chevy/ford pickups to 60's landbarges to 70/80's half ton/ 3/4 ton / 1 ton pickups and misc 80's shitboxes

Here's what you do,
get in your car
second drive it to the wreckers and walk home because you don't deserve to drive a car