How have the Jewish people produced so many great philosophers, artists, scientists, theocrats, composers, actors and academics?
What makes the Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jewries so competitive toward Western and Mediterranean culture?
How have the Jewish people produced so many great philosophers, artists, scientists, theocrats, composers, actors and academics?
What makes the Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jewries so competitive toward Western and Mediterranean culture?
It's the Jews
They have been struggling to remain relevant as a culture and not fade away like the thousands of other nationalities.
Culture is the mother of all art and science.
History and tradition of everyone learning to read and write. Jewish culture supporting and encouraging literacy and intelligence while most were supporting and encouraging being the biggest guy who could throw stick good.
Literally most cultures today, even among the most educated and western, still implicitly promote bravado and masculinity. Jews and Asians continue to just be industrious and productive. But unlike the Asians, Jews also have a vivid imagination and spiritual tradition that lends itself to creativity.
are you saying asians have no imagination and no spiritual tradition?
They are literally gods chosen people. If there was a movie done on humanity, they would be the main character.
I stand with Israel.
An emphasis on literacy and white-collar professions, especially compared to the rest of the middle class. Guisippe the tailor or Sven the candlemaker might be literate but still make a good living with their hands and wits first and foremost whereas Schlomo the lawyer's entire procession revolves around the written word and arguments surrounding it.
They're literally Big G's Chosen folk man.
My wife's Grandfather was a tailor. He was an immigrant. Her Parents were both Rocket Scientists. She and her brother are both MD's
Self betterment through knowledge.
Their artists and composers were mostly garbage.
Yeah that's retarded. Sure, the 'revival' of pre-modern East Asian arts is mostly for cheap consumerism, but it disregards the modern art movements.
They had to use their head or they'd literally become extinct.
Hannah Arendt argues parvenu strategies of social advancement took precedence over the political struggle for equal rights; but she also says that a significant proportion of Jews consciously chose pariahdom, living outside the conformity of mass society, which is obviously highly conducive to intellectual freedom. She cites these forms of life-style as reasonable responses to the ghetto mentality of the Jewish diaspora.
God doesn't exist
when you dont believe in heaven the aim is to have a good life here. since they dont threaten you with hell many become atheists and turn to science. if more of a group turns to a field more will excel at a field
This article is very interesting and now I want to read the book it's discussing.
They've been book-learning since inception and let their teachers and rabbis have families.
What the fuck?
Mahler, Kubrick, Polanski, Reich, Vertov, Gershwin, Copland, Woody Allen, Ligeti, and the Coen Brothers are brilliant.
You might not like Philip Glass or Arnold Schoenberg or Mark Rothko, but their work was groundbreaking and required immense skill.
They have a rather high average IQ.
That's it.
Anglos are the better ethnicity
Although Jews and Anglos are quite alike
Spinoza argues that anti-Semitism perpetuated the Jewish people. If Jews had not been excluded from Christian and Muslim society, they would have disappeared into the gentile population through intermarriage.
We don't know.
Several theories are put forth. The two main ones are that either 1) the founding population of ashkenazi jews, which was very small (a few hundred people) had a high average IQ for some unknown reason, or that 2) the average IQ of ashkenazi jews gradually increased during the middle ages because jews, having to work in "white collar" professions, were selected for intelligence: smarter jews had more surviving children than dumber jews, because being smart correlates with success in white collar type professions.
Keep in mind though that this is entirely speculative. However, what is not speculative is that ashkenazi jews have a higher average IQ. What is interesting is that their verbal IQ is really high, their spatial IQ being closer to the white average.
Actually I'm an Anglo
Us and Jews control the world from behind the scenes
All conflict in the world is merely a game between the Eternal Anglo and the Abiding Ashkenazi
who's winning?
Tips minora
I think the Jewish IQ being really high theory is bullshit propaganda. The Ashkenazis are supposed to be somehow wildly intelligent, but they are by quite a large margin, the most prevalent ethnic group in Israel, where the average IQ is 95.
Sorry I triggered you.
>I think the Jewish IQ being really high theory is bullshit propaganda.
No it's not.
> but they are by quite a large margin, the most prevalent ethnic group in Israel,
No they're not. They're around 1/3rd of the population. The other 2/3rds depress the Israeli IQ.
There is actually a huge social problem in Israel because it is basically a caste society, with ashkenazis on top.
The peculiarities of the Jewish immigrant community in the United States, which became a world leader in science; and the integration and privileged status they had in pre-War Germany, which was a world leader in science at the time.
If we look closely, Jews today are about average for white people, only more likely to go to college.
It's not total bullshit, it's just based on a decades old study.
Today, Jewish people are about average for Europeans. Except more likely to attend college.
Not just Ashkenazim have changed the though. Jesus, Maimonides, Spinoza, David Ricardo, Disraeli, Adorno, Derrida...
They have a strong family structure, value education and are quite guilty of nepotism.
>a bunch of hollywood goons
Yeah let's include Polanksi the guy who drugged and buttraped a 13 year old. Kill yourself.
>saying that black people have low IQ's makes you an evil racist
>saying that jews have high IQs makes you a good guy
Gee. I wonder who could be behind this one...
endogamy and sexual selection
for centuries they were forced to live in ghettos and dedicate themselves only to finances, collecting taxes and lending money, while most of the population worldwide was made of farmers or artisans, the typical European serf.
the only Jews not dedicated to finances-accounting were the Rabbis, and to be a Rabbi you had to be a very intelligent polyglot who knew at least ancient hebrew, aramaic, yiddish and probably other language like russian or polish or high german.
the only way to be successful in that ghetto community was to be brilliant, and successful people had more offspring.
europeans made jews smart because of the limitations they imposed on them for centuries. Jews were unconsciously bred (by Europeans) like dog breeds. Retrievers retrieve from lakes ducks you shoot, Border Collies shepherd sheep, and Jews are smart and good with money.
There is no international Jewish conspiracy. Everything is explained by their intelligence, and their higher predisposition to mentall illness and sociopathy due to being both very intelligent and very inbred.
> If there was a movie done on humanity, they would be the main character.
i might steal this...
He still created pretty good films.
/po/tards with a victim complex are behind it.
i dont think you thoroughly read what he said retard
because they're not a civilisation
they're a unique entity bound to no lands, they're resemble a parasite to other civilisation rather than an independent cultural entity
their achievements are gathered and stolen from their host countries and later approved as 'jewish', even though their achievements are product of their upbringing in their host civilisation, and nothing to do with jewish culture
in particular the ashkenazis are the jewish parasite of europe, and the sephardis are the jewish parasite of middle east, they're assimilate within their host culture while destroying them from within
thats why jews have different names in many different countries like albert einstein in germany and ibnu al maymun in north africa
Most Greek philosophers were pedophiles but their work is still very meaningful
"All Jews were financiers" is a meme, sources suggest that the vast majority of Jews performed menial jobs within ghettos, often relying on the capital of the 25-5% of Jews who were rich due to finance.
The insular nature of medieval Jewish communities required many professions specific to these communities -- butchers, tailors, teachers, clerks, and servants.
racist ass origami makers refusing to use colored paper
when you see """"jewish"""" achievement its the result of their host civilization these parasites are claiming as their own.
Ashkenazi Jews are the intellectual heavyweights of humanity. It's all thanks to their genes.
Deal with it.
>in b4 anyone can be smart you just have to encourage them to read from a young enough age
No way is it solely genetic.
The average IQ difference between Ashkenazi Jews and the Japanese is negligible... yet 20th century Jewish achievements greatly overshadow the Japanese, despite there being about six times more Japanese people in the world.
Japan's mean iq (105) is not a statistically significant deviation from the 100 mean.
However when half of Ashkenazi Jews are statistically guaranteed to have an iq higher than 115, magic happens.
There are just as many talented people of other races but the jews have long held the apex of power in western civilization and so self select.
>Jewish archievements
>muh nobel
the Japanese build a country and an economy from the ashes of war to the 2nd (now 3rd) greatest economy in the world
now look at that great mess that the state of Israel is
I mean, he has a handful of good movies, although the stuff he made between Tess and The Pianist is pure garbage
cultural marxism
Sefardim and Ashkenazim are genetically very similar and both stem from Roman converts (together with levantine ancestry)
talk again when israeli cities will look like this and not poo in loo
>b-but muh individual archievements
Read outliers by malcolm gladwell. you will be surprised.
israel iq is 95
Israel is 20% arabs, and an even higher % of Russian immigrants with a russian granddad, Jews from arab countries and piss poor families like Ethiopians and Moroccan Jews
this all makes the avg IQ drop
>being this intransigent
japan has a way higher population, no problems with surrounding countries sponsoring terrorism in theirs, rockets on a daily basis and a constant threat of war meaning their army needs to be alert 24/7
1.russians dont have a lower iq on average, even with 20% muslim population and in much worse conditions they are still 97
2.jews from arab countries have the same genetics as jews otherwise way israel iq is only 95 if their jewish population has an otherwise above average IQ
>2.jews from arab countries have the same genetics as jews otherwise
not true
also if the Ashkenazi average IQ lies around 112 and the Russian average IQ around 97 then it's pretty obvious that the avg iq in israel wont be 112 (and I'm not even regarding the arab influence on the national IQ)
are you below 18?
>not true
sauce, jews didnt racemix
(112+97)2 > 95 (assuming equal weights for russian and jewish, which is incredibly generous to your point of view)
the reason jews are smarter on average is the same reasons asians are, in the west that is
a culture of literacy
Everything I don't like is /pol/
its a pol meme that the manipulating duplicitous jew is much more intelligent than the naive white folk
then why does pol consider them inferior? All I hear from that board is that whites are the smartest race and that's what makes them better
every time I see a stupid post that makes me think this person has brain damage, someone manages to outdo it
1. autosomal dna shows that jews are intensely mixed. this is just a fact
2. literacy does not improve iq. a person with 100 iq points leaves college and a masters program with 100 iq points. you literally cant change your iq, except to drink poison, which might lower it by ten points because of biological/genetic damage.
oh wow, an agent that causes biological/genetic damage reduces a capacity that is biological/genetic. go figure.
it's fnny, because drinking poison doesn't reduce my love for my culture's food, or anything else about "culture"
culture of literacy my ass
The composers you quoted (aside for Mahler and maybe Ligeti) fade away if compared to Beethoven, Bach or Brahms. Or Mozart.
Otto Weininger was the only good Jew
they decided to make a state so quickly and they still need tons of american money to maintain a decent standard of living
it's like if somebody tried to build a skyscraper on mud
No that's not what I'm saying. But I am placing them lower on that spectrum than Jews. Asians are rigidly hierarchical and much of their culture reflects the ambient asceticism of Buddhism, which specifically focuses on eliminating abstraction and imagination in favor of mindfulness with the present. It's less conducive to discovering or inventing weird things.
Good for them, dude. What does that have to do with our discussion about civilizations?
I'd highly recommend reading Kevin Macdonald's 'Culture of Critique' if you want to learn more about this certain question.
No one doubts either of those things. People get mad at you when you turn around and start talking about how we should re-enslave the niggers on the basis of IQ statistics.
>no mendelssohn
>no Heine
>no Groucho Marx
If the Jewish people have so many great thinkers and artists then why have I heard of so few of them?
This thread seems like a gigantic jewish circlejerk, just like the whole of your religion.
Lmao, that nigga thinks Jews chosing to live on the East Coast is an act of colonization.
Kevin MacDonald not a legitimate historian or anthropologist whatsoever and only has a PhD in biology. He's absolutely incapable of attributing any decision by anybody to any other motivation than "race interest".
becasue you're retarded
>He's absolutely incapable of attributing any decision by anybody to any other motivation than "race interest".
Does that mean that he can fuck all the little brown fuck machines he wants?
Or it's because they haven't actually contributed any more than anyone else.
The need to prop up mediocre people in order to make your small group of self obsessed supremacists reflects insecurity.
How much does it bother you zionists that Israel only exists because it was given to you by gentiles out of sympathy?
Stop memeing, this guy is the reason East Asians are so tradition oriented, not Buddhism. The Zen and Taoist traditions are all about how sticking to social conventions and propriety for the sake of it is stupid--there's even a famous Zen koan in which a master answers "a dry shitstick" when one of his monks asks him what is the Buddha. Pseudo-sciences like feng-shui, Chinese medicine and alchemy all have a Taoist substratum too.
Buddhism has influenced South and South East Asia as well, but you don't see them being anything like you descrived either. How the hell does mindfulness with the present eliminate abstraction and imagination anyway? You'd think a PoV that is based on clear views of the facts and their changes would do the complete opposite.
the difference is that they are mainstream so you are able to name them